Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1953, Page Six, Image 6

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    RE Chairman Petitions Called
Petitions for chairmen of the
1954 Religious Evaluation week
3ie due Aptil 9, according to Russ
Walker, executive secretary of the
The reason for the early choos
ing of the chairmen, according to
Honorary Chooses
Banquet Workers
Kappa Rho Omieron, national
r dio honorary, will hold its an
nual radio banquet May 14 in the
Student Union ballroom. General
chairmen for the event are Mari
lyn Patterson and Jim Wilson.
Committees for the affair are
SU arrangements. Shirley Petti
jolvn. chairman, and Dee Anne
Smith, Dick Peterson and Gordon
Partner: invitations. Hugh Garra
bcandt, chairman, Don Parr and
Eob Coleman.
Station promotion, Lou Ann
Morgan, chairman: Jim Blue, Ken
Warren and Ken Whittle: campus
promotion. Sandra Price and Gord
on Rennie, chairman, John Bree.
Bob Ruan, Len Karechevski and
.Mary Wilson; screening awards.
Jerry Pearce, Joanne Forbes, Clar
ence Suitor and Jerry Smith.
Tack Vaughn and Ken Warren
ace co-chairmen In charge of
.speakers for the banquet. Enter
tainment co-chairmen are Marilyn
Patterson and Jim Wilson with A1
Bsrzman serving on the com
Social Calendar
Spring Term
April 4—YWCA retreat
5—Easter Sunrise Serv
ice in Mac court
17- 13—Panhellenic retreat
18— Junior-Senior break
24-26—Duck Preview
May 2—Frosh picnic
10-12—Junior Weekend
10-12—Mothers Weekend
23—Mortar Board Ball
June 5—Closed period
13— Alumni day
14— Baccalaureate and
House Dances
y/vpiil 11—Women
j' Hendricks hall
Delta Gamma
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Gamma Phi Beta
* Sigma Kappa
Highland house
£ Alpha Phi
University house
Pi Beta Phi
April 18—Men
. Theta Chi
Sigma Nu
Phi Sigma Kappa
Campbell club
French hall
Alpha and Gamma halls
Stitzer hall
Sherry Ross hall
May 2—Women
Kappa Alpha Theta
Carson hall
jv Delta Delta Delta
j Chi Omega
Ann Judson house
May 16—Men
Beta Theta Pi
Philadelphia house
j: Tau Kappa Epsilon
Lambda Chi Alpha
Delta Tau Delta
r Delta Upsilon
Kappa Sigma
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Pi Kappa Phi
Alpha Tau Omega
g Sigma Alpha Mu
Phi Gamma Delta
. Phi Kappa Psi
Campbell cluto
Walker, is the visit to the campus
by James Stoner, director of the
University Christian Mission,
April 14 through 15. At this time
he will consult with the committee
on the Protestant speakers who
will appear during the annual
Catholic and Jewish speakers
will be chosen by the Religious
Evaluation week committee.
Petitions are to be turned in to
the YMCA office. Student Union
Diane David Named
To Study in France
Sweetbriar college has chosen
Diane David, sophomore in French
and art, to spend next year in
France studying under its special
“junior year in France” plan.
D. M. Dougherty, head of the
foreign language department, also
announced that Miss David re
ceived a scholarship from Sweet
brior college to pay part of the
traveling costs.
Full credit for all college work
will be given by the University of
Paris, where she is to study. Ore
gon students previously awarded
the French study plan were Eliza
beth Kratt, Coralie Nelson and
Charity Williams.
Petitions Sought
For Vodvil Show
Petitions for committee chair
manships for the All-Campus Vod
vil to be held April 21 in otmjunc
tion with Duck Preview are being'
called for by Gloria Dee and Shir
ley Wendt, vodvil co-chairmen,
Deadline for the petitions, which
may be turned in at the main desk
of the Student Union, is Tuesday
at 5 p.m. Petitioners are asked to
submit a main theme for the vodvil
Committee chairmanships open
are programming, contact, pio
motion, tickets, judges, arrange
ments and lighting and special ef- I
fects. Petitions for master of cere
monies will also be accepted. Ap
plicants for this position will be
interviewed by a screening com
I mittee next week.
Magazine Cover
Features J Senior
Mrs. LaVaun Maier, senior in
journalism, is pictured in the cov
er of the current Profitable Hob
bies magazine, which also contains
an article by her on "Table Linens
to Match Your Dishes."
Mrs. Maier wrote the article fall
term for a magazine article class
in the school of journalism. She
was paid $46.50 for it. The cover
picture, reproduced in two colors,
I/O Librarian Named
State Representative
Carl \V. Hints, University li
brarian, hh'?» been appointed state
icpresentatlve of the Association
for College and Reference li
braries^ a division of the American
Library association.
In his new capacity, Hints will
be the official representative for
ACRL at state meetings. He will
also act as coordinator of informa
tion on library problems and per
sonnel between the executive sec
retary and local organizations.
Job Opportunities
Representative- from four companies will
lie uu tlir campus next week to interview
students for positions and training programs
with their finis, according to .1 report of the
graduate placement office in Kmcrald hall.
Kdward (». English, executnivc assistant
of the Bethlehem Pacific Coast Steel Corpora
tion will interview men in husiness and eco
nomics with an emphasis on production, mar
keting ami accounting, April t>. Positions arc
for the 1953 “Loop Course."
On April 6, Avery Cloningcr of the Long
view Fibre Company will interview student*
in chemistry, accounting and Inis mess admin
istration for positions with his firm.
The Cnited States National Hank repre
sentative, Carl Mays, will talk to men and
women interested in the bank’s training pro
gram on April 9.
Business administration students with some
semi-technical background through experience,
training or hobbies, accounting majors, en
gineers, and students in the physical sciences,
industrial arts or related fields will l>c inter
viewed by K. S. Johnson on April 9. Johnson
represents the Owens-Coming Fil»erglass
Company, which is interviewing for its in
dustrial sales, accounting, and general train
ing program.
Appointments to sec the representatives and
additional information may l*c obtained at the
graduate placement office in Emerald hall.
/Movie Group
Gets Chairman
A die Holt, senior in history,
was named new chairman of the
Student Union movie committee
by the SU board last term.
Holt will replace Ann McLaugh
lin, junior in education, who did not
return to school this term. He
will serve in his new capacity
through spring term.
Social dance Instruction will not
j be carried out under the SU pro
gram this year. A committee rc
I port on this matter noted that
I such a progi am would merely
compete with the ballroom (lanc
ing classes conducted under the
University curricula.
Ward Cook, chairman of the
publicity committee, recommend
ed to the board that spring term
members of his committee be dele
gated as publicity representatives
on each of the other SU commit
tees to handle press releases and
Further action of the board in
cluded the appointment of D. P.
Hatch, instructor in art, as faculty
representative on the art gallery
committee and selection of Vir
ginia Dailey, junior in journalism,
as a delegate to the national con
vention of college student uniors
to be held in San Francisco April
114 to 18.
The taste that's in a cigarette
Is just what counts with me -
If you're the same, then look no more,
Try Lucky Strike and see! •
Richard S. Bunnewith
Boston University
Nothing-no. nothing-beats better taste
Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother!
Ask yourself this question: Why do I smoke?
You know, yourself, you smoke for enjoyment.
And you get enjoyment only from the taste of a
Luckies taste better^-cleaner, fresher, smoother!
Why? Luckies are made better to taste better. And,
what’s more, Luckies are made of fine tobacco.
L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco.
■ So, for the thing you want most in a cigarette ...
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taste of Lucky Strike...
Be Happy-GO LUCKY!
Where’s your jingle? it>s easier than you think
~tfc> make $25 by writing a Lucky Strike jingle like those
| you see in this ad. Yes, we need jingles —and we pay $25
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Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New York 46, N.Y.
I love to bowl, but seldom strike;
It takes good luck you see.
But Lucky Strike, the smoke delight,
Sure made a hit with me!
Rose G. Starr
Creighton University
<Jne' JVm&ueam, Jova&so-Conyuiry- America’s leading manufacturer of cigarettes
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