FROM WASHINGTON Ducks Host Sagging Huskies; Trackmen Favored In Seattle '! ND BASEBALL STANDING POKKGON pldalw* ,,\\ i-lmiKI'»i Stale •POi-egon State V\a«lmi|(ton W 3 3 2 L Pet. 0 1.000 2 .5D0 3 .400 2 .3.12 3 .250 WEDNESDAY'S RESULTS —.Washington State, 8 at Oregon State, 4. SEATTLE — Washington's ’ Huskies, almost knocked out of the Northern Division title race after losing two of their first three home games, hit the road this week sorely needing a split or bet ter against Oregon and Oregon State. The Huskies face Oregon in Eu gene Friday and Saturday and then swing over to Corvallis for a two-game set on Monday and Tuesday with the conference favor ites, Oregon State. Coach Warren Tappin’s nine not only lost to WSC and Idaho at Graves Field against a single win against the Cougars In their tlrst three outings, but lost the services of shortstop Don Vaughan, at least for the Oregon trip and possibly for the season. Vaughan suffered a deep spike wound above the wrist on hK throwing arm. The only bright spot in the Huskies' early games were the brilliant hurling of Bill Reams and the heavy hitting of Sam Mitchell and Larry Watson. Reams twirl ed a four-hit shutout Saturday. sophomore right-hander whiffed 10 anil walked only two men. Mitchell and Watson were the only Huskies to do much at the plate, Watson having the biggest day with a fiv? for-six effort against Idaho Mon day. the Cougars 0-0. The Golf — Tennis Oregon and Washington will meet in golf and tennis matches in Eugene this Friday. Washing ton is heavily favored in the tennis competition, while Oregon is giv en the edge in golf. HEILIG 4 m Starts Sunday, April 26 "A4a and Pa Kettle on Vacation" Marjorie Main - Percy Kilbride —also— "Target Hongkong" Itichard Denning - Nancy Gates m Starts Sunday, April 26 "Penny Princess" Starts Wednesday, April 29 "Sudden Fear" loan Crawford - Jack Palance LANE 'i'o.t' 40431 Starts Sunday, April 26 "Because of You" Loretta Young - Jeff Chandler - also - "Beware My Lovely" Ida Lupino Robert Ryan Starts Wednesday, April 29 "Abbott and Costello Meet Captain Kidd" Abbott & Costello - also - "It Grows on Trees" Irene Dunne Dean Jagger SEATTLE — coach Hec EdmundHon's University of Wash ington Huskies open their 1953 track season against the Univer sity of Oregon here Saturday, but the gala opening may not be such a joyous one for the home fans. The Ducks began their spring cinder campaign at Eugene last weekend when they walloped Idaho 84 to 47, and showed surprising strength in many events. In the over-all picture, Wash ington will rank strongly In the distance and a majority of the field events. The main weakness Is in the pole vault, where Ore gon has three men capable of hitting the 13-foot mark. Dar rold Skartvedt has gone 23 feet in the broad jump and may take the event over Oregon’s Ben Johnson and Ray Packuood. Duane Wardlow and Dean Par son’s will give the Huskies ample strength in the shot put and al most a sure bet for 1-2 honors in the event. Denny Meyer, in the two-mile is the favorite, while Northern Divi sion Mile champ. Bob Fornia, has been picked to edge Webfoot A1 Martin in a close contest. In the hurdles and middle dis tance races, both teams seem to SPORTS FARE Thursday. April 23 SOFTBALL 3 :50 North Field : Pi Kappa Phi vs Theta Chi * 3 : ^0 South FieM : Sigma Phi Kpsilon vs Pi Kappa Alpha 3 :50 Upper Field : Sigma Alpha Kpsilon vs Chi Phi 4 ;55 North Field : Helta l ‘p*ilon vs Sigma Xu 4:55 South Field : Ph: Kappa P*i vs Sigma Alpha Mu 4 5 ; 1 "pp**r Field : Alpha Hall v* Campbell Club Do ^Jou HaOe Ci Ca'tee't Plan? One of the most interesting and profitable careers in which a young American can invest his future is FOREIGN TRADE FOREIGNSERVICE The American Institute For Foreign Trade offers you graduate-level training for a satisfying and lucrative career abroad. Advanced degrees offered. due estimate Write to: The Registrar American Institute For Foreign Trade P. O. Box 191 Phoenix, Arizona have equal strength. However, Oregon’s Doug Clement has hit 49.1 in the 440 and should win that event. Oregon sprinters Bruce Springbett and Jerry Mock will challenge Huskies Bob Hutchison and Stan Green for tpo honors in the sprints. Both of the Duck speedsters have broken 10-flat for the 100 yard dash. Cougars Trip WSC CORVALLIS OP) — After being frustrated through six innings, Washington State college hitters finally came to life late in the game to thump Oregon State 8-4, in a Northern Division baseball game at Corvallis today. The victory moved Washington State into third place. The big blow in the uprising was Stan Poppe’s long three run homer in the eighth inning. That over came Oregon State’s 4 to 3 lead, and the Beavers never threatened thereafter. Landy James, Washington State’s slow-ball expert, held Ore gon State to five hits, and gained effectiveness as he went along. Norb Wellman was the losing pitcher for the Beavers. The Philadelphia Athletics beat Detroit 24-2 in 1912, when the Tig er regulars went on strike for teammate Ty Cobb. Anniversaro Special OjM-n 11 A. M. To 11 P. M Limit > Tickets To Person At This Price 7th & Willamette Ph. 3-3411 Fijis Blast Tekes in Big Inning; Phi Del! Registers No-Hitter In intramural softball yesterday, Sigma Hall beat Susan Campbell 7-5; Phi Gamma Delta exploded in the first inning for 17 runs, prob ably a new IM record, to lick the Tekes, 19-2; and Merrick hall out played French, 10-7. Phi Delta Theta shut out the Delts, 6-0; Kappa Sigma blanked Lambda Chi Alpha, 5-0; and Nes tor won from Stitzer by forfeit. P. H E Susan Campbell 000- 04—5 4 2 Sigma Hall.Ill 31—7 12 R H Tau Kappa Epsilon 101— 2 3 Phi Garnma Delta 1711—19 18 R H French Hall .610 0— 7 6 Merrick Hall .505 0—10 8 P- H Delta Tau Delta.000—0 0 Phi Delta Theta .330—6 6 R H L C A .000 00—0 2 Kappa Sigma .120 20—5 10 2 E 6 1 E 1 1 E 2 0 E 2 1 NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the Univer sity of Oregon Co-op Store will be held in room 207 Chapman Hall, April 23rd at 4:00 p.m. University of Oregon Co-op Store C-tftWA'S PALACE WE ARE Completely Remodeled Always Serve Famous Chinese Food Fine American Food Banquet Room for Parties THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: Full Course Special Chinese Dinner Delicious Pineapple Chicken Chinese Bar B-Q, Pork Spare Ribs includes Salad, Soup, Dessert and Tea or Coffee Dial for Reservations 33 EAST 6th AVE. EAST FROM THE POST OFFICE