Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Twenty-one Vying
On ASUO Ballot
(Continued from page 1)
large, has withdrawn from the
race, after his appointment as
chairman of the Student Union
publicity committee. This is in
line with SU policy against board
and directorate members holding
political office.
Placed in Order
The ASUO presidential candi
dates appear on the ballot in alpha
betical order, with those running
for senate-at-large alternating
thereafter according to party
choice. Schmidt’s name was in
serted partway down the list.
Names, in order on the ballot,
are Collin. Funk, and Wrightson,
for president; Sally Hayden—UIS,
Bob Summers—AGS, Tom Shep
herd — UIS, Wes Ball — AGS.
Schmidt — non-partisan, Hollis
.Ransom—UIS, Don Crawford—
AGS. Marilyn Parrish — AGS
(Goh's name was originally be
tween Crawford and Miss Parrish),
Germaine LaMarche — UIS, Alan
Oppliger — AGS, John Vazbys —
UIS, Mary Wilson — AGS, Pru
dence Ducich — UIS, Joe Anstett
—AGS, Wesley Roop — UIS, Rob
ert Pollock — AGS, Alta Haag—
UIS, and Ward Cook—AGS.
The senior class ballot has Don
ald Fisher — UIS, Paul Lasker—
AGS, Patti Ruan — AGS, and El
sie Schiller — UIS, in that order.
For junior class office are Ann
Blackwell — AGS, Leonard Cal
vert — UIS. Bob Kanada — UIS
and Jim Light — AGS.
Sophomore Candidates Listed
Sophomore class office candi
dates are Jim Duncan — AGS,
Janet Gustafson — AGS, Sam
Vahey — UIS and Paul Ward—
Lasker and Miss Schiller are
running for senior class president.
Calvert and Light for junior pres
ident, and Duncan and “Vahey for
.sophomore president, although all
class office candidates are theoret
ically eligible for president of their
class on their particular preferen
tial ballot.
All class office candidates will
be elected to some class office,
since there are four offices to be
filled for each class, (barring an
unprecedented write-in vote, of
Oregon Sophomore
Dies Early Friday
Nadine Crabtree, sophomore in
■English, who had been ill with a
blood disease for over a month,
died early Friday morning in
Sacred Heart hospital. She suffer-,
ed from a condition in which her
system did not manufacture blood
and had been given blood trans
fusions throughout her illness.
Miss Crabtree transferred to
Oregon from Oregon State last
fall and was a member of Alpha
Chi Omega. She was the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Crab
tree of Coos Bay.
Pi Phi, Sigma Chi
Win Sing Trophies
(Continued from page 1)
Delta Delta Delta scholarships
v/ere awarded to Roberta Sten
kamp who will receive $350 during
her junior year, and Mary Jordan,
who will receive $200 during her
.senior year.
First place in the Peter Pauper
Press essay contest was won by
Ann Ogle, with Richard Lyons
taking second place.
Gamma Phi Beta was presented
with the Josephine Evans HrV
pham library cup for maintaining
the best library program during
the last year. Placing second and
third in the contest were Tau Kap
pa Epsilon and Rebec house.
The Washington Monument is a
tapering shaft of white marble,
555 feet, 5V8 inches square at the
■ base. Eight small windows, two
on each side, are located at the
000 foot level.
Art Editor Needed for 1954 Oreaana, Ford Savs
A call for art editor of the 1954
Oregana has been made by Bob
Ford, editor.
Any student, whether an art
student or not, should submit ex
amples of their work in the form
of ink drawings to the Oregana
office, third floor of the Student
Pictures submitted should de
pict campus life. Landmarks, tra
ditions and especially sketches of
students doing various activities
are among those which could be,
Sketches should be turned in as
soon as possible, Ford said. If the
Oregana office is locked, drawings
can be clipped with the student's
name and address, and put under
the door.
Prices Start
at $15.75
' Official
U.of 0.
Officially adopted by the Alumni Association and ASUO in
1949, this beautiful ring is now worn by hundreds of alumni and
students. It comes in a variety of settings and stones, and is
reasonably priced. Also available with fraternity letters.
Samples are now on display.
Sold Exclusively by the ALUMNI OFFICE
110 M, Mezzanine, Erb Memorial Union
(Take door to right of elevator 2nd floor)
Daryl Gould Awarded Women's Scholarship
Daryl Gould, freshman In liberal
arts, has been awarded a scholar
ship for spring term by the Faculty
Womens’ club. Miss Gould Is a
member of Highland house.
This is the first scholarship
awarded by the faculty women for
a number of years.
Co-op Members
For your own protection please observe the following:
1. Turn in your CO-OP Receipts on or before 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 20th. to the office of the Co-op.
2. Place the total of your receipts on the envelope.
3. Patronage Refunds will only be paid to students with
memberships on record at the Co-op.
4. The refund is paid in cash during final examination
5. Turn in only one envelope. If another is required please
staple together. Be sure your name, home address, and
membership number is on the envelope.
The DEADLINE for turning in receipts is 5:00 p.m.
May 20th
University of Oregon Co-op Store
“ some
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