Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Charles Blasts Layne>
Nears Title Chance
San Francisco (fP> — Former
■Heavyweight Champion Ezzard
Charles entered the ring tonight
a four to one favorite over Rex
ft,ayne and he definitely lived up
to the role.
Charles walloped Layne from
pillar to post for the 10-round
distance and won a unanimous de
cision before 7,000 fans at the Win
ter! and Pavillion. The bout was
■ televised nationally.
Layne was -game and willing j
'Vut completely outclassed by the
Hegro scrapper. Layne hit the can
vas four times and seldom gave
■Charles any really serious mo
The victory placed Charles
■squarely in the spotlight again for,
a. crack at the winner of next Fri
day night's title bout between
Champion Rocky Marciano and
Challenger Jersey Joe Walcott.
Charles scaled 187 and one-half
*to Layne's 203. However, the 15
end one-half pound difference
■didn’t appear to bother Charles
too much, although Layne's rush
ing tactics frequently forced the
onetime heavyweight ruler against
the ropes.
Layne was floored in the first,
■sixth, seventh and 10th rounds.
However, there was no count after
■the knockdowns in the opener and
the sixth. In the sixth. Layne was
-wobbly and staggered along the
-ropes. Referee Frankie Carter sent
Charles to a neutral corner and the
delay prevented the start of a
Charles really gave Layne the
works in the seventh. Rex stag
gered around the ring under the
impact of the savage onslaught.
Near the final bell. Charles belt
ed Layne with everything he had
but the courageous youngster
from Lewiston, Utah refused to
Freshman Upsets
Turner, Reiser
A major upaet highlighted Wed
nesday's track time trials as Coach
Bill Bowerman tested his thin
squad in preparation for the Wil
lamette relays.
Freshman miler, Jim Dellinger,
beat veterans Wayne Reiser and
Fred Turner in the one and one
half mile run. Dellinger hails from
In other events. Jerry Mock edged
out Bruce Springbett in the 75
yard dash. The half-milers ran in a
600 yard jaunt. Doug Clement
showed well in this. Clement, a
quarter-miler last year, may run
both the 880 and 440 this season.
Ted Anderson, last year's top
quarter-miler and Northern Divi
sion dual meet champion, ran well
in the 300 yard event, Bowerman
A bad heel limited A1 Martin,
ace miler, to a three-quarter mile
run. The Cottage Grove junior
placed third in the Pacific Coast
meet last year.
Lively Arrow Sports Shirts
Add6Local Color99 To Campus
Look for a highly-colored style picture this season —
. thanks to the new crop of Arrow sports shirts. Smart
solids in rayon gabardine, cheeks and plaids in “Sanfor
ized” cotton and other fabrics, will be seen on campus
from coast to coast. Available at all Arrow dealers.
»»-—--v >
Duck Basebaljers See First
Action Today Against L-C
By Sam Vahey
Emerald Sporti Editor
Coach Don Kirsch's 1953
baseball crew opens its season
this afternoon at 3 p.in. on
Howe field against Lewis and
Clark college from Portland.
A previously scheduled game for
yesterday was cancelled because
the field at Portland university
was too wet.
Out of Kirsch's last year's 17
man traveling squad only six let
termen return for action. A sev
enth veteran may be added to the
squad, however, if strong armed
Don Siegmund is re-admitted to
the university. Siegmund was de
clared scholastically ineligible at
the end of the fall term, but is in
the process of getting back.
Other “O” winners are Earl
Averill, Jim Livesay, Norm
Forbes, Jack Pyle, who lettered
two years ago, George Shaw,
Pete Williams, and Kon Phillips.
In addition to the returning
starters, a host of promising jun
ior college transfers and a num
ber of players up from last sea
son’s JV team bolster the varsity
Since practice began winter
term, the squad has been cut down
to 23.
Veteran Catchers
Catching shouldn't offer
Kirsch too much trouble as veter
ans Livesay and Averill are work
ing out at the position. Kirsch
stated, however, that both will be
in the starting lineup, one in
the outfield. Neal Marlett, a JV
recruit, is also showing well in
behind-the-plate duties.
Six hurlers, besides Siegmund,
make up the mound staff. Norm
Forbes will be used in a regular
roll, as might Jack Pyle, who
earned a letter two years ago,
but who didn’t repeat last
Farrell Albright, right hander,
and Bill Biodget are two of the
pitchers up from the JV nine.
From San Bernardino Junior col
lege come two transfers, Trent
Ri'turns for Third Year of Duty
Huls and Stan Dmochowsky, the
right hander and the latter a
Three lanky applicants from the
JV team are fighting it out for
the first-base position. The start
er will be either Don Hedgepeth,
Bob Wagner, or Jim Tennyson.
Two on Second
Qualifying for second-base du
ties are Jim Johnson, with JV
experience under his belt, and Lee
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Open Noon to 11 p.m.
Jackson, an impressive infielder
from Portland State.
George Shaw will move from the
outfield post he held last year to
a vacancy at the shortstop slot.
Another San Bernardino transfer.
Walt Gaffney, is scheduled to also
see action in this capacity.
Lctterman I'ete Williams Is
presently opening in the third
sack position although he will
get competition from Duane
Allen, who comes to the univer
sity via Clark junior college.
Roving the outfield pastures
during the ’53 season will be Ron
Phillips, who led the Duck batters
last year, in left field; A1 Murray,
who turned out for the first time
this year, in the center field spot;
and Bernie Averill, a brother of
last year's letterman who has just
returned from the service, in the
remaining right field post.
Civil War Tomorrow
Oregon State and Oregon will
clash in what should be a top
baseball attraction tomorrow aft
ernoon at the local field. The
Ducks wilUplay their third game
in a row the next day when they
meet a squad of highly regarded
U of O Alumni.
In addition to the first three
practice games, the Durk base
ballers will go through four
more preseason tilts before open
ing the Northern Division
against Idaho on April 15.
Preseason schedule: April 2,
Lewis and Clark at Eugene; April
3, Oregon State at Eugene; April
4, U of O Alums at Eugene; April
7, Linfield at McMinnville; April
9, OSC at Corvallis; April 10, Wil
lamette at Eugene; April 11, Lin
field at Eugene.
Manager Sought
Any student* interested in
helping to manage track this
spring are urged to see Coach
Bill Bbwerman. Freshmen, es
pecially, are wanted because
there is a good opportunity to
work up, according to Bower