THE LEMON 'O' for A Special Treat • MILKSHAKES • SUNDAES • SOFT DRINKS • SODAS [Sri of course! U OF 0 CO-OP Chapman Hall 5-6272 Lynn K. Kndicott ENDICOTT'S RADIO SERVICE 871 Last 13th Avenue Expert RADIO and TELEVISION SERVICE YWCA President Announces New Appointments for Senior Cabinet Announcement of the appoint ive positions on the senior YWCA cabinets has been made by Bar bara Keelen, president. In addition to the elective of fices announced last week, the ap pointments include Mary Wilson, ' GIFTS '////-i t \ \\>>, • Crosses • Lockets • Compacts • Ronson Lighters HUFF'S JEWELERS We Give GOLD ARROW STAMPS TUDENTS! Any Place in the World — With Any Tour Company_ By Any Ship_ or Plane_ THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER YOU AT NO EXTRA COST OR SERVICE CHARGE! We Suggest You Plan Now for That Summer Vacation ... Tomorrow May be Too Late EUGENE TRAVEL SERVICE Eugene Hotel Lobby Phone 5-8431 ' sophomore ndviBer; Barbara Swan son, program adviser; Rose War ner, worship chairman; Barbara West, religious growth chairman; Sylvia Wingard, public affairs chairman; Germaine LaMarehe, international affairs; Tina Fisk, membership; Sally Hayden, fac ully-at-homcs; Patty Tc rale, con i ference; Becky Fortt, promotion; J Anne Hill, publicity, and Martha j Van Camp, service. The junior advisers who will work with the freshmen commis sions beginning next fall include : Sue Fuller', Rosemar y Hampton, Janet Wick, Nan Mimnaugh, fshir ! ley Wendt, Kathryn Holloway, Hope Holgerson, Carol Cross, i Nancy Randolph, Cordene Warren, | Lois Reid, Donna Mast and Jackie j Steuart. Upper-class commission members at large will be Donna Trebbe, Namiko Ikeda and Nicky Trump. Genevieve Eachus has been ap pointed member at large on the sophomore cabinet. April 3 Deadline For Grad Record Exam Applications Students who plan to lavte grad uate record examinations on April 17 and IS must have their appli cation filed in Los Angeles by April 3, according to the Univer sity counseling center, where the application blanks are available. The tests will be given in three one-half day sessions: profile, Fri day afternoon; aptitude, Saturday morning; anu advanced, Saturday afternoon. A fee of 512 will be charged for all three sessions, $10 for two sessions and $3 for one. The advanced tests may Ire taken in any one of the following fields: biology, chemistry, econom ics, education, engineering, French, geology, German, government, his tory. literature, mathematics, philosophy physics, psychology, so ciology and Spanish. Those interested in taking the test should consult with the head of the department in which they are taking their masters to see if the examinations are required, the counseling center leported. Read the Emerald classified ads. Perfect GIFT a New PORTRAIT A fine portrait for lasting remembrance Make an appointment today The FEHLY STUDIO 13th and Kincaid (on the campus)