9 i ,«k General Extension Courses Offered; Spring Registrations Now Accepted wencrai exlenHion courses for roxt toirn at a registration cost of $(> per term hour, have been announced by the extension divi sion (,f the Oregmf State System of Higher Kducation. Kegistration may be completed currently at the extension office or at the first or second meetings of the class. 1 he classes are: Monday: lower division painting, painting studio, 7 pm: health education Workshop, I'd*. Ill, 7 pm.; books for young people, University High library, 7 > p.rn.; modern dance, Gerlinger hall, 7:30 pm.; seminar, teachers’ use of social agencies, Commonwealth . 23.1 1 p.m., and seminar, sex of fender and their socio-legal treat ment, Commonwealth, 7 p.m. Tuesday: art structure III, arch itecture annex, 7 p.m.; landscape de ign, Architecture 221, 7 pin,; con l rue live accounting, Oommon wealth 172, 7 p.m.; geography of Asia, Condon 101, 7 p.m., and first year Sapnish, Friendly 312, 7:30 p.m. V« ednesday: j e w e 1 r y-making, architec ture building. 7 p.m.; prin ciples of sate man ship, Common wealth 242. 7 p.m.; clothing for children. Chapman 302, 7 p.m.; leading in the elementary grade:-. I’K building, 7 p.m.; music III, music education. Music 104. 7 p m. and biological science survey, Sci ence 314, 7 p m. Thursday: PE in the elementary grade , PE building, 7 p.m.; indus trial traffic management, Com monwealth 173. 7 p.m.; body con ditioning for women, (lei linger, ,c t is A 'c j •1* * "r Value Depends On Care! People Just Don’t Let a Thing Take Care of Itself If Your Watch Needs Repair . . . We’ll Know How to Make it New Again BRISTOWS 620 Willamette ; 7:30 p.m.; photography, Science 16, : 7 p.m.; elementary logic, Common wealth 232, 7 p.m. and seminar, later maturity, Commonwealth 233, ! 7 p.m. Saturday: pupil personnel pro grama, University high, 9 a.rn., and rhythms for children, Gerlinger hall, 9 a.m. 200 Jr. Weekend Workers Wanted Approximately 200 people will he needed for eommittee work for Junior Weekend, General Chairman Bob Brittain has an nouneed, in additioi to tin- < hair inen chosen last week. Petitions for the \arious com mittees are to be turned in to Student Union 303, Brittain, or any of. the eommittee chairmen listed in last Friday's Kmerald. Literary Honorary Pledges 15 Women Fifteen women have been pledg- j ed by Chi Delta Phi, national Jit- ; erary (honorary, according to Sue ! Liehty, senior in journalism, pres ident. Pledges are Joan Beckman, sophomore in liberal arts; Barbara Boushey, junior in journalism; ' Donna Clough, junior in liberal aits; Sally Cummins, freshman in journalism; Marilyn Harber, soph omore in liberal arts; Lloydene I Hurt, freshman in liberal arts; ■ Rita. Kenyon, freshman in English; Kren Kudriavcev, freshman in lib- 1 oral arts; Ruth Lear, freshman in sociology; Joan Long, sophomore in architecture; £>ottie Luebke, junior in English: Gayle Johnson,! freshman in English; Adele Sum- ’ mers, junior in English; and Ar lene VVistrand, sophomore in lib eral arts. New officers of the group are Marilyn Patterson, president; Val era Vierra, vice president: Jean treasurer, and Daryl Gould, report er-historian. HEILIG = At Last! - - - It's Coming! STARTS SUNDAY LOCK UP YOUR DOLLARS AND YO'JR DAUGHTERS! Cohi ss Var V\> i .V promoter A WNWJAUNTttHATlOMM Mlf AS| ^ 4* _ fti. _ A UNTVtRSAt »nfINATONM tflCASI GLYNIS JOHNS • VALERIE HOBSON • PETULA CLARK Also J. Arthur Rank Suspense Film "The Stranger in Between" Onthank to Attend Meet For Scholarship Fund rvari u. Onthank, associate fli rector of student affairs, will trav el to Astoria this weekend for a meeting of the Astor scholarship fund committee. 'Hie committee awards a scholarship to a Univer sity student of any level who i- a graduate of Astoria high school. HEILIG= Friday 13th - Midnight JIMX SHOW 11:30 Fri. Nite 13th j REGULAR PRiCES HE11IG 4 9311 “The Promoter” with Alec Guinness Valerie Hobson also “Stranger In Between'’ starring Dirk Bogarde Elizabeth Sellars Starts Wednesday “The Naked Spur” with James Stewart Janet Leigh I Starts Sunday “My Little Chickadee" with NY. C. Fields Starts Wednesday “Slightly Honorable” starring Pat O'Brien Paul Douglas Eve Arden McDonald Starts Sunday, March 15 ^\t will live I your heart forever! | Wt V ! Disney's BW COLO* BY TECHNICOLOR »•» IOMY MtSCOU H **■ »KI «t M«I fM by **C «*«*o P