Classifieds FOR SALE: ’51 Packard 300, new tubeless tires, fully equipped. See Dot Dotson at 111 E. 11th. VACANCIES for three more. Km. & Board. 874 E. 13th. Call Mrs. Kile. 4-0422. 3-31 Ah, Extra Cash Old shoes saved ... No need for new ones ... Result—Extra Cash! Fast —Courteous — Guaranteed Service. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 843 E. 13th II New Lynwood II the place of ... Dinners for Ail Occasions Drop in any time of the day or evening ... Come hungry! You won’t leave that way. FOR BANQUET OR DINNER PARTY RESERVATIONS PHONE 5-9064 New Lynwood Address 796 Hiway 99 No. THURSDAY — MARCH 12 FRIDAY — MARCH 13 SATURDAY — MARCH 14 LADIES NYLON BLOUSES.... $2.1} PATRICIA OR RAMBLER 51 GAUGE 15 DENIER FIRST QUALITY NYLON HOSIERY PAIR FOR GOTHAM GOLD STRIPE IRREGULAR FULL FASHION NYLON HOSIERY—THE FIRST PAIR 91c—THE SECOND PAIR FOR ONLY- ■ Men's $25 HORSEHIDE JACKETS . .. Ik * 518.13 MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 2 for $1.13 MENS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS ... 52.13 241 PAIR OF FRIEDMAN-SHELBY FINE QUALITY MENS OXFORDS, C, D, E or G WIDTHS IN ALL SIZES . . $7.13 ENDICOTT-JOHNSON MENS BROWN LOAFERS WITH CREPE SOLES . $4.13 3 PAIR OF BRITISH IMPORTED $2.98 ARGYLE SONS — VALUE $8.94 .. WITH ANY $27.77 CURLEE SPORT COAT OR CURLEE $39.77 SUIT OR TOPCOAT. for 13c 'IF YA WANTA BELONG../ UO Honoraries Listed If you wanta "belong," the Uni versity of Oregon is the place to be. Campus honoraries and profes sional fraternities number some 44, excluding other organizations and activities. This category in cludes groups which pick members on an automatic or selective basis from schools or departments, from classes, or from students with a particular interest. These groups differ widely in requirements, structure, and em- j phasis. The most selective are Phi , Beta Kappa, liberal arts; Sigma I Xi, science; and Order of the Coif, ' law. Perhaps the most famous of these is Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary. Members are selected in the spring, except for the Senior Six, on the basis of outstanding scholarship and liberal arts background. This year's Sen ior Six, picked fall term as the first six seniors to make Phi Beta each year, are Pat Ward, Chris Williams, Helen Jackson Frye, Mary Dorris, Bill Norval, Vera Paugh. Phi Beta Kappa officers are fac ulty members. Two scholastic honoraries select members on the basis of 3.5 fresh man accumulative G.P.A. or a 3.5 fall term of the freshman year. They are: Phi Eta Sigma, national fresh man scholastic honorary. Presi dent, Bill Reeves; vice-president, Ed Toyooka; secretary-treasurer, Bill Mikkelsen. Alpha Lambda Delta, women's freshman scholastic honorary. President, Sylvia Wingard; vice president, Aileen Kronquist; secre- 1 tary, Laura Harper; treasurer, July Harris; and historian, Jackie Saylor. Students picked for membership in both groups remain members throughout their University ca reers. There are six class honoraries, generally selecting members on the basis of activities. Women can start in with Kwania, sophomore women's hono rary, which picks 50 members. Officers this year are: president, Nan Mimnaugh; vice-president, Dorothy Kopp; secretary, Ann Blackwell; and treasurer, Janet Wick. Phi Theta Upsilon is the junior women’s honorary, selecting 20 members. Judy McLoughlin, Eng lish, is president this year. Other officers are Joan Walker, vice president; Pat Uusttn, secretary; and Cathy Tribe, treasurer. Senior honorary lor women is tMnrtur Board, consisting of 20 members. Officers this year are president, Marian Briner; vice president, Mary Ellen Burrell; sec retary, Dolores Parrish; and trea surer, Jane Wiggen. Men who want to climb the class honorary ladder can start with Skull and Dagger, sophomore men’s honorary. Tire group picks 25 members. Officers are Alex Byler, president; Ron Ricketts, vice-president; Don Rotenberg. secretary, and Jim X.ight, trea surer. Druids, .junior men’s honorary taps 10 members. This year's offi cers are Don Almy, president; Paul Lasker, vice-president; and A1 Karr, secretary-treasurer. Friars, senior men’s honorary, picks 15-20 men each year. It is the only recognized secret organi zation on campus. There are some 35 other such groups, honoraries and profession al fraternities in the schools and departments. They include: Alpha Delta Sigma, men's na tional professional advertising fra For the most delicious and freshest baked foods stop in at the HOME BAKERY 86 E. Broadway ternity. President, Don Zavin; sec-, retary-treasurer, Merle Davis. Alpha Kappa Delta, national so" ciology honorary. President, Vir ginia Bingham; secretary-treasur er, Surinder Meheta. Alpha Phi Omega, national' service fraternity. President, Marty Johnson; vice-president, Jack Gabrielson; secretary, Mark Newman; and treasurer, SlaiT Savage. •< Askelpaids, uppcrclass pre-medu cine honorary. President, Bill Mik kelsen; vice-president, Hon Low ell; secretary-treasurer, Chris WiL liam.s. Beta Alpha Psi, national ac-* counting honorary. President, Day Domreis; faculty vice-president, John Soha; secretary-treasurer,* Cathy Tribe. Beta Camilla Sigma, national business honorary. President, Wes-' ley C. l!a Maine (facility), vici«» president, Elaine Hartung; and secretary, Arno Pterson. Chi Delta Phi, national women's.' honorary. President, Hue Lichiy.i vice-president, Pat Pollack; secuf tary, Jean Mauro; arid treasurav Marilyn Patterson. Della .Nil Alpha, national pro fessional transportation fraternity. President, A1 Kershaw; secretaryJ Alan .Stanley; and treasurer, Uoin Bilk. Delta Phi Alpha, national Her man honorary. No officers yet ths year. Delta Theta Phi, Oregon lavn fraternity (Deady Senate). JusX tice, Henry Bower; chancellor, Si4 Ainsworth. Daly Club, winners of the DalJ scholarship. No officers. Delta Sigma Kho, national fd rensic honorary. Officers not y< elected this year. Eta Mu Pi, merchandising lubn-1 orary. President, Jim Owens; vice* president. A1 Babb; and secretary,. Mary Alice Baker. 1 in j sec oB«)C frec-i Gamma Alpha Chi, women's nq tional professional advertising ciety. President, Anne Grahanil vice-president, Harriet Vahey; sec retary, Fran Neel; and treasu^ Carolyn Silva. Kappa Kho Omicron, radio hodo^ rary. President, Ken Warren; fcec-~) retary-treasurer, Sanda Price. . j Mu Phi Epsilon, national wom en’s music sorority. President" Beverly Goheen; vice-president? Cathy Ackerman; secretary, Mar>^ Lou Watts; and tureasurer, Dor othy Govig. Orchesis, women's concert danc organization. No officers. Order of the Coif, for outstand-l ing law' school seniors. No more^ than 10 pei’ cent may be selected i (with minor exception). 1 Order of the “O,” for all men] who earn a varsity athletic letter.,1 President, Jim Livesay; vice pies-' ident, Norval Ritchey; and sec re tary-treasurer, Ted Anderson. Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity. •I 1 Justice, Tom Brand; vice-justiCr^, Leroji'i Robert Boyer; and clerk Ehlers. Phi Beta, national women's mu sic and speech fraternity. Presi-! dent, Sharon Anderson; first vic£ president, Pat Hartley; secoad*, vice-president, Janis Evans; secre tary, Jackie Madigan; treasurer, Joyce Sinner, assistant treasure^ Sally Hayden; editor-historians, Elena Horn and Judy Ellefson; ahd^ program chairman, Sandra Price. | Phi Chi Theta, national women's business honorary. President,-} Gretchen Grefe; vice-preside.n^ Anne Graham; secretary, Mary Alice Baker; and treasurer, Betty Derrah. Phi Delta Kappa, men’s educa-^ lion fraternity. President, Charles. Carter; vice-president, Bill Schlos* ser; secretary-treasurer, Doug Ad ams; and historian, Marshall Sher:| man. Phi Delta Phi, international U‘-| gal fraternity. President, William (Please turn to paye six)