Miss Elizabeth Hidden lives in Redlands, California, and is a Professor of Education at the University of Redlands. 1 !• in 1949 Miss Hidden bought 100 shares of Union Oil stock. Last year she invested in 30 more shares, bringing her total to 130, which is our share-. - owner’s average. By these, purchases, Miss Hidden . became one of the millions of American capitalists who own stock in American corporations. What did we do with her money? _ - - J £ 2* Like the amounts entrusted to us by our 40,301 other shareowners (half of whom are women), Miss Hidden’s money has gone mainly in to new “tools” for our business — things like drill ing rigs, pipe lines, refinery equipment, and into our research laboratories and the work we do in developing new wells. All these things take money. 3* Because we put Miss Hidden’s money to work. in these productive ways, we were able, under the American system of free enterprise, to earn something with it. That is, we made a profit. Miss Hidden participated in this profit, along with our other shaseowners. In 1952 she received divi dends amounting to $260. She could sell her stock at any time, but chooses to remain a part owner of our business. 4. This example shows how most American industry is financed today. It also illustrates one of the great and fortunate facts of our economic system. In investing with us, Miss Hidden is of course considering her own personal interests. But at the same time she is helping in the vital devel opment of U. S. oil resources, the expansion of re fining facilities, the making of new jobs, the in crease of worker income, and the creation of more and better petroleum products for everyone. She is contributing to a higher standard of living and to a stronger America. UNION OIL'COMMNlT * OR CALIFORNIA ? INCORPORATED IN CALIFORNIA, OCTOBER 17, lit! This series, sponsored by the people of Union Oil Company, is dedicated to a discussion of ham and why American business functions. We hope you’ll feel free to send in any suggestions or criticisms you have to offer. Write: The President, Union Oil Company, Union Oil Building, Lot Angeles 17, California. MANUFACTURERS OF ROYAl TRITON. THE AMAZING PURPLE MOTOR OU