Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1953, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Student Affairs Set Rules for Weekend
The pre-final week closed period
will begin at 5 p.m. Friday, ac
cording to the office of student
affairs. This means that Univer
sity women will be allowed only
•ne date, or night out, over the
Closing hours have been set for
10:30 p.m. Friday and for 12:15
a.m. Saturday. No men will be al
lowed in the women’s houses after
Edna Landros to Speak
Edna Landros, assistant profes
sor of classical languages, will be
the guest speaker at a luncheon
meeting of the foreign language
division of the Oregon Educational
association in Portland ^fonday.
At Portland Meeting
The luncheon, which is a part
of the annual meeting of the OEA,
will be presided over by Pauline
Layne of Willamette high school,
president of the foreign language I
The Newest, Smartest
Pretty new styles — bat win"
sleeve — interesting new neck lines
— attractive new colors — and
skirts you keep moving around to
keep in shape.
Willamette at 10th
Sears "suits America" in Distinguished
Grey... with Bold Red and Hare Blue the
supporting colors . • •
The man in the Fashion Tailored suit
nabs the spotlite for Easter . . . Distinguished
suit so handsomely tailored ... so skillfully
made, smart accessories in very fine taste,
from haze-blue Pilgrim hat to Bold Red
all-silk neckwear. He looks his best
because he bought the best from
Sears Easter Aisle of Fashions
Deluxe Pilgrim shirt Pilgrim “sable fin- Pilgrim all-silk
with the Formease ish” imported blue neckwear in bold
collar 3.98 fur felt 10.00 bright red 2.00 /
Sold Bond amber
tone wingtip
oxfords 12.98
Fashion Tailored
Pin Check suit 47.50
Pilgrim all nylon
rib-nit solid color
hose 98c 7
teort Invites you to come
and browse along the Easter Aisla
•ozryoafrJX0tcey jac£"
. PHONE 5-1561
Group Postpones
NAACP Action
Action by the student affairs
committee on recognition of a
campus chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored*People may not take
place until the beginning of spring
term, according to R. C. Williams,
committee secretary.
The committee meeting sched
uled for last Saturday was post
poned because of the illness of
Donald M. DuShane, director of
student affairs and chairman of
the committee. Due to final exams
next week, the committee may
not be able to meet before the end
of the term, said Williams.
John C. McCloskey, English pro
fessor and committee member,
read a three-page argument i
against the request of NAACP for
campus recognition at the last
meeting of the student affairs
committee. The committee voted
* three to three at that time to |
adopt a motion granting the group ]
recognition. I
i Because voting on this issue was I
; tied, the committee decided to hold ]
| another meeting, originally sched- I
' tiled for last Saturday, for further 1
! consideration of the matter. j
Singers to Make
Vacation Trip .
University Singers, a GO voice 1
mixed chorus from tiie University
school of music, will take their I
seventh annual tour during spring 1
vacation, March 22-29, according J
to Donald W. Allton, director of j
the group. 4
The tour will include 15 appear- <
ances, covering central, southern
and eastern Oregon and ending
with a performance in Portland.
The home concert will be April 9
in the Student Union. !
The program for the tour per- ;
formances includes numbers rang
ing from sacred to folk-songs and I
selections from the light opera, j
"Brigadoon.” 1
Featured as a companion-group
with the Singers is the Madrigali
Singers, a 12 voice ensemble which ^
specializes in the madrigal, popu- •
lar song type of the 16th and t-arly<
17th centuries. Since madrigal |
singing was originally done in the ,
home while seated around a ban
quet table, the Madrigals will also
sing while seated around a table,
to preserve the spirit of the orig
inal custom.
VACANCIES for three more. Rm.
& Board. 874 E. 13th. Call Mrs.
Kile. 4-0422. 3-31
FOR RENT: Large airy, light bed
room with adjoining dressing
room. Large closet. For 1 or 2
women. Call 5-1070 between 5
and 9 p.m. 1858 Harris, block
south of campus. 3-31
Be Ready for Spring
Let us “revitalize”
your spring wardrobe
by expert cleaning
and pressing
Eugene Laundry
& Dry Cleaners
174 8th Avenue W.
Dial 5-3321