Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 12, 1953, Section 2, Page Three, Image 11

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Jensen to Assist Scenery Design
a man who nan received most of
liis training in the University The
'uter wil> Ret his chance at the pro
fessional stage this summer in
. Saratoga Springs, New York, with
the S.P.A. summer theater in that
. John Jensen, sophomore in
speech, will work as an assistant
to the scenery designer and play
• bit roles in the company under the
management of John Huntington,
, >'1 step in the direction of his goal
Of becoming a professional stage
- This is Jensen's second trip away
from the campus to appear with
theatrical groups. Last, summer he
-appeared under a full scholarship
with the Virginia City Players in
Virginia City, Mont. This group,
, which is dedicated to the study,
preservation and presentation of
19th century American drama, pre
sents its production in a converted
.Business Honorary
Initiates 13 Co-eds
Phi Chi Theta, national business
women’s honorary, has initiated 13
women into membership in initia
- tion ceremonies held at Carson
Initiated were Sally Haseltine,
'Sally Palmer, Joan Basinski, Cor
lias McCausland, Joyce Jones, Sal
ly Thurston, Helen Wright. Erma
'Jean Cobain, Kathryn Moore, Sally
Hayden, Louiae Smith, Selma
Starr.s and Winona Fishback.
In other business of the evening.
. officers for the coming year were
elected. Joyce Jones will head the
organization for the coming year.
Assisting her will be Joan Basin
ski, vice president; Selma Starns,
secretary; Irma Cobain, treasurer,
' and Winona Fishback, historian.
-'Worst Script' Due
.On Campus Station
KWAX will present a rewrite ^
of "the worst radio script ever
written” today at 4:30 p.m.
■ The script, an adaptation of Ed- 1
„jar Allen Poe’s "Legeia,” is used
by- Glen Starlin, assistant profes- ,
sor of speech, as a rewrite project |
.for his program production classes.
The finished rewrite will be used
today, according to Gordon How
ard, graduate in speech, producer
, of the program.
Emerald classified ads bring re
■' suits.
John Jenson
livery stable in the restored ghost
Two Loads
While at Virginia City. Jensen
played two leads, one in “The
Mighty Dollar,” a political satire,
and the other in “Tell All the Girls
to Write,” a musical comedy about
early days in Montana. In “The
Mighty Dollar” he played opposite
Elmarie Wendell, a former Oregon
Here at Oregon Jensen has been
very active in the University The
ater. His latest activity is portray
ing the role of “Death” in the
Traffic Court
Acquits Student
One student was acquitted
at the last meeting of the student
court. He was Lee Rogers, sen
ior in philosophy, who had been
charged with parking over the
sidewalk near Friendly parking
Notices to appear at the next
regular meeting of the court, April
1, were sent to Wade Carter,
graduate in business; Edward Van
Natta, graduate in political sci
ence; Bob McLaughlin, freshman
in English; Marcia Eaglescn, jun
ior in liberal arts.
Others to appear are Rick Tarr,
senior in journalism; Neil Trilling,
sophomore in liberal arts; Don
Zavin, senior in business; Roger I
Kuykendall, senior in English; Rod
McGrath, senior in business; Ron- I
aid Isaacs, freshman in business;
Del Clemens, special student in po
litical science; Bill Miller and Du
Wayne Sayles, freshman In busi
Special \Mm\
htsfre-Crme Shampoo
...The Shampoo used by
Famous Hollywood Stars.
36 E. Broadway (Store No. 1) 769 6th W. (Store No. 2)
forthcoming production of "Even
the Gods,” an original manuscript
play. He was stage manager for
"Death of a Salesman," and "car
ried a spear magnificently” in
Henry IV, Part I,”
Package Show
In other UT work he was light
ing manager for “All the King’s
Men," and was stage manager for
the two operas given last spring.
He was also stage manager for the
dance company of Jose Limon who
recently appeared on campus. Jen
sen is a member of the executive :
board of the theater.
While at Saratoga Springs, Jen
sen will be working for member
ship in Actors Equity Association. !
He can not become a member until
the manager of the company rec
ommends him for it. "However," ,
Jensen said, “if the stage manager
does like your work, he can recom- '
mend you anytime he sees fit.”
According to Jensen, the com- |
pany will deal mostly with "pack
age shows” shows in which mem- I
bers of the company form the sup
porting cast while the star travels
from place to place performing in
the same role. 'He will work in
Saratoga Springs for nine weeks.
Scholarship Deadline
Set by Student Affairs
Students planning to apply for :
scholarships for the coming year
must have their applications filed 1
by April 1, the office of student
affairs has announced.
Applications can be obtained in
that office for all scholarships, in
cluding state fee scholarships.
Emerald classified ads bring re
Offers these outstanding superiorities
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