Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    YW to Discuss
Plans For Meet
Plans for the centennial anni
versary of the YWCA will be dis
cussed at the YW neighborhood
meeting to be held today and Fri
day in Portland.
Mrs. C. A. Barnes, member of
the local and national advisory
hoards, will preside over the en
tire conference. Also attending
from Eugene will be Mrs. Hubert
Willoughby, member of the com
munity advisory board. The con
ference is open to all YW mem
bers from the campus and the
community, said Mrs. Barnes.
Sipe Lecture Slated
for Biology Club
Frank P. Sipe, associate profes
sor of b i o 1 o g y, will speak on
"Western Wild Flowers" at a
meeting of the biology club tonight
at 7:15 in Science 16.
The speaker will show flower
slides from his extensive collec
tion. and plans for the club's week
end field trip to the Coos Bay ma
*jne station will also be discussed.
today on KWAX
6 p.m. Sign on
6:03 Piano Moods
6:10 News Till Now
6:15 Public Health Series
6:30 Radio Workshop Drama
7 Our Search for Mental Health
8 Campus Classics
0 KWAX works with Ken Whittle
10:57 Sign Oft
Personal Letters
To Moms Stressed
A reminder to all University
students to invite their mothers
for Mother's day, May 9, has been
issued by Barbara Wilcox, general
chairman. Letters are being sent
through the Mother's clubs, but
personal letters are of more value.
Miss Wilcox stresses.
The mothers will be guests at the
Junior Prom on Friday night, with
special entertainment and refresh
ments being planned for them.
Saturday breakfast, a board
meeting, and a luncheon, as well
as the traditional All-Campus Sing
Saturday night, are planned. Win
ners of the Sing will be presented
Sunday aftgrnoon in a special Sun
light Serenade for the mothers.
Campus Calendar
Noon Phi Beta Pledges 111 SU
Drama Stall 112 SU
Phi Chi Theta 113 SU
-3:00 AF ROTC 31S SU
4:00 VIS 112 SU
Jr Wknd Float Par 113 SU
Jr Prom 334 SU
Stu AH Comm 337 SU.
Clark Coffee Hr Dad's Lounge SU
4:30 AWS Trans Tea 110 SU
Jr. Wknd Float Par Hum
Skt 214 SU
5:00 Chi Delta Phi 213 SU
6 :15 YU Cab 319 SU
7:00 Biol Cl 16 Sci
7:30 Chess Cl 111 SU
YM Inq Grp 315 SU
Delta Theta Phi Gerl 1st FI
Phi Delta Phi
9:00 Fac Mxd Dbls
Gerl 3rd FI
113 SU
KWAX to Feature Future Ball Games
In the future all Oregon base
ball games will be broadcast over
KWAX according to Sports Direc
tor Jerry Shaw.
Games will start at 2:50 p.m.,
and the station will continue
broadcasting after the games until
their regular broadcast time, 6
p.m., said Shaw. Announcers will
be Jim Jones, Ken Whittle, Ed
Meyers, Don Olds and At Barz
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• Small monthly payments keep you there
Phone 7-2366-Ask for "Milt"
McKenzie flying service
Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street
Fri., Sat. April 24, 25
John Arlene
Payne Dahl
Red Planet Mars
Sun., Mon. April 26, 27
April in Paris
Ray Doris
Bolger Day
Jet Job
1 mile E. Spring-field
Admission 63c Phone 7-2000
The students of India, Pakistan
and Greece, also Syria, Burma,
Japan, Indonesia and Korea
will receive our help Fhrough
the World Student Service
Fund. Help the students of to
day who will be the leaders of
This space donated by the following firms:
University of Oregon Co-op Fennell's Campus Shop
Eugene Water & Electric Board