Omaton Daily . EMERALD Ike Oeegon Daily Eiiuu publithed Monday through Friday during the college Tear except Jan. 5; Feb. 23: Mir. 2,3, 5, 9, U> and U; Mar. 13 through-30;.June 1, 2 and 3 by the f tutUnt Publications Board oi the University of Oregon.- Entered as second class matter at the post office. Eugene; Oregon.- Subscription.rates: $5.per school -year; $2 per.term. Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to S present the opinions of the AS0O or of the University. ■ Editorials are written by the Rot and the members of the editorial staff. Jim Havcox. Editor Ron Bmwk, Business Manager Helen Jones, Lassy Hosast, Al Kane, Assoc'ate Editors Bill Gusney, Managing Editor Jaceie Waesell, News Editor Sam Vahey, Sports Editor Doesn't Like Her Lines, Eh? “It’s a wonder I don’t get kicked out of class—my work seems to require so much individual instruction.” Notes to the Editor I am writing this letter in re gards to my letter printed by the Emerald recently. I must say that I was disappointed in the emasculated treatment given to the letter, but I fully realize that the economy drive and thus the attempt to conserve-space is the culprit . . . I do sincerely feel that the pri mary point . . . was obscured by deleting parts of the letter and therefore I am afraid it will go by unnoticed. ... I am afraid that the im pression left by the article is that we are merely concerned with the refusal of the Student Affairs Committee to recognize the NAACP. On the contrary, we are deeply concerned with the rules and regulations of the com mittee in regards to recognizing any group of students.-This though was the important point in the entire letter ... I also would like to have you print a correction to my letter, caused either by a typographical error on my part or by a misprint on your part. In the last para graph I stated that “We believe that the policy of this committee is closely correlated to the lack of interest in student government, lack of cooperation, morale ...” By some accident it came out MORALS which constitutes an* other concept altogether. I am not qualified to state the condition of morality on this cam pus and a notice of correction, I think, would save me much em barrassment. Robert Holloway President, NAACP Campus Calendar 9 a.m. Jr. Wknd Queen Vote Terrace SU Noon Yeomen 112 SU Spanish Table 113 SU 3 p.m. AWS Exec Coun 111 SU 3:30 SU Bd 337 SU 4 Jr Wknd Float Par Hse Ch 334 SU 6:30 Druids 112 SU Jr Wknd General 313 SU 7 Educ Movie 207 Chapman 7:30 Knight Lecture 201 SU 6 Hui O Gerl 3rd FI Dates for Performance, Cast Announced for 'Brigadoon' "Brigadoon," University thea ter’s musical production, will open Friday, May 22 and run May 23, 25, 26, 27, June 3 and 4. Tickets for the presentation will go on sale at the theater box office at 1 p.m. May 18, according to Mrs. Gene Wiley, theater business man ager. Members of the cast, directed by H. W. Robinson, associate pro fessor of speech, include Gordon Green, senior in business, and Doug Stobie, junior in music, both play ing Tommy Albright; A1 Barzman, junior in speech, Jeff Douglas; Allison LeRoux, freshman in jour nalism, and Jeanette Stone, senior in music, both cast as Meg Brookie. Scott Lehner, freshman in mu sic, Archie Beaton; Perry Stamp er, junior in art, Harry Beaton; Pat Henry, freshman in law, Mr. McLaren; Dorothy Anderson, sen ior in music, and Mary Lou Teague, Tfeshman in music, both portraying Fiona McLaren; Diane David, sophomore in liberal arts, Jean Mc Literary Honoray Initiates 12 Women Twelve women were initiated by Chi Delta Phi, national literary honorary, at ceremonies Thursday night at the Delta Zeta house, Marilyn Patterson, president, pre siding. New members are: Joan Beck man, Barbara Boushey, Sally Cum mins, Marilyn Harber, Lloydene Hurt, Gayle Johnson, Rita Kenyon, Joan Long, Ruth Lear, Dottie Luebke, Barbara Schurman and Adele Summers. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 12, at the College Side. Laren; Bob Luoma, graduate in music, Angus MacGuffie. Edward Kenney, sophomore in liberal arts, and Jerry Reynolds, freshman in music, both cast as Charlie Dairy mple; Gloria Lee, sophomore in liberal arts, Maggie Anderson; Forbes Hill, graduate in speech, Mr. Lundie; Emil Smith, sophomore in business, Stuart Dal rymple, and Neil Tardio, junior in art, Frank. Dancers Listed Dancing roles will be played by Diane David; Joan Hambauer, sophomore in busi ness; Sue Shreeve, freshman in liberal art-; Pat Cauvel, sophomore in liberal art-; Carol Arneson, freshman in music; Barbara John son, freshman in art; Monnic Gutchow, sen ior in physical education; Audrey Mistretta, sophomore in music; Carol Saltus, sophomore in English; Kathy Keilly, freshman in lib eral arts; I.aura Pearson, senior in English. Pat Hartley, senior in music; Jackie Dens more, sophomore in music; Louise Matter, sophomore in music; Vivienne Brown, fresh man in English; Jackie Jensen, sophomore in art; Lucia Knepper, freshman in liberal arts; Doug Patterson, sophomore in music; Earle Culbertson, freshman in art; Dale Banks; Ivan Midlam, junior in political sci ence; William Hug, junior in music; and Einil Smith, sophomore in business. Chorus Named Chorus members include Tamson Brecsc. sophomore in music; Jane Patterson, junior in music; Eva Jean Miller, junior in music; Jackie Madigan, senior in music; Kathleen Harris, sophomore in liberal arts; Phyllis Helmers, senior in music; Nancy Lcaverton, freshman in liberal arts; Vivienne Brown; j Jackie Jensen ; Alice Weston; Shirley John- . son, freshman in sociology; Mary Morgan; Rosie Lowrance; Martha Spatz, sophomorel in liberal arts. Janis Evans, senior in music; ishuley Bruge, freshman in liberal ;tfts; Carole Woodroffe, sophomore in music; Carol Ar-j neson: Alta Haag, freshman in music ; Bcv-i erle Goheen, senior in music; Jackie Dens more; Margaret Jackson, freshman in mu sic; Mary Sweeney, freshman in music; Marilyn Jaehnke.’junior in business; Laura Pearson; Mary Alien, sophomore in liberal - arts; Diane Dunn, freshman in liberal art-; Ruth Cutlip .junior in business; Elizabeth, Erlandson, senior in English. Lee McGary, sophomore in anthropology; Sally Ingalls, freshman in liberal art-; Nan cie Steinmetz, junior in English;’ Sue Shreeve; Donna Schafer, sophomore in lib eral arts; Bob Luoma; Ray Post, sophomore . in music; James Baker, juunior in music; Neal Pierce, junior in music; Ivan Midlam; Raymond Walker, sophomore in ait ; James THE CLASS OF 1954 presents "HOLI-DAZE" JUNIOR WEEKEND ' May 7-10 CAROL LEE TATE Penney’s At WAY S HR iJT OOjAtlTY! Tan; Donald Wilaon, senior in psychology* Clifford Matmisck, graduate in music. Spencer Snow, freshman in liberal arts; Barton McKagan, senior in art; Doug Pat terson; Norman McCabe, freshman in lib eral arts; R«»grr Danielson, sophomore in business; Raoul Madox, junior in music; Kmil Smith; Russell Cowell, freshman in liberal arts; Don Jackson, sophomore in mu sic; John Daree, sophomore in business; Ted Drahn, freshman in business; Dick Carter, junior in business; and Kenneth Harper, freshman in business. Twelve Violators Will Be Punished Twelve students have been re ported to the Order of the O as traditions violators, according to Barney Holland, junior weekend traditions chairman. Violators are to report to Fenton hall at 12:25 this afternoon. Women violators will be dunked and men violators are to be hacked. The following students are to report for punishment: Gary Mc Manus, Kent Dorw’in, Max An derson, Bill Dellinger, Garry Mc Murry, Bob McCracken, Sonia Edwards, Fatty Fagan, Edna Humlston, Diane Kamsey, l'at Gilbert and Barbara Dunston. Holland stated that the fresh man men had been particularly lax in observing traditions. ‘tyuve i*i Movtej "aAeBette/i/ dr^E-11 k! iJTi STAKTS WKI SHOW STARTS, ■i Shun jmmji T AT DUSK * Ride’em Mitch! Hera's the real * „ inside on ''' Big-Time Rodeol ,*■ k. — WALD KRASNA P.oduM.on SUSAN HAYWARD ROBERT MITCHUM ARTHUR KENNEDY ARTHUR HUNNICUTT Qjd TOP WIT! THE DAY 1 THE SUN PLUNGED. TOWARD THE # EARTH/ \ I V' IttGFlte 2860 WILLAMETTE 4.4IS2 J DRIVE-IN THEATRE