Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1953, Section 2, Image 9

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/ If you're a joiner . . .
J. ... on page 2 In a lint of all the
i honoraria you have to choone
I from on the Oregon campus,
'i ' Read It, and take your pick.
Fifty-fourth year of Publication
Section 2...
. . . hf the EmeraldV-Mg 16-f*gn
Sjrinjf turning edttira. wM«<»
marks Um> coming of 3|*r5i»g to
the University.
Canine Mascots Are
Real 1 'Personalties'
Iriak—bigma rhi Epsilon
Sigma Phi Epsilon is the proud
owner of a female chow and husky
combination dog named Flak. Flak
. is considered such a part of the
house that her picture was in last
t year's Oregnna along with the
. house members.
She was purchased in Medford
in 161C. As a pup, her favorite I
-foods were doughnuts and candy 1
No campus roamer, Flak spends
most of her time at the Sig Ep
- house but may attend a class oc
casionally or chase squirrels. She
' accompanies the fellows on all
their serenades and enjoys riding
in cars.
- John-Dog—Sigma Nu
i One of the newest campus mas
cots is the property of Sigma Nu,
-a brown and black, half blood
hound and half unknown creature
named John-Dog.
- John-Dog hails from Weed, Cal.,
where he was purchased about five
T month* ago. He is quite harmless,
.say the Sigma Nu's, in spite ofl
his impressive appearance. He is !
not yet full-grown. John-Dog loves
• being petted or mauled.
. The animal's arch enemy is the
Theta Chi s Waldo, for whom he
* has an extreme dislike. He fre
quents the business administra
tion school and takes keen interest
in the wage and salary administra
tion and Amer.can government
. Classes.
I John-Dog’s most unusual quirk
Is his fi ar of cats. Confronted with
-a cat from one direction, he runs
. the opposite direction every time.
A good watchdog, he sleeps most
•of the day and all night.
.Waldo—Theta Chi
Waldo, the Theta Chi pride and
joy, was purchased at the Port- :
'land dog pound two years ago for
k $4.
He is a species of English ter
rier, the owners say, of the Vic- •
• tor recording company variety. ;
.(His Master's Voice). Gradually,
Waldo outgrew his first home with
former Theta Chi Bill Gregg and
'then was brought to the campus.
. Bill’s mother had originally named
the dog Ginger, but his present
name seemed more appropriate.
The big, black and white dog
,may be often seen about the cam
pus and engaged in his favorite
sport of stalking squirrels with his
■best friend, the Phi Psi’s Snow
• belle. Waldo has climbed a tree
.after a squirrel and had to be
helped down.
The children in the neighbor
hood of the Theta Chi house have
, become quite friendly with Waldo
. and he gives them rides. Evidently
’they enjoy playing with him and
• when he can’t be found, will ring
.the house doorbell to inquire as to
his whereabouts.
Rip—Delta Tau Delta
, Delta Tail Delta's mascot is Rip, j
|, (in amiable black and white Dal
I jnalian whose favorite occupation ;
. Js curiously sniffing at women who
kdsit Ihe house on flying speeches.
Another one of Rip’s habits is
! gularly developing a case of the
fles or a rash so he can get
y from the playful antics of
i , wasters and spend a quiet time
•‘f he veterinarian’s.
,ip, about a year old, is a full
, iged member of the fraternity
il(. is accorded the privilege of [
It s a coffee tlat(—in the Student P’nion—for Kijowbcffe (left) and Waldo. Note the ecstatic expression
on Waldo’s face as he rejoices in the presence of fPls new-found love. Sources close to Waldo (not too
elosr he needs a hath) state that soon after the picture was taken he uttered a passionate low
pitched snarl. In his native tongue, he was asking Snou belle if he could come to the Phi Psi’house
dance with her. Snowhelle accepted, and the Phi Psi s sent an invitation to Waldo's protecto- the
Theta Chi’s. Waldo arrived and spent the evening ogling Snowhelle. Once—out by t:,e garbage can—he
and Snowhelle engaged in some clandestine nose-rubbing. (Emerald photo by Bob Ford.)
attending chapter meetings. His
usual quiet nature is disturbed
only when members Henry and ;
Harvey Bell join in a combination :
piano-vocal duet, when he emits •
low, pained groans.
Rip is actively pursuing a varied
college education, according to the
Delta, as he is seen regularly in
the library and in classes with
the members and at campus hang
outs. (i.c. Maxie's).
Arab—Delta Upsilon
Arab, a black toy cocker, is the
mascot of Delta Upsilon. The name
is pronounced with the accent on
the first “A’' as in "adc.” He is
about two and a half years old and
the house has had him for two
He likes to stick close to home,
but does get out on picnics and
enjoys roaming in the wilds. He
is at present recovering from a j
jaunt last weekend in which he
was lost near Armitagc park and
wasn't found until Sunday.
Arab takes delight in ice cream
cones. He also likes to chase cats
—until they turn and begin chas- j
ing him. He likes people, except 1
for a bark for the mailman, and he i
“puts up with women.”
Seagrams, property of the Phi
Gamma Delta's, wan purchased
in the spring of 1945 by three
Fijis who were deterred in their
quest for some liquid refreshment
by a small pup in a pet shop win
dow who was twice as long as he
was high. He cost as much as the
aforementioned refreshments and
thus was named after it.
“Seegie” has been around for al
most eight years and as such, the '
Fijis claim him as the “dean of i
campus dogs.”
•His exact breed is a point which i
is discussed with a whisper in
Seagram's presence. As near as I
can be found, iie conies from a
fine old stock which became slight
ly mixed. These well-blended
stocks include “wienie dog,"
(whatever that is), police dog,
Mexican chihuahau, Alaskan
Husky. Scotch terrier and beagle,
according to an authority. Nothing
was said of Tom Collins or Ginger
He loves being dragged across
a floor, is rowdy a good share of
the time but plays dead when he
isn't, avoids Kappa Alpha Theta's
for an indignity he once suffered
at their hands with a razor, likes
Taylor’s coffee, the waitresses at !
the Kush Inn and occasionally
takes in a lecture in the science !
Psi—Phi Sig
The Phi Sigma Kappa's own a ]
collie named Psi after the chapter j
name. The white, tan and black
animal was given the house three
years ago.
He likes women, and other
people, too. He is a buddy of the
Phi Psi's Snowbelle but admits
that he and the Theta Chi's Waldo 1
do not see eye to eye on many
Psi stations himself outside the
doors of classrooms where the Phi
Sig's are and also is seen wander
ing around campus in the daytime, i
He likes romping with Snowbelle
on the Commonwealth square and
is no stranger to Maxie's on Fri
day afternoons. It is rumored he
is working for a psychology degree
but is ashamed to admit it.
His secret ambition is to Vie a
catcher in the major leagues; he
will play for hours with anything
resembling a ball. On warm spring
afternoons he is apt to be found in
the millrace with Snowbelle (play
ing water polo, it is said).
Pi !l—Pi Knpoa Phi
The Pi Kappa Phi's own a cocker
spaniel of uncertain oi igir. named
Pi II after his predecessor. He is
..bout 20 months old and was given
to the house as a Christmas pres
ent by a group of women at Car
son hall.
Pi II is a very friendly animal
and likes women especially well.
His habits include stealing papers
from the neighbors and getting
lost in sorority houses. He also
likes hiding in cars, particularly
convertibles, in the hope of being
included on a spring picnic.
According to his owners, Ti II
has classes from 8 to 12 in Com
monwealth hall and a 1 o clock
in advanced R.OTC. If he cuts
classes, he can be found on the
quad or at Hod Taylor's.
Bruno—Beta Theta Pi
A St. Bernard with the title of
"Adonis of the Sanctuary Woods"
or more commonly "Bruno" is
the mascot of the Beta Theta Pi
house. They have had him four
and a half years. At the time
they obtained him, he was a 14
pound, year-old pup and promptly
got into a number of fights with
the Great Dane "Eric.” also owned
by the house. Later the two be
came accustomed to living togeth
Bruno is quite fussy about his
friends and does not like children
or any women except the Beta
cook. Some sorority women once
doused him with perfume. He also
scares the wits out of the news
paper boy and enjoys terrifying the
mailman. Bruno, who boasts a
background of grand champion
ancestors, does not often venture
to the campus, but when he does,
the Betas report that "even Waldo
steps out of his way."
Snov/belle—Phi Psi
, "Evening Star of Sanctuary
Woods” is the formal title for the
Phi Kappa Fsi's Snowbe’le. Al
though a smaller type of St. Ber
nard and only one year Tr,;i nine
months old., the dog has the nick
name of "Horse” from her owners.
The present mascot is the suc
cessor to Snowbelle I who ran
for Junior Weekend queen and was
to have been in a University The
ater play at the time of her death
in 1951.
She attended all the Oregon
home football games last fall es
corted by Waldo and the two pro
vided halftime entertainment on
the field. Snowbelle eats enough
to justify her nickname She in
herited a harness and keg from her
predecessor but never wear 3 them.
Her chief aversion is: papei boys
and women on flying speeches.
Otherwise she is very friendly ancf
loves playing.
Petri—A TO
Named after the brand of -wine,
Petri is number one <iog around'
the ATO house. A black and white
animal < f undetermined pedigree,
Petri's long hair ami a genera*
appearance put him in tie; collie
Petri has been with the ATO’3
\ for several years, longer than
I anyone Irving in the house He is
| known as one of the better fight
ers on campus, and is usually not
on nose-nibbing terms with Waldo.
Petri can also do tricks he can
extinguish a match with his i.ght
| paw while cocking his head quiz
! zically to one side. He speaks,
and tolls over at proper command.
Petri has a rather unique run
| rung style; his hindquarters pro
i ject to one side like a swivel
hipped halfback with rusty hip
j joints. He has, however, been
! clocked at up to 40 mpb when
I ninning from a fight or after
j ATO's in cars.
Soupon—Campbell Club
battle is known of Campbell
Club’s neuter gender clog, Soupon.
Rough estimates seem to place its
age at about 6 months. Since its
nationality or species is unknowh
it falls into the popular heading
cf Shetland sheep clog.
According to members of the
} Co-op, it has little to offer in the
category of tricks, although, it is
I extremely adept at waking the
! boys up with its barking at least
I two hours before class time.
The Campbell Clubbers are very
satisfied with it, though, since
they appreciate its quietness,
meekness, and "good el' Pal" dis
Minerva, or Minnie as she is
I more commonly known was given
to Sigma Alpha Epsilon m the
fall of 3952. Those who claim to
know about dogs say that she is
a toy Collie.
During her puppy days sb« had
nearly everyone in the house con
vinced that this was the dog That
would never be housebroken. The
underclass at that time seldom
had anything nice to say about her
—they had to teach her manners.
The house manager was frequently
heard to suggest that Minnie go
out m the traffic and play.
The most dreaded moment for
Minnie is when she must be bathed.
She , doesn't thrash around the
water, but just stands m the tub,
shakes and looks up at the pei son
bathing hex with doleful eyes.