Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    ♦ Campus Briefs
♦ Petition* for special events
• chairman of the all-campus bowl
Imk tournament are clue Thursday
at 5 p.m., Student Union 302 or
• 310. The tournament if* scheduled
April 27 to May 15.
• The Oregon and Southwest
ern Oregon professional chapters
of the American Institute of
Architects and University archi
tecture students will hold a joint
meeting on campus Tuesday, S. W.
Little, dean of the school, has an
nounced. A dinner meeting, at
which Buckminster Puller, invent
or of the Dymaxion house, will
speuk, is planned.
• Petitions for committer
chairmanships of the All-Campus
Vodvil must be turned into the
main desk at the Student Union
by 5 p.m. Tuesday. Petitions are
being called for the following com
mittees: program, contact, pub
licity, tickets, programs, judges,
arrangements, lighting and special
effects and master of ceremonies.
• A noon meeting of all former
Hi-Y members will be held today
in the Student Union, Russ Walk
er, YM executive secretary, has
• All living organization repre
sentatives for the All-Campus
Vodvil show will meet at 4 p.m.
today in the Student Union, ac
cording to Shirley Wendt, co-chair
man of the affair. General themes
should be submitted and rules for
the acts will be distributed to the
• All women’s living organiza
tion presidents and housemothers
have been invited to attend the in
stallation of the new heads of
houses officers at 4 p.m. today at
Carson hall. Both old and new offi
cers arc to attend.
• The first group of the wom
en's campus housing list for Duck
Preview can be picked up in the
office of Mrs. Golda Wickham, di
rector of women’s affairs, after 2
p.m. today.
• Amphibians, women's swlm
ing honorary, will meet tonight at
7 :30 in Gerfinger hall.
<9 Program chairmen of Duck
Preview will meet at 4 p.m. today
in Student Union 311, Jim Light,
program coordinator, has an
nounced. All-Campus Vodvil, edu
cational exhibits, exchange din
ners, assembly and dance chair
men should attend according to
• Freshmen vfomen who have a
3.5 accumulative GPA or above and
who are not already members of
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
scholastic honorary, should con
tact the office of Mrs. Golda Park
er Wickham, associate director of
student affairs, as soon as possible.
Ducks To Address
Bend Civic Groups
Three members of the University
symposium group left this morn
ing on a three day speaking en
gagement in Bend, Ore. Students
making the trip include Loretta
Mason, freshman in speech, Ben
Schmidt, senior in speech, and Wil
ma Wittenfield, sophomore in lib
eral arts.
The squad will discuss the pres
ent Communist menace in the in
ternal United States before meet
ings of the Bend Lions, Rotary and
Khvanis clubs. The group will re
turn to Eugene Wednesday eve
ning. Robert Kully, debate coach,
accompanied the squad.
Officers to Moke
Inspection Tour
The annual two-day federal in
spection of the University of Ore
gon Air Force ROTC facilities be
gins today, as part of the pro
gram carried on by the newly cre
ated ROTC headquarters of the
Air university at Montgomery,
Primary purpose of the inspec
tion is to examine the training,
both in the classroom and on the
drill field, of the 145,000 AFROTC
cadets now enrolled in American
universities in Puerto Rico, Ha
waii and throughout the nation. It
will note any deficiencies and dif
ficulties which need correction in
each unit that it inspects.
Teaching procedures, adequacy
of the instruction facilities, effec
tiveness of the instructors and gen
eral military bearing of the ca
dets are some of the points on
which each detachment will be
The mass review of all Air Force
cadets here will be held on Tues
day afternoon.
The inspection team visiting the
University consists of Col. John A.
Cosgrove, Lt. Col. Wayne B.
I Fulton and Maj. Dwight L. Harley.
Record Library
Opens at 3 Today
The Student Union record lend
ing library will open today at 3
p.m. in SU 206 in the Browsing
room wing. Students may check
out the available records for a per
iod of two days and no late fine
will be charged.
The selection of records includes
semi-classical, classical and some
serious contemporary composers.
Schedule for the library is now
planned with open hours from 3
to 5 p.m. every afternoon from
Monday to Friday. The library
has been organized under the spon
sorship of the recorded music com
mittee of the SU.
McCall to Teach
Night Speech Class
A course in public discussion has
been added to the spring term
schedule of evening classes, accord
ing to the office of the general
extension division.
Roy McCall, head of the speech
department, will teach the course
from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Villard
Instruction begins tonight, and
the J12 registration fee is payable
then or at next Monday’s class
Easter Morning
2500 Hear Odell
(Continued from page one)
examples of these he cited the be
ginnings of two world wars and
the dropping of the first atomic
“Death, the last of the defeats,
results in loss of loved ones and
loss of leadership,” the speaker
Christ’s early followers suffered
these same three defeats. Yet
Christ’s resurrection changed them
from a dejected, dispairing group
to a dynamic force in the world.
He brought a completeness and
wholeness into their lives, Odell
He asserted Christ can help us
conquer our defeats, to, if we have
the realization that there is eter
nal life—the power over death.
Special music was provided by
Exine Anderson, assistant profes
so or music, who sang Handel’s
“I Know That My Redeemer Liv
eth," and the Eugene high school
A Capella choir, which sang “Open
Our Eyes” by Macfarlane, and the
Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s
Forming a white cross on the
floor of the court during the ser
vice were the Knights Templar, a
Masonic order, wearing white hats
and black uniforms.
What to do till ,,
the Dough come*
When HV
Springtime on.
Iho Campus i
maybo Auntio
i will start
* Springing too'
A certain Senior,
who shall be ’
Nameless, was all
tangled up in ar* Unfortunate Situation. The
Big Spring Weekend was just three days* •
away; his Number One Girl was lined up;
the blueprint called for Substantial Re*
sources—and he was, to put it bluntly,..
Busted. Furthermore, his Credit Rating was
Strictly Slow Music.
Nameless, however, being a man of Consid
erable Ingenuity, even though Insolvent, was ••
nothing daunted. His strategy was simple: a
quick reconnoiter in his book of Family Sta- , '
tistics, two minutes of inspired composition,
and a fast call to Western Union.
The Big Weekend went like a Breeze. Our
Boy cut a Super-Swath—and paid for it. Cold
Cash. Sunday night he escorted - his Dream *
Girl down to the 10:12, then beaded for bis
Cubicle, tired but happy—pausing oply. long '
enough to throw a Heartfelt Kiss toward die ..
windows of the local Western Union office,
and to gaze fondly once again at a crumpled
telegram. It bore this wallet-warming mes
sage: “Thank you for your Telegram and
for your sweet thought. Even an old lady
likes to have her birthday remembered. Hope •
the money order will prove useful.” Signed
“Aunt Jane.”
As we said, a man of Considerable Ingenuity.
One of the Nicest Things about a Telegram
is that it does More than you Expect of it. •
Whether you’re Prying Open the Parental
Purse, Greeting Your Gal (or Guy) or Jockey
ing for a Job, anytime you want “Yes” for an
answer, ask the question via Western Union.
870 Pearl St.
Telephone 4-3221
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