Reliqiotts Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Religiout Newt Editor gamma delta - Social program. 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 134.1 Mill street. 'Refreshments served by Don Schaeffer. Those planning to attend to con tact Lois Schmidt, Ann Judsoti house. (MANNING CLXB “Is It in the Book?" to be discussed by panel oi four church members, 8 p.m. to night, Unitarian church. NEWMAN CLX B After 7 p.m. Benediction at Sacred -Heart hospital chapel Sunday, Mrs. Duncan, direc tor of Catholic charities in Eugene, will talk on “Social Problems and Catholic Char ities." in conjunction with the club s series on social problems. Newman Daily Mass to continue in the hospital chapel 6:50 am. each day. with opportunity ior confession, 5 p.m. Saturdays. WESLEY FOUNDATION Sunday. 9:45 am. Koinonia Klass at First Methodist church will discuss "So cietv-Justify Yourself." with Ken Peterson as leader. Wesleyans to meet at Wesley house. 3 p.m. Sunday for a picnic at Armi lage park, weather permitting. Rev. Dan Walker. Corvallis, will s|>eak on “How Do I Know God's Will?" Tuesday. 5:30A>m . potluck and fellow ship period, followed by “A Christian in Teaching," with Dean I.obaugh. assistant superintendent 'of Eugene schools as speak ° Thursday, 12 -.30, student-led chapel at Wesley house. CANTERBURY CLUB Episcopal students to meet at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in Student Union Taylor lounge to on picnic and party. In case of rain, it will be held indoors. All Episcopal students and tlieir friends welcome. Regular Celebration of the -Holy -Com munion each Wednesday at 7 a.m., Gerlinger hall. WESTMINSTER FOUNDATION No scheduled* *cti*ity at Western5"* fecundation tonight. Sunday, 9 a.m.. students to have oppor tunity to meet with William R. Forrester, professor of Christian ethics, t. Andrews university, Fife. Scotland. Dean Forrester i is in this country to be on the 1953 summer j school faculty at San Francisco Theological : seminary. Coffee and doughnut breakfast to be served. Sunday, 6:15 p.m., vesper service led by Germaine LaMarche and Jim Mor ley. For um topic, third in series on courtship and ] jjwriage, “What About Inter-Faith Mar- j riages?” Speaker, Rev. Harvey J. Schmidt,' First Presbyterian church, Lebanon. Wednesday, 12:30 to 12:45, chapel ser vice led by Bonnie Brackin, Westminster chapel. Wednesday, 5:30 p.m., fellowship supper, under, direction of Onoreach commission. CHRISTIAN HOUSE Informal party at Christian house to night. 8 p.m. Doughnut hour Sunday, 9:15 a.m., fol i:*yed by Bible study class. “Marriage Customs in Other Lands,” to be discussed Sunday. 5 :30 p.m. Guest speak ers. Mr. and Mrs. Tso Wong, China, and Mr. and Mrs. Manakkal Venkataramani, India, all graduate students at the Univer sity. % Annual Mother’s breakfast, Sunday, May JO, 8:30 a.m. General chairman, JoAnne j Flanders; publicity, Carolyn Keith; posters,; {Rost-War Nazis Discussed by Dorn “Denazification in post-war Ger many was not a success,” accord ing- to Walter Dorn in a Dads’ lounge lecture Thursday night. Dorn, professor of history at Ohio State university, spoke an “De nazification of Germany: Success or Failure?” “As an attempt to sweep out re sponsible Nazi activists, denazifi cation was a conspicuous and pub licly-acknowledged failure,” Dorn said. i — < LOOK SHARP FOR SPRING EVENTS You’ll be a student of dis tinction in clothes cleaned by our superior methods. Give your wardrobe per fect care and yourself a "spring1 tonic” by having clothes “party^-eady all the time. Eugene Laundry & Dry Cleaners 174 8th Avenue W. Dial 5-3321 Joan VYHson; invitations, Pat Gordon; tick ets. Marlvs Nelson; food, Alan Kershaw and Maxine Olsen; decorations, Kaye Shet terly ; arrangements, Bob Shelton; and pro grams. Otis Harden. Reservations for both students and mothers are necessary. In connection with Christian Family week, students active at Christian house or with the church are being invited into church homes for dinner this week. Students are to sign up at house for any day they prefer between May 3 and 10. Wednesday. 6:30 p.m.. executive council meeting. Woodwind Trio Recital Scheduled for Sunday The second in a series of grad uate recitals featuring a wood wind trio will be presented Sun* day afternoon at 4 in Gerlinger hall. Included in the trio will be Don ald Housh, flute; Charles Hum phreys, oboe; and Richard Stew art, clarinet. Assisting in the pro gram will be William Woods, in structor, piano; Charlene Stewart, flute; Keith Cockburn, cello; Larry Maves, violin; and Shirley Foster, viola. i I FOR MOTHER'S DAY . . . Handkerchiefs New Design New Colors Gold Effects 39c U of Chicago Prof to Speak Here Frank Knight, professor of eco nomics at the University of Chi cago, will be on the campus next Monday through Friday. Knight has travelled extensively through Europe and lectured at the British university. Monday Knight will speak on "Economic Education—A Problem in Salesmanship,” in the Dad’s lounge In the Student Union, at 7:30 p.m. This lecture is spon sored jointly by the University lec ture committee, the social science club," and the department of eco nomics. C & M TRANSFER CO. • Let us do your local and long distance moving. • Reliable workmen will do your packing while you’re en route. £ 392 High St. Phone 4-1015 VETERANS SATURDAY, MAY 2 is the last day for obtaining books and supplies on the G. I. BILL U of 0 Co-op Store FLOWERS 13th & Patterson Sts. Eugene, Oregon Campus Calendar 8 ».m. Hul O Kamaalna Regia Comm Lunch 9:15 Rotary Voc Regia Lobby 2nd FI 4 p.m. Br. Rm Coffee Hr 201 SU 6:30 p.m. Ur. Sheldon Dinner 113 SU 9 p.m. Flahbowl Mixer SU of course the Bonnet Nook has First Church of Christ, Scientist A Branch of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts 14th and Pearl May 3 “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” Sunday Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Nursery Facilities During All Services ... Beading Room 86 West Broadway . . . Organization at University of Oregon Tuesday 7 p.m. First Floor Gerlinger FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH - 1166 Oak Street Phone 4-1425 SERMON SUBJECTS: May 3 11:00 ‘‘SPIRITUAL SOWING” Message by Howard Larsen in observance of Northwest Christian College day, Mr. Larsen is a senior student of the college. 7:30 “IS SALVATION CQME TO YOUR HOUSE?” Dr. Roberts 11 a.m. "GO FORWARD" HASH Broadcast 9:45 a.m. University Class—Fred Beard, Teacher 6:30 p.m. “Choosing a Life’s Partner”—Dr. Webster NEW MEMBERS — SPECIAL GUESTS 7:30 p.m. “WORSHIP—TRUE AND PURE.” FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bdwy at High Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor Sunday Services—8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sermon: “THE LOVE OF GOD.” Holy Communion will be observed in both services Bible Class: 10 a.m.—Dr. E. S. Wengert, Leader Welcome! GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH East Eleventh Avenue at Ferry Street W. B. Maler, Pastor Donald Schaeffer, Assistant FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 490 East 13th Two Services: 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. The Sermon: “THE REVISED BIBLE.” Wesley Goodson Nicholson Minister Ruth Ownbey Director of Music Go To Church Sunday