Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1953, Page Two, Image 2

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    n Daily
The Oregon Dai^t Emerald published Monday through Friday during the college year
except Jan. 5; Feb. 23; Mar. 2, 3, 5, 9, 10 and 11; Mar. 13 through 30; June 1, 2 and 3 by the
Student Publications Board of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter
At the post office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend to
represent the opinions of the ASUO or of the University. Editorials are written by the
editor and the members of the editorial staff.
Jim Hayoox, Editor
Ron Brown, Business Manager
Memo: All Department Heads
PASS Tt*S cou9i€ |
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t*a* At
«A4fc —
“I say, Dean, isn’t there something that can be done about this
*B-average-in-the-major-fie!d’ requirement ?”
• Campus Briefs
0 More workers are still needed
/or the Mother’s day committees,
according to general chairman
■Barbara Wilcox. Students interest
ed in working on them should con
-tact Miss Wilcox at Hendricks
^ Persons interested in working
on radio promotion for Junior
if/eekend have been asked to turn
in petitions to the Weekend office
on the third floor of the Student
Union by 4 p.m. today, according
to Bob Berry, chairman.
0 Petitions for Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women’3 honorary,
■roust be turned in by 5 p.m. today
to Judy McLaughlin at Rebec or
4oaa Walker at Kappa Alpha
'Theta, Miss McLoughlin has an
0 Scholarship applications for
the Phi Theta Upsilon grants will
We due April 24 to the office of
women's affairs. Sophomore wom
en who will be juniors next fall
are eligible for the awards. /!,..."
-0 Petitions for 1954 Oregana
•editor and business manager are
due Monday at 5 p.m., the Student
Publications-Board has announced.
The “board will interview petition
ers Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
*0 A call for students to work
the chaperone committee for
tire Mortar Board Ball, May 23,
•fas been issued by Geri Porritt,
committee chairman. The petitions
.should be turned in to the ASUO
petition box on the third- floor of
-the Student Unioq.
•0 A joint student recital, fea
turing both voice and piano, will
‘tie presented in the music school
auditorium Sunday at 4 p.m. Ap
pearing on the program will be
.uopranos Jacqueline Madigan, sen
ior, and Pat Hartley, senior, and
Class Election
(Continued from page one)
was absent from the meeting.
Committee Appointed
An election committee to serve
in the spring term elections was
appointed by Mrs. Frye. Senate
members named were Don Collin,
Tom Shepherd, Jane Simpson,
Mike Lally, Jody Greer and Don
Rotenberg. Sue Shreeve, Bob Mc
Cracken and Dick Gray were dele
gated to assist in vote counting.
Reports of the student activities
evaluation committee (previously
student affairs investigating com
mittee) and the all campus pri
mary plan were not ready for sub
mission to the senate, according
to their respective chairmen Tom
Shepherd and Don Collin.
Pianist Kathleen Harris, sopho
more in liberal art3.
0 The final deadline for sub
mission of petitions for the en
tertainment committee for the an
nual Mortar Board Ball has been
set at 5 p.m. today. The petitions
may be turned in to Jean Sandine
at Carson hall.
0 Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish hon
orary, will hold a business meeting
today at 5 p.m. in Friendly 312.
Typing, 11c page, appointment;
8 a.m., 1 and 4:30 p.m., at Erb
Memorial, main floor lounge.
Bertha Vimont, phone 4-4010,
5:30 p.m.
WANTED — University girl to
work part time as costume jew
elry fashion show director. Must
be able to speak before small
groups of ladies. $50 per week.
Phone 4-8554.
LOST—Brown overcoat in library.
Would the finder please return
it, or mail letters in pocket. Call
5-1243. 4-18
COMFORTABLE 3-rm. furnished
apartment, near U of O. $50.
Ph. 5-3406. 4-21
AM-Campus Mixer Set
Tonight in Fishbowl
Tonight's nil-campus mixer will
be held in the Student Union fish
bowl, from 9 p.m. to midnight.
Campus clothes will be in order.
The mixer is date or stag.
Modern Art Lecture
Date Is Postponed
The talk by Mrs. Chandler B.
Beall, slated for tonight in the Stu
dent Union browsing room, has
been postponed. The new date will
be announced later.
10 a.m. OHGA Registration
Lobby 2nd FI
Noon German Table 113 SU
5:13 p.ni. I'niv. Singers 110SU
6:30 Sigma Delta Chi 113 SU
#1 ■ -i?. •
from Kaufman Bros.
Kaufman Bros, in Eugene are
happy to present “everything
that’s new in cotton”—to the Ore
gon campus. We have everything
from dainty flowered chintz dirn
dles to the softest cotton silks,
stvled by New York experts.
“Swing and sway with R. and
K.” . . .
R. and K. of New York has
fashioned an original cotton es
pecially for the Oregon co-ed.
Neatly stitched and tucked both
on the bodice and over the hips.
This charming creation ha3 that
“made just for you” look with
yards of material in the skirt . . .
and is offered in three luscious
shades . . . black, coral and pow
der blue for only §19.95.
“Spring is busting out” ... at
Kaufman Bros.
A combination of many hues,
ranging from the softest pink to a
deep wine places this new Pat
Hartley original high on the list
of “Fabulous Fantasies” in spring
cottons. A trim, neat bodice with
diagonal stripes is set off by the
new plunging neckline in the back
• . . and this wonderful bargain
is priced at §13.95. You can’t pass
it up!
“In the spring a young girl’s
fancy . . . . ”
Exclusive cotton becomes
highest fashion in our new cre
ation of polished cotton. Sweet
as candy and as refreshing as a
peppermint stick is this grey
and while striped frock. The
striped skirts is matched with
the same dark grey in a sleeve
less blouse with striped trim. At
$10.95 . . . this frock comes in
turquoise, coral and baby blue.
Your Junior Weekend formal is
awaiting you at Kaufman Bros.!
We have a variety from nylon toole
to embossed cotton and ranging in
price from $25.00 on up!
We take pleasure in inviting
you to browse through the cotton
parade of styles where "good
fashion reigns supreme, season
after season . . . Kaufman Bros,
in Eugene. —Adv.
Drive-In Theatre
1 Vi miles North of the
overpass on highway 99 North
Tyrone Power
- also -
Victor Mature - Patricia Neal
FOUR cartoons
Vodvil Eliminations
Set For Gerlinger
Eliminations for the All-Cam
pus Vodvil have been scheduled
for Monday and Tuesday at 7 p.
m., in Gerlinger annex, according
to Gloria Lee and Shirley Wendt,
general co-chairman.
All women’s organizations will
audition Monday night, with the
men trying out Tuesday. Dress re
hearsal for the April 24 presen
tation will be held Thursday eve
All acts must furnish the neces
sary customs and props, including
phonographs and records, for the
Be Ready for Spring
Let us “revitalize"
your spring wardrobe
by expert cleaning
and pressing
Eugene Laundry
& Dry Cleaners
174 8th Avenue W.
Dial 5-3321
elimination. No lighting effects
will be used either Monday or
Tuesday, according to Carl Win
ans, lighting and special effects
Have your portrait
made now
It takes such a little of
your time to give her
eo much happiness!
A phone call will
Arrange your appoint*
1214 Kincaid on C'anipus
Formats Arriving Daily
chiffon, nets, and imported organdies
$22.95 to $45
'WeAJxjate. Shoppie
The Annual Meeting of the Univer
sity of Oregon Co-op Store will be
held in room 207 Chapman Hall, April
23rd at 4:00 p.m.
University of Oregon Co-op
For A Real
Taste Treat
Here are some
satisfiers . . .
Burger smothered in chili
Fish and Chips
Pie & Cake (home made)
Rich creamy malteds
Gregg's Drive-In
at Springfield Junction