Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Emerald Trophy
To Be Awarded
Thirty Senior Men
Considered on List
The Kmeraid Athletic Trophy,
awarded annually to the senior who
has the best athletic ability, schol
arship and citizenship, will be
awarded to this year’s outstanding
sports man during Junior Weekend.
Thirty seniors, 14 in football,
four in basketball, two in baseball,
three in swimming, four in track,
two in golf and one in tennis, are
athletically eligible for the award.
The winner will be picked by a
committee consisting of the ath
letic director, faculty representa
tive to the PCC, sports editor of
the Register Guard, sports editor
of the Emerald, president of the
Order of the "O,” student body pres
ident, dean of men, and the direc
tor of the athletic news bureau.
Oregon Golfers
To Try Beavers
University of Oregon’s golf team,
winner of its past three meets,
takes on the Oregon State varsity
linksters Saturday afternoon at
the Eugene Country club. It will be
Oregon's second ND test. The
Bquad is led by Capt. Bob Atkin
son, Don Kreiger, and A1 Mundle.
Oregon is favored to take the
meet and go on to its fifth straight
dual meet golf championship.
Coach Capt. Laurence's tennis
team, spilled by the perennial
champions, Washington, last week,
will meet the Aggie court squad
at the same time on the local
Frosh Diamond Nine
Petitions Due Monday
Coach John Londahl's Duckling
baseball team, which was rained
out of a game with Linfield yes
terday, will host the OSC Rooks
this afternoon, weather permitting.
Tomorrow they will journey to Sal
em to engage the State prison nine.
The freshman tennis team stays
at home for an encounter with the
Oregon State Frosh, Saturday
440 Specialist
TED ANDERSON, Oregon’s top entrant In the 440-yard dash and low
hurdles, will carry a good share of the scoring responsibility when the
Oregon track and field squad travels to Pullman, Wash., this Satur
day to tangle with the favored Cougars. Anderson won firsts in the
440 and hurdles against Washington last week.
Track Chances Drop
As Injuries Hit Team
By Jim White
Emerald Sporttwriur
Oregon's slim chances took a
nosedive Thursday as the Ducks
prepared for Saturday's dual track
and field meet with the Washing
ton Stale Cougars. Injuries riddled
the Oregon trackmen in several
formerly strong events.
The Ducks, now resting in third
place in the league, were thought
to have a good chance to upset the
powerful league leading Cougars,
but the drain on manpower has
w eakened Oregon so that a victory
now looks unlikely.
In the pole vault, Oregon’s squad,
which was one of the best on the
coast, was reduced to one man as a
result of injuries. Only Ken Hick
enbottom will make the trip in that
event. The Ducks hopes in the
broad jump were shattered when
Spring Grid Prospects Practice
'T' Plays, Scrimmage in Rain
Although rain dampened spring
football practice for the fourth
straight day Thursday, the squad
looked considerably improved.
As usual, the first part of the
afternoon was spent limbering up
and practicing on fundamentals;
but later the grid men divided in
to line and backfield groups under
the direction of Coaches Vem
Sterling and Johnny McKay, re
i In backfield practice, the run
ners worked on basic “T” forma
tion plays, with Barney Holland
and Don Holt managing quarter
back duties.
A half-hour tackling scrimmage
was held as the final drill. Cece
Hodges, power-driving halfback,
turned in a stellar performance,
racking up sizeable gains against
the defensive team.
Xn the only intramural soft*
ball game played Thursday, K&p*
pa Sigma overwhelmed Phi Gam
ma Delta IS to S. !
3:50 South Field:
Delta Tau Delta vs Theta Chi
4:55 North Field:
Alpha Tau Omega vs Pi Kappa Phi.
4:55 South Field:
Chi Psi vs Pi Kappa Alpha.
English Brogues
The Originals from England
Ben Johnson acquired a dislocated
The Oregon traveling squad and events:
Ted Anderson. 440, low hurdles; Walt Ba
dorek, discus, high hurdles, high jump; Len
Berrie, .shot, discus; Doug Clement. 880;
Bob Faucett, high jump; Ken Hickenbot
tom. pole vault; and Jimmy Jones, shot.
John Ixftis, 880; A1 Martin, mile; Jerrv
Mock, 100, 220; Ken Reiser, 2 mile; Chan
Sogge, high hurdle., low hurdles, javelin;
Bruce Spr.ngbett, 100, 220; Tom Swalm.
high hurdles. low hurdles; Fred Turner, 2
mile; and Dick Zimmerman, high hurdles,
low hurdles.
We Re-String
Tennis Racquets
Save at
770 Will. Ph. 4-9325
Webfoots Risk Position
In Pair With Cougars
University of Oregon’s front-run
ning baseball team will attempt to
defend its two-game margin in the
Northern Division baseball race
this weekend when it engages the
Washington State Cougars at Pull
man, Wash., Friday and Saturday.
The Ducks go into the Inland
Oregon State
Washington State
W L Pet. CB
5 0 1.000 .
3 2 .600 2
2 2 .500 2V4
2 4 .333 4
1 5 .167 5
Empire with a conference string of
five wins and an overall season
winning skein of ten games.
Coach Don Kirsch is expected to
start one of his prize sophomore
pitching stars, Norm Forbes,
against the Cougars in the first
game. Either of two more second
year men. Bill Blodgett or Stan
Dmochowsky, will get the nod for
the Saturday contest.
MAY 4 at Midnite
The trek into the Palouse hUfti
could be the deciding factor aa to
whether or not the Ducks are Ml
top of the standings when the sea
son is over. The Oregon nine mU|t
go through two more games at Ida
ho, after a Sunday of rest, and than
two more contests at Seattle only
a day after the Idaho series.
Oregon must come out with- a
better than .500 split if it plan's to
hang onto its first place position.
The Ducks will end their seasta
with a four game series in the Wil
lamette valley with their Croat
state rivals, the Oregon State Bea
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