Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 21, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Second Round Vodvil
Eliminations Tonight
The second round of elimina
tions for the All-Campus Vodvil
will begin at 7 and 8 p.m. this
evening for all men’s living organ
isations entering skits in the com
petition, according to Shirley
Wendt, general co-chairman. The
eliminations will be held in Ger
Psyco Warfare
Strikes Oregon
Propaganda experts from two
Oregon fraternities bombarded
the campus Monday with a bar
lage of 3000 leaflets in a brief,
bloodless air raid. The leaflets,
advertising Joan Marie Miller for
Junior Weekend queen, were
dropped from a light plane in a
‘-'bombing mission” arranged by
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Kap
pa Sigma. Miss Miller’s spon
linger annex and are open to the
Scheduled to appear at 7 p.m.
are Campbell club, “Ducksie-land;”
Merrick hall, “Life Upon the Wick
ed Campus;” Lambda Chi Alpha,
“The Alums .Recall;” Phi Delta
Theta, “The Shooting of Dan Mc
Grew;” Phi Kappa Psi, untitled;
and Phi Kappa Sigma, “Life Up
on the Wicked Campus.”
Participating in the 8 p.m. try
outs will be Phi Sigma Kappa,
“TV Talent or the Return of Vod
vil;” Sigma Alpha Mu, “Through
the Sound Barrier;” Sigma Chi,
"Athabaska;” Sigma Nu, “Let's
Dial In;" Sigma Phi Epsilon, “The
Sigma Phi Epsilon Symphony;”
Tau Kappa Epsilon, “That's Our
Baby;" and Alpha Tau Omega, un
The five men's acts and the five
women's acts which will appear in
the All-Campus Vodvil Friday will
be announced after the men’s try
outs are completed.
Programs Reach Carson Radios
After a successful trial Friday
night, Carson hall has been receiv
ing KWAX over 880 kilocycles on
the same plan as John Straub.
Connections from KWAX studios
in Villard to the electrical system
of Carson enable any radio plugged
into that circuit to hear KWAX.
Engineer E. M. Kretsinger super
vised the installation.
KWAX connections to Susan
Anniversary Special
11 A. M.
5 Tickets
ro Person
At This
'yfya'i'iy '&
Hollywood Ballroom
7th & Willamette Ph. 3-3411
Campbell and Hendricks hall will
not be completed by this spring
due to installation difficulties.
Tentative plans schedule the dorm
itory installation next fall.
URC to Install
New Officers
Sally Hayden will be installed as
the new president of the University
Religious Council Wednesday at a
dinner meeting at the First Pres
byterian Church.
Other officers who will take of
fice that night will be Bob Hast
ings, vice president; Winono Fish
back, recording secretary; Pat At
kinson, corresponding secretary;
Bob Duffy, treasurer, and Bob
Dean, historian. Faculty advisers
will be P. J. Powers, faculty ad
visor, and Kenneth Peterson, di
rector of Wesley Foundation, ad
Jane Simpson, out-going presi
dent, will install the new officers
and the charge to the officers will
be given by the Rev. Paul Mellish
of the First Presbyterian Church.
Tickets can be obtained for forty
cents from Miss Simpson, Delta
Delta Delta Delta; Jean Fuller,
Carson 5; the YMCA, any denom
ination group, or at the door.
Makeup Editor—Dave Averill
Night Editor—Ann Hill
Night Staff — June Browning,
Bob Patterson
England freed the slaves in her
colonies in 1833.
Women Finalists Announced
For All-Campus Vodvil Show
Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Delta
Delta, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta
and Kappa Kappa Gamma arc the
Speech Pupils
Tour Portland
The University symposium squad
concludes its activities for the year
with a tour of the Portland area
today, Wednesday and Thursday
according to Herman Cohen, di
rector of forensics.
Three members of the squad, ac
companied by Cohen, left this
morning for engagements at Port
land, Astoria, Oregon City and
Clatskanie. Speakers will discuss
how the United States can best
combat the internal Communist
Students making the trip in
clude Paul Ward, freshman in po
litical science, Elsie Schiller, jun
ior in journalism, and Bruce Holt,
freshman in pre-law.
The squad has traveled roughly
8,000 miles covering a major por
tion of the state during the past
three months, Cohen said. He es
timated the University group has
spoken to 5,000 persons in aud
iences made up of high school,
civic groups and religious organ
izations. t
finalists in the women’s division
of the All-Campus Vodvil show
“Let’s Do It Again.’’
The show will be given Friday
night in McArthur Court as part
of the World Student Services
Fund drive and Duck Preview.
Judges for the elimination were
Laura Olson, Bob Metz, Mrs. Wlns
lew Cuthbcrt, Delores Parrish, Tom
Moss, and Horace Robinson.
Themes of the skits are "Ori
ental Fantasy," Alpha Chi; "As
Time Goes By,” Tri-Dolt; "Magoo
Tics the Baby Shoe," DG; “World
Cruise,” DZ, and “Take Back Your
Mink,” Kappa.
To Hear O'Rourke
New UO Ad Club
A Portland advertising execu
tive, Carroll O’Rourke, will speak
at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Stu
dent Union to the newly-formed
Oregon Ad club. Interested stu
dents are invited, W. L. Thomp
son, faculty adviser, said.
Election of two members of the
club's governing board is on the
Candidates are Ron Sherman, A1
Peters, Dick McConnell, John Gam
iles, and Len Krichevsky.
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