Scores High in IM Softball In intramural action yesterday afternoon, Sigma Chi shut out Phi Gumma Delta, 9-0; Alpha Tau Omega walloped pie Delts, 7-1; Merrick hall overwhelmed the Nes tor nine, 13-0; Sherry Hoss outran the Leagle Eagles, 15-10; Tau Kap pu Epsilon battered Lambda Chi Alphl, 13-2; and French hall beat Stitzer by forfeit. Sigs Trounce Fijis Gordon Sloan turned in a top pitching performance as his Sigma Chi mates ran away from the Fijis. 0-0. I he winners scored six more runs in the last inning, but these didn’t count because the losers didn’t get to bat in the last half of the Inning. Clark Miller collected the lone Fiji hit to ruin Sloan’s bid for a no-hitter. Sigma Chi scored twice in the first on one hit, four times in the fourth on three hits, two walks and one error, and three in the fiftli on two hits and a walk. K H E Sigma Ghi .200 43—9 6 0 ** o D 000. 00—0 1 I I Sloan, Elliot, (6) and Hodges! and Patera (0); Wheelless and! Kraft. ATO's Down Delts Bob Altman allowed only two hits, both to Delta Tau Delta sec ond baseman, Bob Adair, as Alpha Tau Omega soundly whipped the Delts, 7-1. Alpha Tau Omega opened the scoring in the top of the third with three tallies on no hits, two er-^ SPORTS FARE Wednesday, April 8 SOFTBALL 3 North Field : l*t kappa Phi vs Phi Delta Theta 3 : SO South Field : Phi Kappa Sigma vs Sigma Phi Epsilon 3 :50 I’pprr Field : Sigma Alpha Epsilon v* Pi Kappa Alpha 4 :' North Field : Beta Theta Pi vs Phi Kappa 4 ’ 5s S- -util Field Phi Sigma Kanpa vs Sigma Xu 4.1 ’pne* Field : Delta 1‘psilon vs Sigma Alpha Mu TENNIS Phi Delta Theta vs Phi Gamma Delta rors, one hit batter, and one walk. The other four ATO runs came In the fourth on three hits and two walks. Slugging stars for the winners were Bill Kirby with two for three and Jack Boehme who walk ed twice and banged out one hit in one try. Adair, however, got the longest hit of the contest for the Delta. In the last inning he pounded a long double off the left field wall which missed going over by a scant three feet. R H E ATO .003 400—7 5 2 Belts .000 010—1 2 4 Altman and Boehme; Beerman and Peterson. - Merrick Over Nestor Fred Richter also spun out a one-hitter as the Merrick hall nine blanked the Nestor team, 13-0. Jim Helliwell spoiled Richter's unblem ished effort with a single. Besides the lone hit, the winning pitcher walked two and struck out 3. Vernon Veron had a good day at the plate for the Merrick boys, getting two hits and a like num ber of walks. Gerald Nelson clubbed out two hits in three tries. R H E Nestor 000 00— Oil Merrick 404 23—13 10 1 Davis and McLaughlin; Richter Barnard and Pound. Sherry Ross Wins Although outhit by their oppo nents, the Sherry Ross nine man aged to outlast the Legal Eagles, 15-10. Sherry Ross was behind go ing into the sixth inning, but a nine run outburst in that frame pulled Lettermen Meet There will be an Order of the “O" meeting today at noon for all old and new members at the Phi Kappa Psi house, accord ing to Tom Lyons, president of the group. them from behind and put them ahead for good. For the victorious team, Eob Kleeman got two hits and a walk in five times at bat. Teammate Bill Sherman also got two hits, in four attempts at the plate. Jim Givan had a perfect day facing the Sherry Ross pitching, getting two for two and walking another time. Paul Thalhofer was close behind with two for three. R H E Sherry Ross 302 109—13 12 0 Legal Eagles 200 431—10 15 3 Satterberg and Sherman; Arch er and Thalhofer. Tekes Victorious Tau Kappa Epsilon combined a stout hitting barrage and a tight three-hit pitching job by Bob Lacy to trim the Lambda Chi Alpha crew, 13-2. Lambda Chi Alpha scored their lone two runs in the top of the third on two walks and a hit. The TKE’s however, had jumped to an earlier lead with three in the first, six in the second and four more in the third. R H E Lambda Chi Alpha 002— 2 3 1 Tau Kappa Epsilon 364—13 13 0 Stitzer Forfeits In the sixth game, French hall I took a forfeit decision from Stit zer. | Classifieds 1948 FORD sedan, good shape, $875. Bob Bate, Gamma Hall. ACCOMPANIST for dance classes Mon., Wed., Fri. at 1 p.m. is needed. See Miss Wentworth, dept, for women. SHELLUBRICATION Broadway-Hilyard Shell Service East Broadway at Hilyard UO Cmdermen Travel To OSC On Saturday By Jim White Bill Bowerman's trackmen, fresh from the Willamette, relays, drilled Tuesday in preparation for the invasion of Corvallis next Sat urday. The Beavers from OSC are expected to offer stiff competition in the first pre-season dual track and field meet of the year. Both teams will field the same number of returning letterman but the staters are much stronger in the field. Duck lettermen making the trip are Ted Anderson, Doug Clement, Jerry Mock, Jack Loftis, A1 Martin, Wayne Reiser, and Fred Turner, all runners. OSC will field two track let termen, Mervln Brock and Don Chambers. They also have five field men returning including Dick Duncan, Joe Fulwyler, Jim Holmes, Ralph Sutton and Don Thompson. All press releases from Beaver ville indicate that OSC has the same complaints as the Ducks, namely lack of depth and a glar ing weakness in some departments so it should be a very interesting meet; however, the Beavers seem to have a slight edge in strength. In the Freshman division the Ore gon Frosh team should beat the Rooks. Coach Bill Bowerman said that very few Oregon men were in good condition. The following men will be making the trip: Varsity: Ted Anderson, Doug Clement, Bob Faucett, John Heppner, Ken Hickenbottom, Jim Jones, OH Lteberman, Ben Lloyd, Jack Loftls, A1 Martin, Jerry Mock, AI Oppliger, Wayne Reiser, Jim Roberts, Bob Sogge, Ed Springbett, Fred Turner and Dick Zimmerman. Freshmen: Dick Barker, Gordon Dahlquist, Bob Frierish, Bob Fudge, Gerry Gibson, .Dick Gien ger, Doyle Higdon, Harry John son, Ron Lowe, Gary McFarland, Bob Reid, Dave Talbot, Bill Del linger. NORTH END Drive-In Theatre 1 l/i miles North of the overpass on highway 99 North WED. THRU SATURDAY "The Quiet Man" in Technicolor John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Barry Fitzgerald — 2ND FEATURE — "STAR OF TEXAS" Wayne' Morris ' ' Color Cartoon & News MOTOR TUNE-UP AUTO ELECTRICAL Martin Auto Electric Service Phone 4-0133 7th & Charnelton Eugene, Oregon ’ Calvin H. Martin Hiut only time will tell... 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