Search Underway For Least Man on Campus tiiis week with a call for candi dates by Phyllis Pearson, LMOC ^election chairman. Each living organization must submit the name of its “repreSfen 'Lemon Punch' Slates Nervous Harvery Nervous, advanced be bop musician at the school of music, will be interviewed to night on ‘-I.enion Punch” over KWAX. According to KWAX Announcer Thorne Briar, the in terview with Nervous will be one of the “most crazy” to be presented at the 6:15 time spot. Nervous, in the interview, will tell how he is trying to bring progressive! music to the atten tion of the music school “who up till now have been concerned only with such cats as Beetho ven and Bach.” Nervous also will go into a detailed explan ation of some of the various terminologies used by the pro gressive musicians. lixchange Program Scheduled for SU “Webfoot Impressions of ’53,” Oregon's traveling exchange as sembly, will be presented today at 1 p.m. in the Student Union ball room, according to Andy Berwick. The assembly, which was pre sented at Willamette .university snd Oregon State college, was well-received” at both schools, Berwick said. It is under the aus pices of the ASUO entertainment commission and is directed by Jo Forbes, senior in speech, who is ■exchange assembly chairman. Neil Tardio, junior in art, is the master of ceremonies for the show, which consists of comedy sketches, selections by a combo, a chorus J*ne number anu several featured solo numbers. The show will travel to -San Jose State college in San Jose, California, on May 28. tative" to Miss Pearson at Carson Oregon’s annual search for the least man on campus, the man most unworthy of anything, begins hall by 5 p.m. Friday. Interviews will be conducted next week and the names of the six finalists will be posted in the Student Union. The final loser, the one who leads the dullest, most uninterest ing life, will be announced at the Mortar Board Ball, May 23. “Disqualifications” for the candidates, suggested by Miss Pearsin include: 1. Perpetual five o’clock shad ow. 2. Always late for dates. S. Carries either 10 or 11 hours, depending on the weather. 4. Never has seen his profes sors. 5. At the top of every black list. 6. Sleeps until 3 p.m. daily. 1. Utterly lacks campus inter est. 8. Most uncooperative. 9. Biggest picnic-goer. 10. Worst closet member. Last year’s least man was Mel Erickson, senior, of Alpha Tau Omega. Purpose of the contest, sponsored by Mortar Board, is to recognize those men who spurn activities and the weightier side of college life for a strictly good time. Classifieds FOR SALE— Smith Corona stan dard typewriter. Good condition $30.00. Bruce Anawalt, Room 311 Susan Campbell hall 2 t 55 ROOMS for students. $4 and $5 a week. Kitchen privilege if desir ed. 715 E. 13th St. Ph. 5-7728 ’41 BUICK convertible. New top and transmission; ’47 motor, ra dio and heater. $400. Ph. 5-9090. Anne Chambers. LOST: Beagle, female, 6 months old. Answers to the name of Casey. Call 4-6634, 791 E. 15th Emerald Publishes Five Proposed ASUO Constitutional Amendments (Edit. Note: According to the ASUO constitution proposed amendments shall be pub lished in the . Emerald on three successive publication days, and shall be voted upon by ballot the student body one week from the date of the last publication. Following are the pro posed amendments:) ; a Proposed amendment to Article III,rSection IV, Clause 3. (Duties of the President). “Kt shall, at the beginning of each school term, submit to the Senate for approval an esti -~4hate'of his budget for. the following term, and at the beginning of winter and spring terms, He shall submit to the Senate an accpunt of his expenditures for the .previous term.” ^Proposed amendment to Article VI, Section III (Elections) “Class positions. The -«*ame election procedure will be followed ilor each class except that after the election of a president and a vice, president, all other ^candidates for president will be declared defeated and their ballots transferred to the candidates for representative.** , ; a Proposed amendment to Article VL Section IV (Elections). “Dates of Elections. ASUO elections shall take place after the first and prior to the eighth .week of spring term. Urcshtnan elections shall take ptace after the fifth and prior to the eighth week of fall term." ' #Proposed amendment to Article IV, Section V,(Primary Elections): “There shall be. -Id during each spring-term an all campus open primary. Provisions governing the con^ duct of this primary will berthose'ASUO senate March 5, 1953/*, a Proposed amendment to>-the ASUO constitution: “There shall be one graduate stu* dent^^voting^nenibe^Mjh^^nate^^eged'byggduat^tudents^urhig^h^choo^ear/^ Dry Cleaning Pressing Alterations INSTANT PRESSING-/ 815 E. 13th Ph. 5-6321 Today on KWAX 6 p.m. Sign on 6:03 Piano Moods 6:10 News Till Now 6:15 Lemon Punch 6:30 Drama of Poetry 7 Treasures off the Shelf 7 :30 Chicago Roundtable 8 Campus Classics 9 KWAXworks with Lee Jackson Emerald of the Air Pope Julius II, in 1506, started the new St. Peter's Cathedral and em ployed such artists as Michelangelo, Bramante and Raphael. C & M TRANSFER CO. ) Let us do your local and long distance moving, i Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. 392 High St. Phone 4-1015 vt THomt ?5tolicttof, an ORCHID corsage from 100 up ORCHID corsages are your smartest buy! the long life and simple beauty make ORCHIDS a thrilling gift... yet our offer ings are priced to fit the most modest budget. Buy an ORCHID for Mom—and get the most corsage for your money! 0?lowen& TtnlcmCtect 193 E. Broadway or see our representative at the Co-op V THE CLASS OF 1954 presents "HOLI-DAZE" JUNIOR WEEKEND May 7-10 DIANE STOUT