Social Calendar Wednesday—Desserts Phi Sigma Kappa-Alpha Phi. Wednesday—Desserts Sigma Chi-Delta Gamma. Friday—Block Parties Theta Chi .Delta Delta Delta, Delta Tau Delta and Delta Zeta. Beta Theta Pi. Chi Psi. Alpha Phi. Gamma Phi Beta/ Phi Kappa Psi. Sigma Nu. Kappa Sig ma and Sigma Phi Epsilon. Saturday—Duck Preview Dance. Honorary to Sponsor China Pattern Survey Members of Alpha Lambda Del ta. freshmen women’s scholastic honorary, will sponsor a design survey of choices in new china patterns for junior and senior women on Friday, according to Sylvia Wingard, president of the organization. Over 100 women will be inter viewed in Gerlinger hall for three minutes each to discover their tastes in china. Alpha Lambda Delta will receive 50 cents for each woman interview ed by the Doulton and Co., Inc., representative. Interviews will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Summer Project Day Scheduled for Tuesday The YMCA and YWCA are spon soring a summer project “round up day” Tuesday. Anyone interest ed in summer projects' sponsored by any denominational group, YM, YW or the American Friends Ser vice association, may obtain infor mation from 9 a.m. until, noon at the YM and from 1 to 5 p.m. at the YW. /THE fjf Man Behind 'tiffin From Warmer Bros. met mm m mm «.»**»« .tututf TOP «IT! |^Riiiedji CrtorftHQatlwc byWAMtER l [KARLMALOEN BRIAN AHERNE «Je.-ss—tfl SSSfiMiL 2860 WILLAMETTE oRpmmmm UIS Petitions Due By 5 p.m. Monday Students planning to seek nom inations on the United Independent Students slate must turn in their petitions by Monday at 5 p.m., Elsie Schiller, UIS publicity chair man. has announced. The party primary will be April 29 at which time students will be nominated for student body pres ident, class officers and ASUO senate. UIS will meet Thursday at 4 p.m. to discuss plans for the primary. Miss Schiller said. Petitions may be turned in to Miss Schiller at University house; Don Collin, UIS president; Ger maine LaMarche, Orides; Tom Shepherd, Gamma hall, and Paul Ward, Campbell club. Campus Calendar 8:00 a.m. N.W. Airport Con! Reigs Lobby 2nd FI 9:00 N.W. Airport Sessions Dad's Lounge SU Jr Wknd Voting Checkrm SU Noon Yeomen 113 SU Spanish Table 114 SU 3:30 AF ROTC 113 SU 3:30 SU Bd 337 SU 4:00 WSSF Sol 110SU Art Gal 313 SU Kwama Skull & Dag 334 SU 6:30 Jr. Wknd 313 SU IFC 315 SU 6:45 Cosmos Exec 319 SU 7:00 Educ Movie 207 Chap 7:30 APO 111 SU Clark Lect 201 SU Stu Pub Bd 337 SU Folk Dancing Gerl Annex 8:00 Amaron Nur Org 334 SU Hui O Gerl 3rd FI Ten Directorate Posts Now Open Petitions for the ten SU direc torate committees should be turned in to the office of the Student Un ion board chairman or the petition box on 3rd floor, before 5 p.m. Friday, according to Tom Brand, law school representative. Today on KWAX | 6 p.m. Sign On 6:03 Piano Moods 6:10 Nawa Till Now 1 6:13 Sports Shota ^ 6:30 Dixiaography 7 Learning in Later Life 7:13 Gay Paree 7 :30 Voice of Europe 8 Campus Classics 9 KWAXworks with Ed Meyers 10:57 Sign Off MOTOR TUNE-UP AUTO ELECTRICAL Martin Auto Electric Service Phone 4-0133 • • • Calvin H. Martin 7th & Charnelton Eugene, Oregon f p* fr Don’t you want to try a cigarette with a record like this? THE QUALITY CONTRAST between Chesterfield and other leading cigarettes is a revealing story. Recent chemical analyses give an index of good quality for the jjjg! country’s six leading cigarette brands. ' &»»§' The index of good quality table - a ratio of high sugar to low nicotine — < vj* ■ shows Chesterfield quality highest i . . 15% higher than its nearest competitor and Chesterfield quality higher than the average of the five other leading brands. ? t - 2* First to Give You Premium Quality in Regular and Choice of Young America A recent survey made in 274 leading colleges and universities shows Chesterfield is the largest seller. ue&rfT t myeBS * tAtE#S King-size . . . much milder with an extraordinarily good taste —and for your pocketbook, Chesterfield is today’s best cigarette buy. 3* A Report Never Before Made About a Cigarette. For a full year a medical specialist has been giving a group of Chesterfield smokers regular examina* tions every two months. He reports adverse effects to nose, throat and sinuses from smoking Chesterfield. i /