Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 09, 1953, Junior Weekend Edition, Image 1

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Jli, Mom!
9:00 - MotUvU.' Bieakfait
11:45 - AU-QamfuU JluHcUeou
2:00 - Mo-tk&u' *Jea, Cjenlinye*,
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3:00 Sunday - Serenade
Queen Joan I will rule over the festivities of Holi-Daze, the 1953 Junior
Weekend, it was revealed Friday night during the ceremonies at the Junior
Tall, statuesque blonde Joan Walker received her crown from Earl T. New
bry, secretary of state. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and was
sponsored for the title by Chi Psi and Phi Gamma Delta.
Princesses on her court are Joan Marie Miller, Carol Lee Tate, Diane Stout
and Cathy Tribe.
The Gerlinger and Koyl cups awarded to the outstanding junior woman
and man were presented to Joan Marie Miller and Ronald Lowell.
Miss Miller received her cup from Mrs. Golda P. Wickham, director of
women's affairs, to begin an exciting weekend for which she is co-chair
men as well as being a member of the court. Active in campus affairs.
Miss Miller has been a member of the sophomore and junior honoraries,
Kwama and Phi Theta Upsilon, and is a junior class representative on the
ASUO senate. She is a member of Pi Beta Phi.
Lowell, on an athletic trip, was unable to attend the prom. He was named
the state's outstanding student last December and traveled to New York
as the guest of the National Association of Manufacturers. He is a three time
winner of the Standard Oil scholarship .consistently on the honor roll, a
member of Druids, junior men's honorary and on the varsity tennis team.
He is a member of Alpha Tau Omega.
Druids, junior men's honorary, closed the Prom intermission by tapping
seven sophomore men for membership. They are Don Rotenberg, Alex
Byler, Andy Berwick, Bob Summers, Jim Light, Pete Williams and Doug