On The Air... KWAX Reporter Tonight on “Folksongs and Footnotes” KWAX commentator and disc jockey Lou Ford presents “Children's Game Songs and Lul labies.” Alan Watts, another Friday reg ular. will talk on "Conditioning," as a feature of Way Beyond the West. Sunday’s slate of programs of fers drama and philosophy in "Modern Views of Society and Man," with Gilbert Slides speak ing on "Lively Arts and the Great Audience," and "Confession” being dramatized on “Cry of Warning.” Dr. Leland A. Huff Optometrist \3 W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725 Fm Vacation Triys Tint Save*.* TV.e Way Relax while you SEE While you SAVE on Spring Vacation Spring vacation time is coming! Co Greyhound for super-con venient service and economy. Frequent schedules and Thru Express buses save your time ... and there arc no 1 outer fares! SEE HOW YOU SAVE! !• Portland .- $ 2.90 ; Corvallis .- $ 1-05 Salem —. S 1.80 Medford ..—.$ 3.95 Klamath Falls —.$ 3.95 i San Francisco -S 9.95 •* . Los Angeles.—$14.25 Reno •_$ 9.85 Seattle _ $ 6.20 Plus Fed. Fax Return Trip 20c/o LESS . . . on Round-Trip Tickets CHARTER BUS SERVICE For group trips everywhere, Grey hound charter buses are just the ticket. Keep your party together ... and you catr he sure of complete dependability and skillful, courte ous drivers when it's a Greyhound charter. It's economical, too ... and 98* Pearl Phone 4-6265 GREYHOUND The humanities lecture program continues with its discussion of Christopher Marlowe, this Sunday | offering part IV, while the BBC theater schedules "The Sweetest Wine Makes the Sharpest Vin egar." "God and Sir Arthur Eddington" : will be the sight greeting Alburv Castell, head of the department of philosophy, when he leans out of his "Window in the Ivory Tower” Monday. Tuesday's "Ways of Mankind” will offer “Home Sweet Home." Professor George Wald of Har vard is to speak on "Letters to Theo" over "Old Books, Old , Friends" Wednesday night. Drill Team Contest Set for Tuesday Th*^University of Oregon Com mand drill team of the Air Force HOTC Command group will com pete with drill teams from Wil lamette and Portland universities Tuesday. The drill team, composed of 26 men, will appear in McArthur court for the contest beginning at 2 p.m. The teams will participate in a special inspection and then do special and precision drills. A board of judges will pick the best team to represent this area in later regional competitions. The event is open to the public. Oregon Cave Jobs Open to Students Students who would like to work at the Oregon caves national mon ument next summer should get their applications blanks now, the student employment office has an nounced. Application blanks may be ob tained at the office. The manager of the park will be on campus next month to interview students ap plying for work there. . stt the famous (•licet •aviiRt scant —-ACCOUNTING. Clementory __41.00 — ALGERIA, CeUege_ .. 1.0Q — .ANCIENT HISTORY___ .75 -ANCIENT. MED., fl, MOD. HUtory 1.25 — ANTHROPOLOGY, Outline ef_1.25 — RACTERIOlOGY, Principles ef_ 1.25 — BIOLOGY, General __1.00 — OOTANY. General_.75 —BUSINESS LAW_1.5® — CALCULUS. The_1.25 — CHEMISTRY, fir*I Veor College ... 1.25 —— CHEMISTRY, Moth. fer General _ .75 — CHEMISTRY. Organic_1.50 — CORPORATION FINANCE _ 1.25 DOCUMENTED PAPERS, -Writing _ .75 — ECONOMICS, Dictionary of_— 1i50 -ECONOMICS, frinclptes of_1.25 -ECONOMICS IIiMmu)_1.5® —EDUCATION, HUtory of-_.75 — ENGLAND, History of_ .75 -EUROPE. 1500-1B48, HUtory of— .75 -EUROPE, 4(15-1940, History of— 1.00 —EXAMS.. Mow to Writo Rotter—. i73 —PtENCH GRAMMA® 149 —GEOLOGY, Principle* of 1,15 —GEOMETRY, Analytic __ 145 —GEOMETRY. Plooo, Problem* la— 1 JR® '—GERMAN GRAMMAR_1.00 —■ GOVERNMENT, America* _ .75 *—ORAMMAR, - Sngii*, -#rte<*le* of 1.15 —-HYDRAULICS for Pirmmmn . 14® —JOURNALISM, Survey of__ |.50 —LATIN AMERICA, HUtory of_. 140 —LATIN-AMERICA In Mop*__ f 41 „.LAT. AMER. Cirllif. 4 Reeding*)— J40 —-IAT. AMER. Economic Oorolopmont 1.25 •—LITERATURE, American _, 145 --LITERATURE. Eo*., Dlctionary of. 1.15 —LITERATURE. En».# History ID—. 1.15 -LITERATURE, Cn#., HUtory (11)^ 1.25 ]-LITERATURE, Gorman __ 1.99 —LOGARITHMIC t Trig. Tablet_ J% ._Ml DOLE AGES. HUtory of__ —MONEY AND RANKING_1.25 —MUSIC, HUtory of_ 1.00 —.PHILOSOPHYi An Introduction—„ 1.00 —PHILOSOPHY, loadings In_1.25 •—PHYSICS, first Year College.— .75 —-PHYSICS without Mathematic*— 1.25 —POLITICAL SCIENCE_.75 -POLITICS, Dictionary of Amor_. 1.50 — PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR_1.?J -PSYCHOLOGY, Educational_.75 — PSYCHOLOGY, Gonoral _ 1.00 ■-—RUSSIA, History of_^_ 1.50 -—SHAKESPEAREAN Names, Diet..... 1.00 • SHAKESPEARE'S Plays (Outline*). 1.00 — SLIDE RULE, Practical Use of_ .75 — SOCIOLOGY, Principles of-—... 1.25 - SPANISH GRAMMAR ... J.00 - .STATISTICAL METHODS . 1.25 - STUDY, Rett Methods of.. .75 - TRIG., Plane & Spherical,.__ 1.25 - TUDOR & STUART Ploys (Outline*! 1.50 - -U. S. in Second World War..... .75 ~-U. S. to 1365, Hittory of. .75 - U. S. since 1865, Hittory ef.. 1.00 . -WORLO, Since 1914, Hittory of— 1.25 - .ZOOLOGY, General .-.. 1,25 Prices Subject to Change ^UNIVERSITY CO-OP)] v.TrtfJJUUfNIS OWN STOKt X Theatre Plans Comedy for Kids A double-bill comedy-adventure program, designed to appeal to boys and girls of grade school and junior high age, will be presented in Villard 102, Saturday at 10:30 a m. It will be a children's the ater production by Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt's advanced classes in pro duction of school and community ] plays and play direction. The first half of the program will be "The Dragon Who Gig gled," an exciting adventure story by Elizabeth McCormick. The cast includes Dave Sherman, freshman in journalism; Harold | Long, senior in speech; Lorna Lee Davis, freshman in liberal arts; Phil Sanders, junior in speech; Ron Pheister, sophomore in physi cal education; Jerry Shaw, senior in speech;—and Gerald Pearce, graduate in architecture and allied arts, as the Dragon. The second feature will be a hilarious farce entitled "The Man in the Bowler Hat," a melodrama complete with hero and wicked villain. The cast includes Dick Olsen, junior in education; Kay Maloney, junior in speech; Allen Widestrom, Lucille Swaggart, jun ior in English; Phil Sanders, jun ior in speech, Glen Yost, senior in speech; with Dale Banks playing the title role. Admission for children, students, and adults will be 25 cents. Sign-Up Ends This Saturdayj Noon Saturday is the deadline for completing the steps in pre registration, according to the registrar’s office. By this time students should have seen their adviser, registered for classes and either paid their fees or filed their cards with the registrar's office. Students who do not wish to pay their fees at this time may do so at the first of next term. After Saturday no registration material will be accepted until regular registration begins for spring term. Jose Limon, Team Performs Tonight Jose Limon, who has been called by dance critics “certainly the finest male dancer of his [ time” will appear on the main stage of the University theater to night at 8 p.m. He and his dance company are being presented by the Festival of Contemporary Arts. The Limon Dance company pe» formed Thursday night at the University theater and tonight will present the same program. r Campus ‘7ttennty-(fo- ^otuuC By Gail Savage Emerald living Organization Editor At Kappa Kappa Gamma Dewanda Hamilton announced her engagement to Theta < 'Hi. lion Clark, and was married February 8. in The Dulh a. Terry O'Brien announced heP engagement February 10, to Keith \\esthusinv., I'lu Psi. A summer wedding is planned. Joan Renner is pinned to SAE ! Don Dunn. George Marshall guve Nancy Randolph Ins Chi Psi pin; * and Mary Cosart is wearing the Phi Delt sword and shield of Neal Marlett. Norma Wilson is wearing Bob Atkinson's Beta pin, and Doris j Spaulding, pledge, is pinned to Chi Psi Bob Morris. At Alpha Chi Omega Recent pinnings announced at the Alpha Chi house are those of ! Charlene Hunset to Dog Clayton, SAE; Alma Owen to Phi Delt Jack L Holmes; and Elaine Long, pledge, to John Hansen, Sigma Nu. Gwen Jones is wearing the Sigma Nu pin of Arnie Simonson. At University House Last Thursday evening a dinner was held for several members of the University faculty. Guests were Charles Duncan, a sociate professor of journalism; J. C. Stovall, assistant professor of geography, and Roland Bartel, instructor in English, accompanied by their wives. At Orides Virginia Vincent. Pat Finley, and Kay Lucas.have received full tuition scholarships for spring term from the Orides Mothers. Sally Hayden is wearing the Sig Ep pin ft>r Jim Coburn, OSC. At Sigma Alpha Epsilon Doug Clayton has given his pin to Charlene Hanset. Alpha Chi. Joan Renner, Kappa, is weal ing the SAE pin of Don Dunn. Joe Anstett and Hope Holgerson, Tri Delt, are pinned. Gayle Pattee, Chi O, accepted the pin of Bob White. Pat Dignan and Andy Fricdlc, Phi Phi have announced their engagement. At Delta Gamma Janet Sayre has accepted the Fiji pin of Tom Harrison. Julie King announced her engagement to Mike Kilkenny, ATO. Joan Hodges is now wearing a ring from David Duff, n graduate of Thunderbird, a diplomatic school. Bev Nelson and Don Nerras, Phi Delt, recently an nounced their engagement. Mary Stone is engaged to Dick Ruck* deschel, a Sigma Chi graduate of '52. A formal tea was given Sunday, Feb. 22, in honor of Mrs. X. K. Trainer, newly appointed province sec retary. Faculty and alumnae attended. At Sigma Alpha Mu The latest in a very long line of SAM mascots was acquired last week with the purchase of ‘'Oly," a little black and white "Heinz 57.” Last Friday night was the occasion for a semi-formal house dance. "Up in Central Park” was the theme of the dance, presented by the class of '56. H. Schiff, national president, was a recent visitor. At Kappa Sigma Eldon Bushnell was recently engaged to Marjorie Peak, a Pi Phi at Oregon State. Joice Balch, AD Pi. is pinned to Don Pedersen. Jackia Wiltshire, Alpha Phi, is wearing the pin of Chet Noe. Chet has been selected to represent the West in the East-West game in New York, late in March. Bob Hooker has been selected 1X0 delegate to a confer ence in Seaside sponsored by Willamette university and Citizenship Clearing House. Discussions will be held on the subject "Preparing College Men and Women for Participation in Politics.” Physician to Speak on Viruses Sunday “Little Killers” will be the sub ject for discussion by Dr. Robin M. Overstreet, Eugene physician, at the last alumni fireside for this year Sunday at 7 p.m. in the Stu dent Union. In his talk, Dr. Overstreet will discuss virus as the carriers of; disease and attempt to answer some basic questions about the virus such as what they are, how , they causa illness, and what some of the common conceptions and misconceptions about them are. disease and attempt to A coffee hour will follow Dr. Overstreet's talk. He is a member of the class of 1928. This will bt the last of the third annual Sunday evening alnmni firesides under the sponsorship of the University Alumni association. Whether Long or Short the WAVE ROOM Home of the Lovely Duckling WILL TRIM YOUR HAIR v TO PERFECTION 1122 Alder Street Phone 4-2351 Get Your Clothes Ready for Spring! Let us help you capture the spirit of the New Season by having those light wearables ready for you, when you need them Eugene Laundry & Dry Cleaners 174 8th Ave. W. Dial 5-3321