Religious Notes r Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Religious News Editor LUTHERAN STUDENT ASS’N. Regular Sunday evening supper. 5:30 p.m. with speakers or student-led discussion groups Pt 0:30. Wednesday noon lunches at 13. The all-Oregon retreat will he held at Sil ver Creek Falls, May 17 to 19. Students from Oregon, Willamette, Oregon State and Reed ccdlege will attend. WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION Sunday. 9:30 a.m. Bible study of Gospel of John led by Rev. Thom Hunter. At 6:15 p m. vesper service, led by Maxine Burt and Sally Weakley. Mothers who are guests for the weekend w ill be especially welcome. Wednesday. 13:30 to 13:45, chapel ser vice, under diretcion of Faith commission. Wednesday evening, 5:30, fellowship sup per. NEWMAN CLUB After 9 a.m. Mass Sunday, Mother’s Day Communion breakfast, liam and eggs to be werved. Beth Ann McCormack, in charge of fweakfast. invites all Catholic students and Ibeir mothers to attend. Daily Mass during week, 6:50 a.m. in Alpha Xi,s'Fiji/S Win Cleanup Title Winners of the All-campus clean-up Thursday afternoon were announced during the “Hong Kong" terrace dance in the Stu dent Union fishbowl after the clean-up. Taking home the winners' gar bage cans were Alpha Xi Delta and Phi Gamma Delta. First, sec ond and third honorable mentions were won by Delta Delta Delta and Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Gamma Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Zeta Tau Alpha and Camp bell club. Presentation of the Alpha Phi Omega award was postponed un til the All-Campus Sing Saturday. Introduction of the Junior Week end court was made by junior class president Tom Shepherd dur ing dance intermission. Princesses and their escorts are Cathy Tribe and Howard Page, Diane Stout and Wes Ball, Joan Marie Mil ler and Dave Todd, Carol Lee Tate and Jack Holmes and Joan Walker and Ron Anderson. Jack Loughary and his band provided the music for students, who danced in the fishbowl be; cause of the weather. • Campus Briefs • Entries in the Personal Library contest ore due by noon Saturday in tire reserve room of the library. Books may be submitted be tween 1 and 5 p.m. today and from 8 a.m. ■until noon Saturday. •—■ Opens Wed., May 13 Warner Bros: astounding FEATURE IN NATURAL VISION MSI WML WARNERCOLOR ess VINCENT PRICE FRANK tflVEJOY PHYLLIS KIRK CAROLYN JONES PAUL P1CERNI c*ak wiiBu* mm Hn mu mom Sacred Heart hospital chapel and Benedic tion on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, 7 Confessions will he heard 5 to 5 :30 p.m. Saturday in the chapel* CHRISTIAN HOUSE Reservations for the Mother’s breakfast 8:30 Sunday should he made by Saturday noon, according to JoAnne Flanders, chair man. Tickets, at fifty cents, may be obtained from Dorothy ller, JoAnne Flanders, or at Christian house. “What Personal Prayer Means to Me,” to be discussed Sunday. 5 :30 p.m. Bob Adams, Jean Fuller and Mitzi Asai will be discus sion leaders of this first in a series on “Pray er.” Annual retreat will be held at Harmony Lodge, Nelscott. Ore., May 15 to 17. Those planning to attend should contact Jean Mil ler, registration chairman by Wednesday. Kammr Chun is general chairman and Grant Evans, transportation chairman^ Bill Edwards, delegate returning from World Christiau youth meeting at Travan core, India, will speak at the Tuesday eve ning meeting. Executive council meets Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Classifieds LOST: Beagle, female, 6 months old. Answers to the name of Casey. Call 4-6634, 791 E. 15th FOR SALE: Two $85 suits, tan gabardine and covert. 38-39, like new $18. Also sports coat, size 36. 306 Friendly hall. 5-8 ROOMS for students. $4 and $5 a week. Kitchen privilege if desir ed. 715 E. 13th St. Ph. 5-7728 ’41 BUICK convertible. New top and transmission; ’47 motor, ra dio and heater. $400. Ph. 5-9090. Anne Chambers. BELL 2122-A High Fidelity am plifier. Excellent performance and shape. $35 or best offer. 5-3517 evenings. A man swam 292 miles down the Mississippi river in 89 hours and 48 minutes. Just off the campus, So handy for you. Flowers for the Prom ... Let us make that corsage for your Prom date, Friday night. Place your order with us now ... We deliver. And for Mother, too Yes, this Sunday is Mother’s Day. Mother loves corsages, too. Order early to be sure that Mother has her corsage, from you this Sunday. Ph. 5-3112 598 13th E. The population density oi Hie British Isles Is approximately 536.6 persons to the squaro mile. The Mason and Dixon line ac tually was surveyed by two Eng lishmen in the 1760’s. Campus Calendar Noon Chapel Comm 319 SU 12:1S Mother's Exec Comm 110 Stf 2 p.m. Mother’s Day Regia Lobby 2nd FI 9 Junior Prom Ballroom Su WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY MOTHERSI n 1* J i } You Have No Worries When Your Daughters Shop at Stude*U Church Directory WELCOME, U of 0 MOTHERS 11 a.m. “HONOR THY MOTHER” KASH Broadcast Sunday School 9:45 — University Fellowship 6:30 7:30 p.m. JANZ QUARTET FROM CANADA Dr. L. E. Maxwell and Will Bruce of Prairie Bible Institute FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bdwy at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1166 Oak Street Phone 4-1425 11:00 a.m. “Home Is Where You Hang Your Heart.” 7:30 p.m. “Love Thy Neighbor,” a film, for the conclusion of “Family Week” observance. Students are Invited to attend all services Carroll C. Roberts 191 E. 19th Minister 5-3085 First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl • May 10 “ADAM & FALLEN MAN” Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Nursery Facilities During All Serv ices ... Reading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 490 East 13th You are cordially invited to attend Mother’s Day services, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Bring your visiting parents and friends. Wesley Goodson Nicholson Minister Ruth Ownbey Director of Music Sunday Services - 8:45 and 11 a.m. “The Importance of Being A Good Mother” Sermons by Dr. Martin P. Simon of Highland, Illinois, Editor of the Christian Parent Magazine Bible Qlass: 10 a.m. - Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader WELCOME! GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street W. & Maier, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant Go To Church Sunday