SIX LOCAL GAMES Gridders Drill for Big Fall Schedule For Those WARM SPRING DAYS ^ Enjoy ^ DUTCH GIRL ICE CREAM i . 1124 W illamette By John Whitty Emerald Sporttwriter With approximately forty-five candidates on hand, Head Football Coach Len Casanova has been holding daily spring grid drills on the practice field in an effort to prepare for the 1953 football sea son, which brings the Webfoots up against some of the same tough competition they have faced in recent years. Due largely to the efforts of Leo Harris, Director of Athletics, Ore-1 gon will have a full home slate of six tilts, two of which arc to be ! played in Multnomah Stadium in ' Portland. Perhaps the most signi- i ficant of Harris's accomplishments is the scheduling of a contest with UCLA in Eugene, the first meet ing of the two elevens on Hayward field in a number of years. Open Against Cornhuskers The season opener brings the Ducks up against the Cornhuskers Duncan Hines recommends it... . and so do we. We invite you and Mom to come in and enjoy delicious Swedish and American food—and U>t> of it—in a quiet, candle-light atmosphere. It’s an evening Mom will re member. Smorgasbord on Kincaid just off 13th 30 steps from the campus Everyday 5 to 9 p.m. This Sunday 1 to 8 p.m. For reservations phone 5-7332 STUDENTS! Any Place in the World... With Any Tour Company... By Any Ship_ or Plane... THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU AT NO EXTRA COST OR SERVICE CHARGE! We Suggest You Plan Now for That Summer Vacation ... Tomorrow May Be Too Late EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE Eugene Hotel Lobby Phone 5-8431 of Nebraska on September 19 at the latter's home stadium, followed the next weekend by a fray with the Stanford Indians at Pulo Alto. Last, season the Webfoots upset the Tribe, and the Indians will be out for blood. • The above mentioned struggle with UCLA Is the next on the list. It Is sehcduled for October 3, and will he the first home gume for the Webfoots. The Ore gon eleven takes to the road again the following weekend for a tilt with the Cougars of WSC ut Pullman. Beginning with the October 17 game against Washington at Port land, the Webfoots play four straight home contests. They meet San Jose State at Eugene on Oc tober 31, and-Idaho on Hayward field on November 7. Then to Berkeley Coach Len Casanova and his crew then travel to Berkeley for a tilt with California and return to Eugene for the season windup, the annual civil war game with the Beavers of Oregon State. The 1953 Webfoots should have considerably more depth than last year's squad, especially in the center of the line. The Ducks should be particularly strong at the tackle positions, with veterans Jack Patera and Hal Reeve head ing a strong group of candidates. The ends look weak at present, but should be strengthened by transfers and men moved from other positions. All in all, things look rosier this spring for the Web foots than has been the case for the last three or four years. MAY 16 Events Fill Sport Day Oregon's athletic squads go all out for the home fans next Saturday when the big Spring Sports Day packs a football scrimmage, an Oregon-Oregon State track meet, and a Duck Beaver contest into one after noon of action. First athletic event on the slate will be the football scrim mage—a dress rehearsal of next fall’s Oregon gridiron entry in the Pacific Coast Conference. The mock battle will begin at 10:30. So far this season the spring gridders have been hampered by drizzly weather, but are shaping up well under the guidance of Head Coach Len Cananova. Civil War Track Meet After a lunch time recess, Ore gon’s next competition will be a Civil War track engagement with the Ducks' cross-state rivals, the Beavers from Corvallis. Oregon will have a definite edge over the Aggies, who lost to the Wcbfoots earlier in the season in the not-too publicized Oregon-Oregon State Relays. OSC'n top contender is Merv Brock, 100- and 220-dash special ist. Another bright star on the cloudy Beaver team is Ralph Sutton, last year’s Northern Di vision javelin champion. Oregon has a host of top indi vidual performers in Ted Ander son, sprints and hurdles, Doug Clement, middle distance special ist, and Fred Turner, and A1 Martin, milers. Ray Packwood, who was indefinitely dropped from the team in a disciplinary measure, is the top pole vaulter in the Northwest. To end the afternoon, Oregon will engage OSC at Howe field at 3:00 p.m. in the first of a four (IJlcasc turn to page five)