Campus Readies for Weekend (Continued front pane one) Awards and tappings are to be on the program also. Sunlight Serenade Outside Last event for the weekend will be the Sunlight Serenade at 3 p.m. Sunday at the outdoor amphithe ater behind the music school. Win tiers of the Saturday sing and several soloists will present a mu sical program . Mothers' Weekend events will be held in conjunction with the Junior Weekend program and all visiting mothers will be invited to attend all the events. Special plans are being made for them at the Prom and a section will be reserved at the Sing. Mothers may also attend the luncheon, view the parade and attend the serenade. Living organ izations will also be entertaining them. • Campus Briefs • Petition deadline for Emerald editor and business manager and Ore-Nter editor -•s noon today, according to R. C. Williams, .secretary of the Student Publications board. The board will interview students petitioning dor the three positions at 4 p.m. today. • All’ petitions for the ASUO general elections must be turned in to Helen Frye Al the ASUO president’s office by 10 p.m. Wednesday. Anyone may petition to run as an independent, she said. • Committee chairmen for the Mortar Board Ball are to meet in the Student Union noon Tuesday, according to Tina Fisk and Janet Woods, co-chairmen. • Application blanks for admission to the University of Oregon medical school for Fall, 1953. may be obtained from A. L. Soderwall in Science room 336. Forms must *t>e in the hands of the Admissions committee Before May 15. AGS Primary Candidates Listed (Continued from page one) Wendt, Heart Hop co-chairman, All-campus vodvil co-chairman, 2.76. Sophomore class president: Mar ty Brandenfels, Stitzer hall presi dent, 2.3; Jim Duncan, Sherry Ross president, 2.58; Jerry Farrow, Al pha Phi Omega vice-president, 2.73; Bud Hinkson, 2.4; Jack Lally, 2.2, and Garry McMurray, 2.77. Representative: Jane Bergstrom, Oregana sales promotion, YWCA, 2.68; Paula Curry, 2.83; Ann Erick son, junior panhellenic, 3.5; Janet Gustafson, YWCA, 2.5; Edna Hum iston, co-chairman Mothers day breakfast committee, 3.4; Marilyn Parrish, chariman Sludent Union bridge tournament, Oregana bus iness staff executive secretary, general co-chairman of mystie sale, 2.6; Gerry Porritt, YWCA, co chairman of Red Cross collections, 2.93; Barbara Wilcox, Mothers Weekend chairman. 2.35, and Rhoda Mae Wolfe, junior panhell enic, 2.45. Limited Scholarships For Foreign Students Full expenses scholarships will be provided for selected foreign students by the United States Technical Cooperation administra tion, according to an announce ment this week by K. S. Ghent, foreign student adviser. The institute will be conducted from June 22 to August 7 at Mich igan State college. To be eligible a foreign student must be completing his bachelor’s degree or higher level of training this year; must be returning to his country this year; must be pre paring for a career in health, edu cation, industry, community ser vice, public administration, or ag rculture. He also must come from Datin-America, South-East Asia, the Near East, or Africa, Ghent said. Additional information about the institute may be obtained from Ghent at the office of student af fairs in Emerald hall. Poetry Contest Entries May Still Be Submitted Entries for the Julia Burgess Poetry contest should be turned in to the English office by noon, May 15, according to the English de partment. A $25 prize will be awarded to the undergraduate stu dent submitting the best original poem. Any type of poetry may be sub mitted, but short poems should be turned in as a group of not more than five or less than three, the department announced. Manuscripts should be typewrit ten, double spaced and submitted in triplicate, with the author’s name and the title of the poem en closed in a separate envelope. Interviews Slated By Lipman Wolfe Interviews for prospective col lege board members at Lipman Wolfe & Co., in Portland, will be held Tuesday, according to the graduate placement office. Lipman’s fashion co-ordinator, Miss Thelma Barton, will inter view interested students in Emer ald hall between 10 and 12 a.m. and 1 and 4 p.m. Women will be selected upon the basis of their college and ac tivity records, personality, poise and their desire to become mem bers of the board. Incoming jun iors and seniors are preferred, al though not definitely required. Appointments to see Miss Bar ton may be made at the graduate placement office in Emerald hall. Today on KWAX 6 p.m. Sign on 6:03 Piano Moods 6:10 News till now 6:IS Guest Star 6:30 Campus interview 6:45 Here is Spencer Snow. 7 People under Communism 7:30 Showtime 8 World in*revicw 8:15 Campus recital 8:45 News roundup 9 Kwaxworks Emerald of the air Campus Calendar Noon Emer Bdgt Comm 4 pm. Red Cross Bd Knight Seminar Stu Pub Bd 6:30 Jr. Weekend Float 7:30 Phi Delta Kappa Co-ed Coun 1VCP 8 Knight Lect ii3 sir 111 su 334 SU 337 SU 110 SU 113 SU 315 SU Cerl 2nd FI Dad’s Lounge C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. 392 High St. 1 Phone 4-1015 Don’t you want to try a cigarette with a record like this? !• THE QUALITY CONTRAST between Chesterfield and other leading cigarettes is a revealing story. Recent chemical analyses give an index of good quality for the country’s six leading cigarette brands. The index of good quality table - a ratio of high sugar to low nicotine — shows Chesterfield quality highest • . . 15% higher than its nearest competitor and Chesterfield quality 31% higher than the average of the five other leading brands. 2. Choice of Young America ' A recent survey made in 274 leading colleges and universities shows Chesterfield is the largest seller. . First to Give You Premium Quality in Regular and King7size . . . much milder with an extraordinarily good taste—and for your pocketbook, Chesterfield is today’s best cigarette buy. ” 3* A Report Never Before Made About a Cigarette: For well over a year a medical specialist has been giving a ► group of Chesterfield smokers ► regular examinations ► every two months. He reports * • - .no adverse effects to : nose, throat and sinuses > from smoking Chesterfield. Copyright 1955. Liggett A* Mvmc TriDi/TA Tn.