Hale Kane Tips Alpha; Nestor Trounces French In intramural softball Monday Chi Psi dumped Sigma Phi Epsilon 13-3, Susan Campbell trounced Philadelphia House 23-2, Hale Kane whipped Alpha Hall 17-3, and Nestor hall defeated French hall 11-2. Two other contests ended in for feits, Phi Kappa Sigma forfeiting to Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Sigma Kappa and Phi Kappa Psi each picking up a loss as a result of a double forfeit. The (,’hl Psls, taking advan tage of Slg Ep errors and eight walks dished up hy Pitcher John Weaver, scored ull IS runs in a big second inning. Bill Dunbar pitched the win for the Chi Psis and was also troubled with wild ness hut pulled out of a number of tight jams for the win. Behind the hitting and pitching of Ron Isaacs, Nestor won a League 3 playoff game from french. Isaacs allowed seven scat tered hits and hit two-for-three. Hale Kune rolled over Alpha hall as Boh .Mickelson tossed a two-hltter. Boh Fase led the ut taek for the winners, who Irene Speaker COACH BII.L BOItCIIEK (itji'st at Clatshanle Borcher to Talk At Prep Dinner University of Oregon’s head bas ketball coach, Bill Borcher, will speak at C’atskanie high school's second annual Athlete’s banquet, tonight. He along with Oregon State's assistant football mentor, Len Younce, will be the highlight ed speakers of the evening. The Danquet, in honor of Clat skanie’s athletic teams, is spon sored by the high school in co-op eration with the Kiwanis club of Clatskanie. SPORTS FARE Tuesday, May 5 SOFTBALL - 3:50 North Field: Beta Theta Pi vs Delta Upsilon (League 1 playoff). 3:50 South Field: Legal Eagles vs Merrick Hall (League 3 playoff.) 3 :50 Upper Field : Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs Chi Psi (League 6 playoff). fitted from 14 walks, with three hit*. Susan Campbell combined good pitching from Jim Jolly with a lusty hitting attack to whip Phila delphia House. Bob Wolfer was the leading hitter with four-for four Including a homer, but Pitcher Jolly, who spaced out four hits to the losers, contributed three hits himself. Sig Eps Chi Psi Phil House Susan Campbell R H 3 01 1— 3 7 0130 *—13 4 R H 011 0—2 4 1328 x—23 17 R H 613 01—11 7 100 01— 2 7 Nestor French Isaacs and McLoughlin; Carska don and Page. Hale Kane 656—17 8 Alpha Hall 210— 3 2 Mickelson and Frolen; Reucker and Stumbo. Five Freshmen Place in Relays Five freshmen track men, part of the frosh cinder squad, traveled to the University of British Col umbia relays, last Saturday, and the quintet came home with one first, and two thirds. Bill Dellinger, distance man, won first place honors in the open mile competition. He also ran a leg on the Duckling medlay relay which captured a third spot. Oth ers on the relay squad were Gary Gibson, Gordy Dahlquist, and Dick Gienger. The third place time was 10 minutes, forty seconds, -just one second off the old relay record. The winning time was 10:29. Bob Reid, a Vancouver, B. C. boy himself, placed third in the pole vault competition. His rival, who won the event with a 14 foot, six inch leap, was Rev. Bob Rich ards, national ex-collegiate ace. Next to Love... We Have Gifts That Mother Loves Best Yes, Mother is special. Give her a distinctive gift this year. Come in and talk over your gift ideas with us. Whether your budget be great or small, we can help you choose the perfect gift for Mother, from our wide selection. BRISTOW'S JEWELERS 620 Willamette 0 fyan. yo-un. &pAi*uj flina. . • Party Favors and Decorations • Candles, Crepe Paper • Paper Napkins, Plates, Cups Valley Stationery Co. 76 West Broadway Tele. 5-6411 Ducks Win MOSCOW (TP) — University of Oregon’s baseball nine return ed to its winning ways yesterday afternoon against the Idaho Van dals, taking a 9-4 decision in the first game of a two-game series. Oregon, on top of the Northern Division scramble with six wins and two losses, resumes battle with the Vandals again today in the final game at Moscow. Frosh Net Squad ' Defeated by OCE Oregon’s frosh tennis team lost a return match to the OCE net men on the home court yesterday, 5- 2. Dick Gray, first singles man, and Gray and Don Bonime, Ore gon's first doubles team, captured the Ducklings’ lone wins. Gray won easily over OCE’s Albert, 6-1 and 6-1. The doubles team took two straight, 6-1 and 6- 2, from Benson and Nelson. Results: Gray (O), defeated Al berts (OCE) 6-1, 6-1; Nelson (OCE) defeated Bonime (O), 2-6, 6-4, 7-5; Benson (OCE) defeated Oldham (O), 3-6, 6-3, 6-1; Sum mers (OCE) defeated Dutton (Of, 1 -5, 7-5; Mitomi (OCE) defeated Igl (O), 6-1, 6-4; Gray and Bon ime (O) defeated Benson and Nel son (OCE), 6-1, 6-2; Summers and Alberts (OCE) defeated Olson and Larson (O), 6-0, 6-2. Guayquil, Ecuador is 3,548 nauti cal miles from San Francisco, Cali fornia. SHELLUBRICATION Broadway-HUyard Shell Service East Broadway at Hilyard Shop Early This Week for Mother's Gift Surprise her next Sunday with a remembrance that shows you care. Here are Some Suggestions Perfumes Toilet Waters Stick Colognes Scented Soaps Bubble Bath One Dollar & Up Or Maybe . . . 1 Candies 1 Nuts 1 Stationery 1 Fountain Pens One Dollar & Up Shop Today! TiFFANY-DAVIS 8th and Willamette 1950 Franklin Blvd. We Give S & H Green Stamps THE CLASS OF 1954 presents "HOLI-DAZE" JUNIOR WEEKEND May 7-10 JOAN MARIE MILLER