Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1953, Page Two, Image 2

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    Delayed Reaction
Student Helped
$By Transfusions
Nadine Crabtree, sophomore in
33oglish, is reported “in better con
•■Hfttioh” by the nurse in charge at
•Sacred Heart hospital. Blood
'transfusions were discontinued
■lAVonday until further notice.
Student response to the Emer
"HV.i's story last week asking for
v'tk\>od donors having Miss Crab
»tree's rare blood type. B negative.
•'■Vias “wonderful." the Eugene blooa
~Haank reported. Nearly 40 students
i Registered to donate.
- Miss Crabtree, who has been in
'■the hospital since Mar. 28, is suf
fering from a condition in which
“tree bone marrow does not manu
•tffeture blood and daily transfu
fctfrans were necessary, according to
N P. Sullivan.
*To Hold luau May 2
jj. "Mahia Nani Moon".
represents Hawaiian roman
‘Jrcrsm and that will toe the order
••fttwday May 2 when Hui-O-Ka
■HSiaiiha, campus Hawaiian club,
-Niolds its annual west coast Ha
tan-luau. .
Invitatijfas ; to the luau. third
*#*?waiiati feast" sponsored by the
•Oregon CTOW, Win Ue extended to
•Ntsdand students from schools all
•iJMoag the coast.
> -Pinal arrangements will be dis
* eu„r,ed at 9 tonight on the third
HBoor of Getdinger hall, General
•-Chairman Charles Oyama has an
nounced. All island students,
'sfcdiether Hui-O members or not,
**Ue -requested by Oyama to be
=*%»<. eseat.
All-Campus Vodvil
Show Theme Set
‘‘Let’s Do It Again" has been
selected as the general theme of
the all-campus vodvil.
The representatives established
the following rules governing acts
for the vodvil:
1. No previous campus talent
can be used as an act in itself.
2. Participants in the act itself
must number from four to thirteen.
3. The cost of the act must not
exceed §10.
4. Acts must be from four to
ten minutes in length.
5. Only Eugene freshmen can
participate in house acts.
Entry blanks for the acts may
be picked up at the main desk of
the Student Union between 1 and
5 p.m. They must be turned into
the special events office before the
night of the first elimination,
April 20.
Duck Preview
Band Selected
Jack Lowry and the Eugene All
Stars will play for the Duck Pre
view dance, April 25. This event
will mark the first appearance to
gether of members from various
Eugene bands.
Petitions for the decorations
committee are being called for by
general chairman A1 Goldenberg.
Those interested may obtain peti
tions at SU 309. Petitions must be
turned in immediately, according
to Goldenberg.
The dance, beginning at 9 p.m.,
will have intermission entertain
ment provided by UO talent. Liv
ing organizations are asked by
Goldenberg to urge their high
school seniors to attend.
The Oregon Daily Emerald-published Monday through Friday during the college year
■ eKeep! J\iU. 5 ; Eefe. 25; Mar. 2, 3, 5, 9, TO"atid It; Mar. 13 through 3fl; June 1, 2 and 3 by the
-iSludertt Publication? Board of the University of Oregon. Entered as second class matter
ogil'tha post Office, Eugene, Oregon. Subscription rates: $5 per school year; $2 per term.
Opinions expressed on the editorial page are those of the writer and do not pretend' to
•represent’the Opinions of'the ASUO or of the'University. Editorials are written by the
#f5f/b»r and th'e-mcmbers of the editorial staff.
Ffs'u ttA^CON, Editor . Ron Brown, Business Manager
Helen Jones, La«»y Hobart, Al-Karr, Associate Editors
Bill Gurney, Managing Editor
4fA';giE"Wflu«L'L', News'Editor_
Sam VAHEY.-Sports Editor
Ms-.t,'M4Ha*ilig “Editors: Kitty. Fraser, Dave
'Averill; Paul Keefe.
.VVsfct'.'^Je'ws-Editors: Laura St urges, Leir
C atvert, Joe Gardiner
Chief Night Editor—r-Anrie Hill
Wire Editors: Lorca Davis, Andy Salrains,
Virginia Dailey
Advertising Office Mgr.: Sharon Isaminger
• Campus Briefs
0 Alt religious news notes must
be turned in by 3 p.nt. today and
every Wednesday to the Emeraftl
shack to be considered for publi
cation in the Friday paper.
0 Pi Delta Plii, French hono
rary, will hold its initiation tonight
in Gerlinger hall at 5:30 to be
followed immediately at a banquet
at the Faculty club. No further
reservations may be made in ad
vance, according to Mitzi Asai,
0 Song lenders from each
campus living organization are to
meet at 4 p.m. Thursday in the
Student Union to receive informa
tion and rules on the Junior Week
end all-campus sing.
0 Junior Weekend committee
chairmen will hold their regular ,
weekly meeting at 6:30 tonight in
the Student Union.
0 Petitions for members of the i
Junior Weekend float parade com
mittee are due Friday at 5 p.m., i
Sally Haseltine. chaiiman, has an- i
nounced. They may be turned in i
to Miss Haseltine at Kappa Alpha i
0 Pre-\prsing club will meet (
at noon today at the home of Mrs.
Slocum, 773!4 E. 16th, behind
Delta Gamma. New officers will '
be elected at the meeting.
0 Newman Club will bold elec
tion of officers Sunday in the rec
reation room of the Sacred Heart '
hospital. The 7 a.m. student daily
Mass is being continued and ex- '
tended to Saturday.
0 Petitions for general chair
man and committee chairmen for
the Mortar Board ball are due at
5 p.m. today. Petitions are to be
turned in to Sharon Anderson at
Delta Zeta. Petitioners do not
have to be members of Mortar
jHiiie+U*uj. 9*
...On KWAX
6 p.m.—Sign On
6:03—Piano Moods
6:10—News Till Now
6:15—Sports Shots
7:00—Learning in Later Life
7:15—Gay Paree
7:30—Voices of Europe
8:00—Campus Classics
9:06—K waxworks with Ed
10:57—Sign Off
Social Calendar
Saturday—House dances
Hendricks hall ■' ;
Pi Beta Phi
Delta Gamma
Gamma PlU Beta
Sigma Kappa ^
Alpha Gamma Delta
Orides ’ v
Highland house
Alpha Xi Delta
Chi Psi
Prof Attends Meet
Of Art Association
T. O. Ballinger, assistant pro
fessor of art education, is attend
ing the semi-annual meeting of
the National Art Education as
sociation in St. Louis, Mo.
Ballinger is to conduct a panel
discussion on the topic, “Art Edu
cation at the Secondary Level."
WRA Cabinet Members
To Hold Coast Retreat
Cabinet members of the Wom
an's Recreation Association will
attend a retreat near Yachats,
Dre., Friday and Saturday to re
vise and evaluate the WRA pro
gram for next fall.
New cabinet members appointed
for spring- term are Marilyn Par
rish. publicity and promotion: Jeah
Stevenson, historian; Nancy Dud
long, badminton: Lucia Knepper,
bowling; Billie Placek, swimming;
Mary Whittaker, softball; Joan
Sender, tennis; Jeanette Kimble,
Vodvil Petitions
Deadline Extended
The deadline for petitions for
committee chairmanships for the
ill-campus vodvil has been extend
'd an additional day, according to
Shirley Wendt, general co-chair
Petitions for the program, con
act, publicity, tickets, programs,
udges, arrangements, lighting and
special effects committees and for
naster of ceremonies may be turn
'd in to the main desk of the Stu-;
lent Union before 5 p.m. today.
Afternoon Positions
Dpen in Music Room
Additional people are still need
*d to help staff the Peter Benson
Toward Music Listening Room
luring the following hours: 3-0
J.m. Monday, 3-5 p.m. Thursday,
md 1-2 Monday. Those interested
;hould contact Donna Buse, SU
11. The listening room will be
>pen on the following schedual of
lours beginning today: Sunday
hrough Thursday 1-5 p.m. and 7-1
0 p.m.
basketball; Sandra Palmer, nov
elty sports.
Heads of sports are Betty Wa
ters and Doris Llljeberg, with
Jean Singleton representing Am
phibians; Nina Edwards, Outing
club and Charlotte Martin,
Hockey club.
Accompanying the WRA cab
inet will be Adviser Jeanette Masi
t"* Mtr
Hie World's
Picture in
AUmiNsion Price*—Thin attrac
tion only: Mat., $1.00; Eve $1.23
Loveliest girl at the dance!
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