Betas Drop Sigma Nu Softballers 2-7 Despite frequent drizzles and wet grounds, intramural softball action was successfully carried on Tuesday with five games being played. Beta Theta Pi, behind the su perb pitching of Harlan Mickey, downed a strong Sigma Nu nine 2-1 in a well played ball game. Sigma Nu scored their lone run in the third inning on a single, a walk and a costly Beta error. This one run lead looked like possibly the only score of the ball game until the Betas opened the fifth inning with a hit. followed by a Sigma Nu error, a fielder's choice and then a long double. This splurge counted for two tallies, which proved to be enough to win the ball game. The Betas has a total of two runs on six hits while Sigma Nu had a total of one run on two hits. - R 'H Betas ..060 02*—* «_ Bigma Nu ...... ... .. 001 000—l 2 . Mickey and Adams; Meyers and *Cai3er. Hale Kane Wins, 14-2 Hale Kane continued their win ding streak by downing the Camp bell Clubbers 14-2 behind the two - frit pitching of Al Wardell. The jHale Kane nine jumped to an early dead by scoring five runs in the first inning. Campbell club sent three flingers to the'firing line in a’ strong attempt to stop the pa rade. , . - . Hale Kane drew a total of four teen runs on nine hits. They ob tained ten walks and there were, .eight Campbell Club errors. R H Hale Kane.543 20—14 9 Campbell Club ....001 01— 2 Wardell and Fralin; Jones, Jac obson, Robinson and Hoyer Sammies Victors In other intramural action. Sig ma Alpha Mu downed Phi Sigma Kappa 11-6 in a game which was called at the end of five innings because of the time limit. Leading the Sammies was Don Olds, allowing six runs on five «iits. The losing pitcher was Bob i ■Enright who aHowed eleven runs on eleven hits. t? XT ■Sammies .220 25—11 11 j Phi Sigs .021 03— 6 5 Olds and Sherman; Enright and Beeman. Nestor Squeezes By Nestor Hall, behind the seven hit j pitching of Ron Isaacs, downed the Sherry Ross nine 7-6 in a close intramural softball game. R H Nestor .202 021—7 6 Sherry .200 040—6 -7 Isaacs and McLoughlin; Rene i>erg and Sjoland. Featuring Cameos for Mother's Day Variety of Styles & Prices Priced to fit the student budget—large or small 849 E. 13th Phone 4-4611 Legal Eagles Win French Hall was dropped by Legal Eagles, 7-3, in the final in tramural softball tilt Tuesday aft ernoon. The winning nine collected a total of seven runs on ten hits. The French players had a total of three runs on four hits. Legal Eagles .103 03—7 10 French Hall .300 00—3 4 Thalofer and Thien; Carskadon and Page. INTRArMURAL STANDINGS LEAGUE 1 ' VV L Beta Theta Pi .—.4 ' 1 Sigma Nu .'- 4 1 Delta Epsilon . ...v..4 1 Phi Kappa Psi__,_.t S Sigma Alpha Mu..,.1 4 Phi Sigma' Kappa .:...0 4 ' . LEAGUE 2 Hale Kane .....4 0 Sigma Hall _1_:...J f Campbell Club ..3 1 Susan Campbell . '.....I 3 Philadelphia House .1. ... .1 3 Alpha Hall .. 0 4 LEAGUE 3 French Hall —.... 3 2 Nestor ..1.... 3 2 Merrick ......_T..... :...,3 2 Legal Eagles ....._....3 2 Sherry Ross . .......2 3 Stitzer Hall _1 4 LEAGUE 4 Sigma Chi .. _..4 0 Kappa Sigma .. 2 1 Phi Gamma Delta .;....2 1 Tau Kappa Epsilon ..1 3 Lambda Chi Alpha .:.0 4 LEAGUE S Alpha Tau Omega ..2.'..3 0 Phi Delta Theta .'....3 1 Pi Kappa Phi .i.:....l 2 Delta Tau Delta . 1 2 Theta Chi ... 0 3 LEAGUE 6 Chi Psi .. 2 0 Sigma' Phi Epsilon ..:. 2 1 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ...2 1 Pi Kappa Alpha ..1 2 Phi Kappa Sigma ..0 3 Pet. .800 .800 .800 ..2S0 .200 .000 1.000 .750 .750 .250 .250 .000 .600 ..600 .600 .600 .400 .200 1.000 .667 .667 .250 .000 1.000 .750 .333 .333 .000 .1000 .667 .667 .333 .000 Spring Grid Drills Held in Light Rain Coach Len Casanova sent almost 60 football prospects through a second day of spring practice, Tuesday afternoon, underneath drizzly skies. Track Squad Preps for Encounter With Washington State Saturday Oregon’s cindermen will run through light practice Friday in final preparation for Saturday's big meet with the WSC Cougars. The Ducks will be gunning for their third straight dual meet win over the powerful Cougars but last Saturday’s meet showed that Oregon has a drastic shortage of manpower which will hurt any chances of upsetting the powerful Washington Staters. Bob Gary, PCC 100 yard dash champion will provide plenty of competition for Oregon’s Bruce Springbett. Springbett is one of the most promising sprint men in the .Northwest. Ted Anderson should easily win the 440 event. Doug Clement will run up against his first real competition in A1 Link. Link has turned In the best time for the half mile so far this season. The Cougars are particularly weak in the pole vault, high jump and broad jump. The Ducks also have a good chance in the hurdles, shot put, and mile. Oregon could pull an upset bdt win or not it will be one of the closest meets of the year. The Webfoots are almost certain to sweep the pole vault and the Cou gars could do the same in the javelin and discus. Weather Halts Duck-Pilot Tilt Oregon's baseball team, which has rolled up ten straight victor ies was temporarily halted yester day, when a scheduled nine inning game with the non-conference Portland Pilots was cancelled be cause of rain. The next action on the Webfoot slate is a weekend series with the Washington State Cougars at Pull man, Wash., Friday and Saturday afternoon. SPORT STAFF Sports Desk Editor: John Whit ty; Staff: Mort Harkins, Jim White and Sam Vahey. F riday, May 1st The LAST DAY for purchasing CO-OP Memberships for school year 1952-53 Cash register receipts must be turned in by May 20th U of 0 Co-op Store You Con Learn to Fly in Just 8 Hours! ♦ Easily ' ♦ Inexpensively ♦ Safely NOW—Sign up for our new installment plan • A small down payment and you're in the air • Small monthly payments keep you there Phone 7-2366—Ask for "Milt" McKenzie flying service Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street So far this season the Cougars have beaten OSC and Idaho. Ore gon also downed Idaho but suc cumbed to the powerful Washing ton Huskies. Entrance Deadline Nears for Bowlers All people interested in entering the all-campus bowling tourna ments to be held May 1-15, are urged to sign up in the basement of the Student Union according to Lou Bellisimo, SU recreational di rector. SPORTS FARE Wednesday, April SOFTBALL 3:50 North Field : Phi Camma Delta vs Kappa Sigtna 3 :50 South Field : Delta Tau Delta vs Theta Chi 3 :50 Upper Field : Sigma Phi Epsilon vs Chi P»i 4:45 North Field: Alpha Tau Omega vs Pi Kappa Phi. 4:55 South Field: Chi Psi vs Pi Kappa Alpha. 4:55 Upper Field: Philadelphia House vs Susan Campbell. Classifieds NASH, ’47, 4-door, radio, air con ditioning, excellent condition $645 or best offer. Phone 4-2450 4-3( Convertible, ’49 Plymouth deluxe Well maintained. Leaving city must sell immediately. 3-2741. 4-28 THIS OFFER ENDS MONDAY, MAY 4 at Midnite Open 11 A. M To 11 P. M Limit 5 Tickets ro Person At This Price "Wn nollti* moil I married. Nat any mara. Yaa'ra amblliout... raid ...and haartloMl* 1