World Student Fund Drive Opens The 1953 World Student Service Fund drive which will open Mon day and last through Friday, April 24. will officially close with the Vodvil show. Proceeds from the tickets will go directly into the fund drive. This year the money collected will be sent to Greece, Syria, In dia, Burma. Pakistan, Japan, In donesia. and Korea, to be used for scholarship assistance, textbooks, laboratory equipment, hospital and surgical equipment, tuition and exam fee9 for university students, and clothing. In conjunction with the WSSF drive. Alpha Phi Omega, men’s service honorary, will be in charge of the “Ugly Man" contest. This contest is entered by all living organizations on campus, each of which select a candidate for the title and support him by contrib uting money to a milk bottle in the co-op. An auction to be held Friday afternoon at 4 p.m., outside the Student Union is another project planned to help raise the money for the University of Oregon’s drive. If you can make the grade, the U. S» Air Force will award you a commission, your wings and pay you bVe# *5,000 a year! Can you “take it” 6 days a week? For 52 weeks? Can you meet the high standards required to be an Avia tion Cadet? If you can—then here’s a man-size oppor tunity! An opportunity to serve your country and build a personal career that will fit you for responsible positions both in military and commercial aviation. It won’t be easy! Training discipline for Aviation Cadets is rigid. You’ll work hard, study hard, play hard—especially for the first few weeks. But when it’s over, you’ll be a pro—with a career ahead of you that will take you as far as you want to go. You graduate as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force, with pay of $5,300.00 a year. And this is only the beginning— your opportunities for advancement are unlimited. IE YOU ELIGIBLE? To qualify as an Aviation Cadet, you must have com pleted at least two years of college. This is a minimum requirement—it’s best if you stay in school and gradu ate. In addition, you must be between 19 and 261/2 years, unmarried, and in good physical condition. YOU CAN CHOOSE BETWEEN PILOT OR AIRCRAFT OBSERVER If you choose to be an Aircraft Observer, your train ing will be in Navigation, Bombardment, Radar Operation or Aircraft Performance Engineering. New Aviation Cadet Training Classes Begin Every Few Weeks! HERE’S WHAT TO DO: 1. Take a transcript of your college credits and a copy of your birth certificate to your nearest Air Force Base or Recruiting Station. Fill out the application they give you. 2. If application is accepted, the Air Force will arrange for you to take a physical examination. 3. Next, you will be given a written and manual apti tude test. 4. If you pass your physical and other tests, you will be scheduled for an Aviation Cadet Training Class. The Selective Service Act allows you a four-month deferment while waiting class assignment. \Af h^t€ tO ft)0T6 detents/ Visit your nearest Air Force Base or Air Force Recruiting Officer. OR WRITE TO: AVIATION CADET HEADQUARTERS, U. S. AIR FORCE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Most species of octopl are rather small, and usually inoffensive, but some are large and more formid able. 7CINMTIM IfMIIPlITU! ■HUTU ■ft MTU UIT1 MORTAL IOEL rut t UMIIMli ASSAILT ON ZEH1A CASTLE! STEWARTCRANGER DEBORAH KERR LOUtSCA1RERN JANE GREER Lnm Stoke Roiekt Dowlas James mason 2m TOP «IT! THE BATTLE I OF THE CATTLE KINGS! ■MK i fllGFNf 2860 WILLAMETTE 4.4IS2 DRIVE-IN THEATRE