Runners Set Willamette Oval Marks I By Jim White j Emerald SpoMswriter The Oregon trackmen convinced r. lot of people Saturday that they would make it hot for any track team that considered them a push over during the coming season. In several events the Ducks showed mid-season form, setting two new ■records for the Willamette relays and collecting six blue ribbons. OSC’s Beavers led the field in the college division with six firsts, six teconds and seven third places. The Ducks looked very good in most of the track events and out ■etessed their cross-state rivals in oil of the longer runs and relays. Jtt the field Oregon only entered the novice divisions and showed up very well. Ted Anderson. Ed Springbett, Doug Clement, and Jerry Mock dis played the classiest running of the day in setting a new record for the senior sprint medley. The team ran off the 1320 yard event in 2:35.1 to shave two seconds off the old record set by Oregon last year. A nderson started the run by build ing up a tremendous lead and each of the following runners added a lit tie to it. The Webfoots had bad luck in the junior division of the medley. With a small lead at the end of the first jaunt, the baton was dropped on the pass and the Ducks finish ed last. Oregon collected blue rib bons in the frosh distance medley, the sprint relay, the spring medley, and the 4S0 yard shuttle hurdle relay. In the field events. Jimmy Jones got off the longest toss of the day to set a new shotput record in the novice division. Jones pushed the shot 45 feet and 11 inches to beat the record set last year by Ore-j gon's Chet Noe of 45 feet and 4 inches. Oregon took the novice' pole vault with ease withj Ken Hickenbottom first. Bob j K?id tied with Siegrist (OSC) sec ond and Clary McFarland of Ore gon third. Doyle Higdon showed Very well in taking second place in the novice javelin. Higdon threw' the pole 169 feet. The meet was held under chilly, tb reatening skies and the partici pants outnumbered the onlookers. J ii-lance Medley (First Division)—Cni vei nty of Oregon Frosh (Gibson. Geinger, -Dellinger and Dahlquist). Time 11:12.5. Distance Medley (Third Division)—Wash ington (Fornia. Meruvr, VanDerhoff, Mey e> 1. Oregon. Time 10:24.1. Discus (Novice) Illackstone OSC; Jack son OSC; Lungren OSC; Carstens CO; 1 .isid CO; Badorek CO. Distance 155 feet. 2 inches. Dole Vault (Xoviee)—Hickenbottom CO; 2nd place tie, Reid CO, Seigrist OSC; Mc Farland CO. Height 12 feet 6 inches. - Spirnt Relay—First Heat—Oregon (Mock. Swalm, Springbett. Oppliuger) ; OSC; Wil lamette. Time :44. .Shot Pvt (Novice)—Jones CO; Martin DC ; Adams LC ; Witte OSC; Skief OSC; Johnson CO. Di.-tance 45 feet 11 inches. Javelin (Novice)—Church OSC; Higdon tld; Stewart OSC; Hepner CO. Distance! . 140 feet inches. Sprint Medley (Senior)—Oregon (Ander son, Springbett. Clement, Mock); OSC; Wdiamette; COP; SOCF; LC, Time 2:35.1. 1 Invitational 120 yd. High Hurdles—j Clambers OSC; Sheivve, Linfield; Lawry - OSC; Swalm UO. Time : 15 :5. Broad Jump (Xoviee)—McKenzie OCE; W .Farland UO; Brown OSC. Distance 22 C^?t, 4 inches. Sprint Medley (B Division)—OSC Rooks; OCE ; Portland St.; Clark JC; Oregon, Time t'M. 8. 440 shuttle Hurdle Relay—Oregon, (Sogge, Zimmerman, Swalm, Smith); LC; Wdiamette; Portland State. Time :59.2. Bevos Divide Pair JLos Angeles (,?P>—Los Angeles came from behind to edge Port land, 3 to 2, after Portland had clubbed out a 6 to 3 victory in the -opening game of a coast league •dcwibiheader at Los Angeles today. TUe split gave the Angels the ser ies, 5 games to 2. Ducks Fall to OSC, Split Two Staters Defeat Local Nine, 8-2 Those Oregon State Beavers seem to hold a strange hex over Oregon teams this year. The latest Beaver triumph over an Oregon athletic aggregation came last Friday on llowe field as the Corvallis baseballers whipped the Oregon nine, 8-2. A pitchers duel between Norm Wellman, OSC right hander. and Norm Forbes, Duck sophomore from Vanucouver, B. C., progressed through the first five innings. It was in the last four frames, after Farrell Albright, another Oregon sophomore, had entered the contest, that the Beaver's found the range and sent across seven tallies to win easily. The Webfoots drew first blood in the bottom of the second when Forbes pulled a fast ball over the right field barrier, scoring Duane Allen, who had singled ahead of him. OSC Scores in Fourth In the top of the fourth, the Staters collected their first tally. John Thomas, Beaver catcher, scored from second base as a Web foot attempt for a double play failed. In the sixth. Oregon State took the lead when, with Thomas on second and Jay Dean on third, Jim Ruggles sent a deep fly into center which George Shaw stabbed beautifully, but couldn’t relay to the infield in time to prevent both runners from crossing the plate. The Beavers collected a single tally in the seventh on three er rors in the Webfoot infield. Three more were added in the eighth on three infield hits, a walk, and a line drive double into left center by second base man Bob Boub. The final score was registered in the top of the ninth when Dean walked and Ruggles and Jack Bowen followed with singles. Shaw Triples George Shaw sent a triple into deep center to open the eighth but the Webfoots were unable to bring him in. Wellman kept the Ducks well in check and allowed seven hits in going the distance. Forbes looked good in allowing one run during his five inning stint, but Albright showed wild ness in his first performance this season. Box Scores: R H E OSC .000 102 131— 8 10 2 Oregon 002 000 000— 2 7 5 Wellman and Thomas; Forbes, Albright (6) and Livesay, Mar lett (8). Retraction It was incorrectly reported on :the sports page of last Friday’s Emerald that athletes under the grants-in-aid program did not have to work daring the term of their sports participation. This is not, and has not, been the policy of the athletic depart ment. SPORTS FARR Monday, April 6 SOFTBALL 3:50, North field; Jieta Theta Pi vs- Phi Sigma Kappa. 3:50. South field; Delta Upsilon vs Ply Kappa Psi. 3 :50, Upper held ; Sigma Xu vs Sigma Alpha Mu. 4:55 North field; Hale Kane vs. Susan Campbell. 4:55, South field; Alpha Ilall vs. Sigma Tfall 4:55, Upper field ; Campbell Chib vs Phila delphia House. TENNIS 4:00. Courts; Pi Kappa Alpha vs Sherry Ross. GOLF Sherry Ross vs Sigma Alpha Mu JIM LIVES AY, Oregon outfielder, lashed out a long triple in the fifth inning of the first game against the Alumni All-Stars,- Sat urday afternoon at Howe field. Ilis extra base blow drove In Stan Dmocliowshy, who had singled, and Bernie Averill, who had walked. George Shaw followed Livesay with a long fly to score him from third. Ducks lost first game, however, despite the three-run out blast, 4-3. SIX SOFTBALL TILTS Mural Spring Sports Start This Afternoon Intramural spring sports get un derway this afternoon with six softball games, a tennis match and a golf match on tap for first round competitoi's. Three softball games will be played at a time, two on the lower intramural fields and one on the upper diamond. Two games are scheduled for each field each after noon. Ump Decides End According to rules put out by the intramural department, the con-1 tests will last for seven innings or for one hour. The umpire will de termine the finish of the game. If they go off as slated, the first en counters will start at 3:50 and the second at 4:55. The IM office also adds that no spiked shoes will be permitted, fn the tennis 'competition, a single elimination tournament will be run off with '27 squads entered. Each team will consist of two doubles teams and one singles man. No date has been set for the ac tual playing of each match but the mural directors have set a dead line before which the_ games must be played and reported. The len ience in the schedule is to allow the opponents to meet at their own convenience. Matches should, however, be played on courts 4, 5 and 6, begin ning at 4:00 each afternoon. Four on a Team Four players will make up each of the 25 squads in the single elim ination golf tournament. Location of the matches will be the Oak way Golf course, unless otherwise agreed upon. Webfoots Take Second Contest By Bob Cole Emarald Sporttwriter Saturday afternoon Oregon's Ducks met Alumni All-Stars in a double header and earned a split by copping the second game, 8-3, after dropping a close 4-3 decision in the first game. Both contests went seven in nings, and in the first, Stan Dmochowsky, a sophomore who entered school from San Ber nardino Junior college, went the route. Mol Krause, Ray Stratton, and John Bubalo did the hurling for the Alums. Two in Second The Alums tallied two In the second frame when Krause tripled, Johnny Kovcnz collected a single and the Duck infield was respon sible for two errors. Their final two came in the fourth when Stratton and Koy Carlson singled and Nick Schmer pounded a double Into left center. After being blanked for the first four innings, the Ducks blasted Stratton for three tallies in the fifth. Jim Livesay tripled after Dmochowsky singled and Bernie Averill had walked to send two runs home. George Shaw scored Livesay on a deep fly. Night Cap Tight ’til Fifth The night cap was a close ball game until the fifth inning when the Webfoots tallied six times to come from behind for the win. The only base hits Of the inning were slashing doubles by Don Siegmund and A1 Murray, but a combination of two walks, a field er’s choice and an error helped the cause along. Siegiuund and Jack Pyle, both left handers, combined efforts to hurl a three hitter. The Alums greeted Sicgmund with three runs In the first inning on two errors, a triple by N'ack Schmer and a double by Joe Sugura. From there on, though, they drew goose eggs. Oregon pitching through the first four contests has‘been good and it's a sure thing they'll be a tough club to beat in Northern Di vision competition. R H E Alums .002 200 0— 4 8 4 Oregon .000 030 0— 3 7 2 Krause, Bubalo (5) Stratton (7) and Carlos and Burgher, Dmo chowsky and E. Averill. R H E Alums .300 000 0— 3 3 4 Oregon .001 i60 *— 8 7 1 Aune, Stratton (5) Zurcher (5) and Sugura; Siegmund, Pylee (6) and Marlett. IT IS TIME - - - To place your orders for Caps, Gowns, and -Announcements for Commencement Orders are taken at the Stationery Counter. Announcements are in Stock U ofO CO-OP STORE