Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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    3 Debate Teams
To Enter Tourney
I he University forensic squad
is attending the annual Far West
regional debate tournament at Lin
field college today and Saturday,
according to Herman Cohen, di
rector of forensics,
I lie group is competing for
•speaking titles with teams from
r ight states at the tournament, tiic
largest forensic contest held this
side of the Mississippi. Partici
pants in former years have in
cluded speakers from Oregon,
Washington, Montana, Idaho, Cal
ifornia, Utah, Nevada and New
Students making the trip include
the three debate teams: Bruce
Holt, freshman in pre-law, and
Paul Ward, freshman in political
scii nee; I ’ll 11 Cass, freshman in
pre- law, and Don Miekclwait, soph
omore in pre-law, entered in men's
junior division debate; Loretta
Ala: on, freshman in speech, and
Kl.sie Schiller, junior in journal
ism, entered in women’s varsity
compel it ion.
NAACP Status
Study Planned
Final action on recognition of a
cam],i, chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People is expected at
Saturday’s student affairs commit
tee meeting.
,J. V’. Berreman. sociology profes
sor and NAACP adviser, will pre
sent the group's answer to criti
cism- by committee members. The
faculty senate committee appoint
ed last week to investigate student
affairs committee policy on recog
nition of campus organizations will
also attend the meeting.
The student affairs committee is
considering the NAACP request
for the second time in two weeks.
Last week the committee tied three
to three in a vote to grant the
group recognition. Because of the
tie vote, it was decided to hold an
other hearing which Berreman
could attend to present an argu
ment favoring recognition.
Arguments against the NAACP
center on two clauses in the
group's constitution and its nation- !
al affiliation. Both clauses have
been changed since the committee
voted against tine group last
Missionary to Visit
Campus Tuesday
Billie Blakeley, member of the
travel staff of the Student Volun
teer movement will be on campus
Tuesday to talk with students in
terested in missionary work.
A missionary candidate under
the board of foreign missions of
the Presbyterian church, Miss
^Blakeley will also speak to the
University Religious council, the
Religious Directors association
and at various religious houses, ac
cording to Russ Walker, executive
secretary of the YMCA.
The arrangements of Miss
Blakeley’s visit are being handled
by the YM. Students who wish to
talk to her should make their ap
pointments in the YM office,
Walker said.
175 E. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon
Expert Watch and
Jewelry Repairing
Phone 4-5353
Blood Drive Time
Schedules Told
Time schedules for living or
ganizations for the Tuesday Red
Cross blood drive have been set,
Yvonne Holm and Donna Ander
son, co-chairman of the drive,
have announced.
The quota for the University has
been set at 150, Commander J. H.
Sheppard of the Naval training
center, said. The drive is being
sponsored by the downtown Naval
and Marine corps training center.
Students under 21 must receive
the signed consent of a parent or
a legal guardian on the official
form printed in the Emerald or ob
tainable at local Red Cross offices,
the co-chairmen explained
Blood will be given at the Veter
ans' Memorial building, Kith and
Willamette. Anyone needing trans
portation should be at the Kappa
Kappa Gamma house 10 minutes
before appointment time. Miss
Holm said. Cars will be provided
for transportation. Anyone unable
to make his appointment should
call Miss Holm at the Ivappa
house, 5-6711.
All donors who have a type card
should take it with them, said Miss
Schedule for living organizations
11 a.m. Alpha Chi Omega, Al
pha Delta Hi, Alpha hail.
11:15— Alpha Gamma Delta, Al
pha Ornicron Pi, Barrister inn.
11:30 Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi
Delta, Campbell club,
11:45 Ann Judson, Chi Omega,
Delta Tau Delta.
12 Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta
12:15 p.m. Delta Delta Delta,
Delta Gamma, French hall.
12:30 Delta Zeta, Gamma Phi
Beta. Hale Kane.
12:45 Hendricks.
1 Highland, Kappa Alpha
Theta, Lambda Chi Alpha.
1:15—Phi Della Theta, Kappa
Kappa Gamma.
1:30 Phi Beta Phi, Rebec, Phi
Gamma Delta.
1:45 Sigma Kappa. University
house, Phi Kappa Sigma.
2:00 Zeta Tau Alpha. Phi Sig
ma Kappa. Pi Kappa Alpha.
2:15 Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Alpha Mu, Sigma hall.
2:30—Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Ep
silon, Stitzer hall
' 2:1 5 -Carson hall.
3:00 Alpha Tan Omega, Beta
Theta Pi, Chi Psi.
3:15 Delta Upsilon, Gamma
hall, Kappa .Sigma.
3:30 Merrick, Nestor, Pi Kappa
3:45 Philadelphia house, Pi
Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi,
Orchestra, Band
Schedule Program
The University orchestra string
section and the University band
will combine to present a concert
Mar. 11, in the music school audi
The orchestra, under the direc
tion of Edmund Cykler, professor
of music, will do "Spielmusic,” a
selection for two oboes, two flutes
and strings, by Hindenmith, and
"Music for Strings” by Quincy
"Spielmusic,” says Cykler, is
one of a series of numbers com
posed by Hindenmith in the 20's.
Otiier selections in the series con
cern music for school groups,
house groups and music to be
played for enjoyment. All are un
der the head, "Music for Use.”
Robert Vagner, associate pro
fessor of music, will direct the
band in "Passacaglia and Fugue"
by Wallingford Riegger and "Tun
bridge Fair” by Walter Piston.
Both selections are modern works.
Piston is professor of composition
in music at Harvard.
Legion Oratorical
Eliminations Today
Eliminations for the sixteenth
annual American Legion National
High School Oratorical contest
will lie held in Villard 201 at 3
p.m. today.
Winners of local contests in Lin
coln, Lane and Linn counties will
deliver both prepared and ex-tem
pore orations on phases of the
United States constitution. The
event will be open to all interested
university students.
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SHIPPING: Anywhere, one piece or a van load
STORAGE: Reasonable rates
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It won’t be long
now . .. 'till warm
weather and picnics
... so be sure to
have a camera
and film on hand.
698 Willamette Phone 4_8241
UO Career Day
Planned for April
A University of Oregon Career
'lay, patterned after those complet
ed at other universities in the na
tion, will take place on campus
April 14.
The event is designed to give
lower division students a chance
to see which courses to specialize
in later in their college career, to
give them better insight as to the
opportunities available to them in
their chosen curricula and to give
upperclassmen an opportunity to
see what chances for employment
are available to them in their chos
en field, upon graduation.
The Career day, to take place
in the Student Union, will consist
of speakers in virtually every field.
Art and architecture, business,
law, written and oral communica
tions, special sciences, physical
sciences, education and many other
fields will be included in the ses
The two days following Career
day will he devoted to the annual
business conference of the Univer
sity business school.
Andersen Concert
Slated for Sunday
“Das Marienleben,” Paul Hinde
mith’s song cycle for voice and
piano will be given for the first
lime in F.ugene Sunday when Ex
ine Anderson, assistant professor
of music, presents the work in the
music school auditorium.
Miss Anderson will be accom
panied by Henri Arcand. Portland
pianist, and the Reverend Austin
Johnson, head of church rausic in
the Catholic diocese of Oregon,
will act as narrator.
The concert, done as part of the
Festival of Contemporary Art. has
•only been given four times, the
last of which was done by Miss
Anderson in Portland last Novem
HE me
Now Playing
“Lawless Breed"
Rock Hudson
Julia Adams
“The Raiders"
Richard Conte
Yiveca Linclfors
Starts Wednesday
“Against All Flags"
Errol Flynn
Maureen O'Hara
“Black Castle"
Stephen McNally
Richard Greens
Plays March 13
‘Bride of the Gorilla’
Starts Sunday
"The Sun Never Sets"
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Basil Rathbone
Starts Wednesday
“All Quiet on the
Western Front"
Lew Ayres
Emerald classified ads briny re