Ducks Meet Salemites Webfoots Vie With Bearcats In Practice Tilt Coach Don Kirsch’s varsity base ball nine, rested up after a stren uous ten day trek through Wash ington and Idaho, has a non-con ference clash this afternoon with the Willamette Bearcats at Salem. Oregon defeated the Salem nine earlier this season, 6-3, in a pre season game at Eugene. Huts to Start Trent Huls has been nominated by Kirsch to start on the hill for the Webfoots. The Oregon coach also said he would experiment with the lineup, giving some re serves the starting nods, thus giv ing the regular nine more rest and also letting the younger players get experience. Willamette is currently dead locked for the top position In the Northwest conference, and the Bearcats have defeated Oregon State twice this year. Oregon State won its fifth straight game on the road yester day at Seattle, trouncing the Washington Huskies, 9-4. The vic tory gave the Beavers a boost in ND BASEBALL STANDINGS „ W L Pet GH Oregon State . 7 2 .778 OREGON .;..8 3 .727 Wa»hi/igton $t»te,._.S . .(, .455 3 .4 (, .400 3 54 Washington.1 »• 8 < .HI 6 MONDAY’S RESULT3 Oregon State, 9, at Washington, 4. percentage, but the Corvallis crew is still tied with Oregon In the games behind column. OSC Plays Today After OSC plays Washington again today In Washington, the Orange will return home to pre pare for the season-ending four game finale with the Webfoots. The last four games will prob ably determine the champion. Since the title Is awarded on strict percentage basis, the Beavers have an edge in the race. If the Aggies can win three of their last five games, they will sew up the crown. Joe DiMaggio got three hits the day of his major league base ball debut, May 3, 1936. Budwieser park in St. Louis is the oldest major league ball park. The first game was played there I May 5, 1876. Aerial Ace VETERAN QUARTERBACK Barney Holland has been call-, lug the play\ for Coach Leo Casanova’s grldders this spring. ADVANCES TO FINALS ATO Fights off Beta Foes. 54 Alpha Tau Omega withstood late I inning rallies by Beta Theta PI to! defeat the Betas, 5-4, Monday aft-1 ernoon and move into the finals of the intramural softball tourna ment. Bob Altman, on the mound for the ATO's, was nicked for sev en hits, one more than the winners managed to get, but pulled out of a number of tight spots for the win. Scoring single runs in the first and second innings, the Betas i jumped to a quick 2-1 lead but fell back as ATO pushed across three runs in the fourth. Beta Theta Pi made it 4-5 with two runs in the sixth and had the tying marker on thud with none out in the seventh, but Altman closed the door. Ed Myers started the Betas scoring in the first inning. Beaching second as a result of a fielder’s choice, he scored when ATO Shortstop Ken Wegner ov erthrew first for^a two-base er ror. The ATO's retaliated with a run in their half of the first— N'ne Hn Big in ■ Sigma Chi coupled a five-run fourth inning with the two-hit pitching of Gordon Sloan to down Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 7-4. The win gave the Sigs the right to meet the Legal Eagles at 4 p.m. today on the south diamond. The SAE’s took a 3-0 lead in the first on a combination of er rors and walks and a hit by Don Krieger. They added another in the fourth, but Sigma Chi scored five in their half of the frame, with Sloan getting the only hit. , Two more Sigma Chi runs in the sixth iced the contest. Pitching tight ball after the first, Sloan allowed but two hits ' while fanning five. SPORTS FARE TUESDAY, MAY 12 SOFTBALL 4 :00 North Field : Legal Eagles vs Sigma Chi (Semi final games). OPENS WED., MAY 13 Nothing Ever Like It in NATURAL VISION WARNER BROS. ASTOUNDING FEATURE PICTURE! flKM Ho use of war colon mr WW yv WARNERCOLOR ® STARRING Nr VINCENT PRICE FRANK LOVEJOY PHYUJS KIRK R H SAE - 300 100 0—4 2 Sigma Chi 000 502 x—7 4 Von Cleff and Turja; Sloan and Griffith, Ruhlman. Josh Devore stole four bases in one inning in 1912 for the New York Giants. Pete Schneider hit five home runs in one game in 1923, when the Vernon PCL team beat Salt Lake City in nine innings, 35-11. r m ■ Bill Kirby driving: in Myron Bag ley with a single—but the Betas took the lead again in the second on another singleton. I In the fourth the ATO’s broke | loose. With two out, Jack Boehme ' singled and stole second. Ray Hem i py was safe on an error, Boehme taking third. Barney Loch then < singled to plate both runners and j scored a minute later on Paul 1 Lasker’s one-baser. 5-2 in Fifth The ATO's made it 5-2. in the I fifth on Wegner's triple and Alt I man’s single. With Dick Adams slugging a I homer to lead off, the Betas ral j lied for two runs in the sixth. Aft I er Adams’ homer, Beta Pitcher | Harlan Mickey walked, was wild pitched to second, and scored on ! Dick Fettig’s single. Tom Lyon tripled to lead off the Beta's seventh, but Altman got Myers on a strikeout and two others on grounders. In all Altman fanned five and walked three. Mickey struckout four and issued two free passes. Adams was the leading hitter with his homer and a single. Betas 110 002 0—4 7 3 ATO 100 310 x—5 6 2 Mickey and Stout; Altman and Boehme. 1 'There'll be some changes made.. Vofe UIS .. . a fighting party .... a positive platform Page Three Duck Bowlers Test Purdue Team For National Collegiate Alley Title University of Oregon will claim the collegiate bowling champion ship of the United States^if it wins a Telephonic meet with the Purdue Boilermakers, this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. on the Student Union alleys. Oregon is the Northern Division winner while Purdue is the cham pion of Big Ten competition. The Webfoot team will be han dicapped by the loss of Don Hannu, one of the team’s top bowlers who dropped out of school recently. With Hannu’s absence, the squad will be composed of Norm Rueck er, Jim Ekstrom, George Troeh, Sam Sorenson, and Leo Naapi. Coach is Lou Bellisimo. Oregon won the Northern Di vision championship for 1952-53, in the ND collegiate tournament held early in April in the Stn dent Union. Rueeker and Soren son were doubles champs with 1197. Sorenson was the all-evenflt champ with a high of 17jD5. Thfe team, which has gone undefeated in the last two years, Was bowled consistently with about a 180 aW> erage. Hairy Smythe won the “C” championship of the all-campus bowling tournament which been going on since May 1. Smythe, with a 16 pin hmnHeap, rolled a 589. Second was j$ob> Rubenstehi, with a 560. Third place went to Len Orer-.. holser, 552; fourth was Wayrife Lill, 540, and fifth was Bob Cote with 521. The women’s “B” finals will tte held today, starting at 4:00 p.m. in the STJ basement. C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. = Co-op Members For your own protection please observe the following: 1. Turn in your CO-OP Receipts on or before 5:00 p.m, Wednesday, May 20th. to the office of the Co-op. 2. Place the total of your receipts on the envelope. 3. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with memberships on record at the Co-op. 4* TJie refund is paid in cash during final examination week. 5. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please staple together. Be sure your name, home address, and membership number is on the envelope. The DEADLINE for turning in receipts is 5:00 p.m. May 20th University of Oregon Co-op Store