COUGARS FAVORED ND Dual Meets Begin Saturday By Jim White Emerald SporttwrlWr - Jl,e Pacific Coast Conference Northern Division track season opens Saturday with all the ac tion taking place In the Willamette Valley. WSC's favored Cougars warm up on OSC at Corvallis while 'Oregon takes on Idaho at Eugene. Webfoots Weaker - I lie Ducks will open as defend ing dual meet champs in the Not them Division having swept the conference last season. Coach Bowerman has no illusions, how ever, of a repeat performance. Ore gon has a glaring weakness in most field events and a lack of depth in every event. The Webfoots and Vandals _ha\e met five times previously and Oregon took all five from I be perennially weak Vandals. Bui this year It may Ire a differ ent story, the big reason being Idaho's Bruce Sweeney. Sweeney is a solid performer in at least six events: high hurdles, low hurdles, broad jump, high jump. 220 and 100 yd. dash. He Kappa Sigs, Phi Pelfs, Win in IM Softball Action In intramural action yesterday, Kappa Sigma put on a late game spurt to beat the TKE's, 13-7; I-'rench hall ransacked Nestor, 12 i\ Stitzer fell victim to the Legal Eagles, 5-3; and the Phi Delta humiliated Theta Chi, 16-3. Merrick outslugged Sherry Ross hall, 11-6; and Sigma Chi broke up a tie game in the last inning to defeat Lambda Chi Alpha, 9-5. Line scores; R H E T K E 403 0— 7 6 I Kappa SHgma 342 4—13 10 2 - Clark and Lacy; Novikoff and Flaherty, R R E ■Nestor .001 3— 4 3 0 French .237 *—12 12 0 - Carskadon and Page. R H E Stitzer .000.30—3 4 5 Legal Eagles .041 .00—5 2 2 Marku li s and Weatherford; -Thalhofer and Thien. R H E Phi Delta Theta 257 .2—18 10 0 Theta Chi .020 1—. 3 7 2 Lewis and Farnam; Keller and Kriegcr. R H E Merrick .350 21—11 11 2 Sherry Ross .122 10— 6 5 0 Richter and Pound; Satterberg and Sjouland. R H E Sigma Chi .203 04—9 11 1 L C A .002 30—5 4 4 Sloan and Hodges; Emrick and Fournier. Classifieds Typing, lie page, appointment; 8, 1 and 4:30 p.m., at Erb Memorial, main floor lounge, Bertha Vimont, phone 4-4010, 5:30 p.m. WANTED — University girl to work part time as costume jew elry fashion show director. Must be able to speak before small groups of ladies. $50 per week. Phone 4-8554. amassed a quarter of Idaho’s points in all meets last year. To Follow Relays The starting time is uncertain but it will begin after the Hay ward Relays have been run off, sometime around 3 p.m. The meet at Corvallis featuring OSC and WSC sees the potential cellar-dweller against the poten tial champion and the interest will lie in how big a score the Cougars can rack up. Ducks, Vandals Clash In Conference Opener Oregon’s Webfoots open their 1953 conference baseball season when they take on the strong Ida ho Vandals at Howe field Wed nesday and Thursday. Both games are slated to start at 3 p.m. Idaho, coached by “Cheerful” Chuck Finley, has served as the Northern Division doormat in the past, but the Vandals have an Im pressive record this spring, win ning their first six encounters. One of the victories was over the Lewiston team * of the Class A Western International league. Leading the Vandal team are three veteran infielders—Bruce McIntosh, Earl Huffman, and Prep Cindermen Set For Hayward Relays The biggest of all high school track and field events, the Hay ward Relays, open Friday on Hay ward Field. 1000 athletes are ex pected from 58 high schools of all sizes. This year the schools will be di vided into four categories, A, B, C, and Metropolitan, a new divi sion. This division will include schools of over 1,000 students. Medford, the school that has sent eight champions and three second place winners to the Relays in the last eleven years will be one of the 11 entries in the Met division. The meet is the oldest in the state. It was started by and named for Bill Hayward, Ore gon track coach from 1904 to 1948. He started the meet In 1937. The B and C divisions will be gin at 12:30 Friday and the A and Metropolitan divisions start Sat urday at 11:30. A champion will be named for each division. The Ore gon-Idaho dual track meet Will be gin immediately after the Relays j finish. Frosh Diamond Squad Outlasts Eugene High in Pitchers' Duel Played Tuesday Although gathering only four hits. University of Oregon's frosh baseballers edged out a talented Eugene high nine, 2-1, on the low er diamond Tuesday ariemoon. The Ducklings scored solitary runs in the first and the seventh innings. In the first, Dick James, Oregon lead-off man, cracked out a single and moved to sec ond on John Keller's sacrifice. Morris Adams then proceeded to blast a double off Eugene Manager Needed The position of head manager and the possibility of attending all Oregon’s away football games Is open to any men interested in managing football this spring and next fall. Included on the travel sched ule are road trips to Nebraska, Stanford, California and Wash ington State. Although the head manager will make these trips, two other helpers are also need ed. Applicants should see foot ball Coach Len Casanova as soon as possible. | starter, Jack Henkle, to drive in Janies. The second Duck run was un earned as Don Truitt was safe on an error By Eugene first sacker Don Ainge. He moved down to sec ond on Dick Proctor’s sacrifice, and then came in as Ainge over threw third in an effort to cut down the Webfoot runner. Eugene’s lone tally came in the top of the ninth when Gene Scott walloped a long drive be tween left and center for a home run. R H E Eugene .000 000 001—1 4 4 Ducklings ...100 000 10*—2 4 1 j Duck Batting Player E. Averill Allan Wagner Siegmuml Murrav Phillips Shaw Marlett VVilliams Livesay Blodgett Dniochowsky Johnson rorhes Gaffney B. Averill AB H 30 15 9 4 17 6 6 2 6 2 27 8 25 7 11 3 24 6 24 5 5 1 5 1 20 3 7 1 8 1 10 1 R Ave. 10 .500 4 .444 2 .353 3 .333 2 .333 2 .296 7 .280 3 .275 3 .250 7 .208 0 .200 1 .200 3 .150 1 .143 1 .125 2 .100 FENNELL'S . . . . . . For Formals Formal Wear and Accessories For Rent or to Buy FENNELL'S 860 E. 13th Wayne Anderson. McIntosh, who doubles as a basketball guard, plays first, Huffman is a three year man at second, and An derson, a converted pitcher, pa trols third. Rounding out the in field is rookie Shortstop Mike Cygler. Starting pitcher choices for the games are still in doubt, but Stan Dmoehowsky and lefty Don Sieg mund may toe the hill for Oregon, while Dick Dodel is almost cer tain to hurl one game for the Van dals. Earl Averill is still Oregon’s leading slugger, with four home runs to his credit, and is expected to carry a major share of the bat ting load during the two game series. NORTH END Drive-In Theatre l/2 miles North of the overpass on highway 99 North WED. THRU SATURDAY Tyrone Power -in "PONY SOLDIER" Technicolor - also — ■ "SOMETHING FOR THE BIRDS" Victor Mature - Patricia Neal FOUR cartoons News MOTOR TUNE-UP AUTO ELECTRICAL Martin Auto Electric Service Phone 4-0133 • • • Calvin H. Martin 7th & Charnelton Eugene, Oregon You Can Learn to Fly in Just 8 Hours! Easily ♦ Inexpensively ♦ Safely NOW—Sign up for our new installment plan • A small down payment and you're in the air • Small monthly payments keep you there Phone 7-2366—Ask for "Milt" McKenzie flying service Springfield Airport 1300 28th Street LARRY AND BUD Invite you to shop at TROEH'S SPORT SHOP for all your fishing needs Complete Selections Top Lines Low Prices TROEH'S SPORTING GOODS 6th at Willamette ' Phone 5-5431