Religious Notes Compiled by Mitzi Asai Emerald Raligioui Nawt Editor Newman Club Communion breakfast, Saint Mary'* school cafeteria, 9 am. Mans, Sunday. Catholic students and faculty members invited. New officers: Claras Dletmeyer, president: Caroline Davis, first vice president; Don Sullivan, sec ond vice president: Margo Casa nova, secretary, and Eob Jorgen sen, treasurer. Benediction of the Blessed Sac rament, Sunday, 7 p.m. and Daily Mass 6:50 a.m. Canterbury Club Sunday, 5:30 p.m., discussion of "The Purpose of Life und Worth while Vocation.” Father Evan Williams to lead discussion, pre ceded by Evening Service and sup per. Celebration of Holy Commun ion, 7 a m. each Wednesday, Ger linger hall. Gamma Delta Bible classes, 30 a m. Sunday, Grace Lutheran church. Discus sion of Revelations, led by E. S. Wengert. Students to meet at the church 2:30 p.m. Sunday to depart for a hike. In case of rain, a pic nic at Hendricks park to be sub stituted. Coffee hour every Thursday from 4 to 5 p.m., Student Union fishbowl. Christion House Paul Revere party at Christian house tonight at 10 following Isaac Stern concert. Gene Bates, Phyl lis Hardesty, recreation committee co-chairmen in charge. “Donut Hour” Sunday, 9:15 a m. followed by Bible study class taught by Miss Martha Goodrich. Sunday, 5:30 p.m. discussion of "Engagement Problems," second topic in the "Love, Courtship and Marriage” series. JOB OPPORTUNITIES R Kidpath of th«- WYyhaeu-er company will be <>n campus Tuesday, to interview ; U. inlcrestol in positions with hi* firm. On Thursday, a representative of (Hidden and Company, I’aint and Chemicals, will in terview those interested in the company's training program, accounting and sales. The t .K* foundation i* offering interships and jlDdO fellowships in municipal affairs for the next year. According to Karl Onthank, h :ati- director of student affairs. Meredith Burch. ’52 i< now serving as an intern under the foundation. Additional information and appointments to -cc the representatives may be obtained at the graduate placement office in Emerald hall. Shop til 9 p.m. all week it’s * ftime for ^ fishing! HERE'S REAL BAIT— COMPLETE FLYFISHING OUTFIT SPECIAL 13.95 0 Bamboo Fly Rod • Fly Reel • Fly Line 0 Fly Box • 12 Flies • 7'/2 ft. Tapered Leader ^ 6 Snelled Hooks 0 Box Split Shot 0 Jar Single Eggs Wesley House This weekend, Wesley founda tion students will attend Methodist Student Movement conference, Camp Magruder near Barview, . (lre. Guest speaker, Harvey Si j feet, University of Southern Cal ifornia. No regular Sunday pro ! gram to be held here. Wednesday, University Religious council installation dinner. No I Tuesday night potluck dinner as result. Thursday, 12:30, student chapel. with a flair for fashion Cotton Skirts Distinctive new patterns Exquisite colors Charming styles 5.95 to 19.95 Portland Ad Man To Talk Tuesday “Advertising Production” will be the topic for discussion at the fourth meeting of the University branch of the Oregon Ad club Tuesday evening, at 7:30 p.m. Carroll O'Rourke, account exec I utive with Mac Wilkins, Cole and Weber advertising agency in Portland, will speak. O'Rourke is a member of the “Flying Squad ron," a group of ad men touring the state offering clinics on re tail advertising. He is also teaching advertising classes at Multnomah college. Genius has been defined as the capacity to take infinite pains. ^|\ive ut Mov£a» | 'IDieBette/l/1 SlAKiS SUNDAY “THUNDER IN THE EAST" Alan Ladd Deborah Kerr Dni TOP «IT! "ANDROCLES AND THE LION" Victor Mature Jean Simmons i 2860 WILLAMETTE ■ 4.4IS2 3 RIVE-IM THIATK im Arrow Gordon Dover Seen As Campus Favorite For ’53 Button-Down Oxford Classic Overwhelming Favorite Of College Crowd All signs point to a big year on campus for Arrow Gordon Dover—the neat, button-down Oxford so many youngf - men prefer. Available at all Arrow dealers. ARROW SHIRTS — SHIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS icifl with easier action, too! The striking new Bel Air Sport Coupe, one of 16 beautiful models in 3 great new series. Chevrolet’s improved Velvet-Pressure Jumbo-Drum Brakes give maximum stopping power with maximum ease of application Entirety A/EIVMrouyA and Mrot/f 4/ Chevrolet owners have long been con vinced that they have the safest as well as the largest brakes on any low-priced car. And that is even more true in 1953. yThis year you will find much smoother, more responsive brake action ... up to 23 % less pedal pressure . . . and a softer, more velvety feel of operation. Realize, too, that here is the. only low-i priced car with sturdy Fisher Unisteel Construction, Safety Plate Glass in wind shield and all windows of sedans and coupes, extra-easy Power Steering* and many other important safety factors, and you’ll understand why owners rate the new Chevrolet tops. Come in; see and drive this thrillingly advanced car, and we believe you’ll place your order now! *Optional at extra cost. Power Steering available on all models. Con tinuation of standard equipment and trim illus trated is dependent on availability of material. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! C 0> SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Conveniently listed under "Automobiles” in your local classified telephone directory