Ad Man to Talk About Radio,TV The thiri in the series of adver tising men will speak on campus "Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Stu dent Union. The speaker, Don V’/hitmar.. is program director of ~iV,'6, Wednesday aft | ernoon to win tho intramural track championship. , The race went right down to the last event, the relay, before the i winner was decided. In this event, j Phi Della Theta's squad, Farrell Albright, Dean Van Leuven, Dick Mausshurdt and Dick Zimmerman, came out ahead. The high jump was the most tightly contented event with two men. Van Leuven and Kon Ly man, ATO, tying for first and Monte Urethauer, ATO, Zimmer man, and I)an Hendrickson, Phi licit, deadlocking for third spot. The pole vault was also hotly contested in the race for third. Dick Jones. ATO, and Don Gart rell, Phi Delt, tied for this place. Two over-anxious ATO contest j ants were disqualified in the 40 ! yard dash for jumping the gun : two times. After five false starts the event was finally run with Zimmerman winning for the Phi Delts in a time of 5 seconds flat. Top scorer for the meet was Hon Lyman, ATO, who tied for first in the high jump, and picked up a second in the 40 yard hurdles. The striking new Bel-Air 4-Doer Sedan, one of 16 beautiful models in 3 great new series. ■ ■ * ■« Only the, world’s largest producer could buHd a car Hko Hits at iucfc low cost to you! Tbjs is an entirely new kind of car—a car so luxurious, so richly finished in every detail that it stands out, above and beyond alT others to the low-price field. _ in the new.iBelAir .Series yauwillflnd-faur wonderful models-the 2-door and -^door sedans,, .the sport coupe, the convertible. Every one of these new 1953 Cbevrolets brings you new and greater performance plus amazing-new -gasoline economy 1 Here is a wonderful choice. Wouldn't you like to stop in and see the great new Chevrolet for ’53 today? (Continuation of standard equipment and trim illustrated ' is dependent on availability of material.) new Chevrolet MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS TriAN ANY OTHER CAR! SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Conveniently frsfed under "Aulomobilot" in yot/r heal classified tolophone directory Two Phi Dolts had a first and a third each. Van Leaven lied for the top place in tho high Jump and got a third in the 40 yard hurdles. His teammate, Zimmerman, won the hurdles event and placed third in the high jump. By winning the meet, the Phi Delta added to their- intramural total arrd also earned a leg toward the Les Steers trophy, held the two previous years by Alpha Tau Omega. Broad Jump Wegner, ATO: Sogge, Phi Delta; Altman, ATO; 18’ 11 Vi”. High Jump -Van Leuven, Phi Dells, and Lyman, ATO; tie for first; Brethauer, ATO; Zimmer man, Phi Delta, Hendrickson, Phi Delta; tie for third, O' G". Pole Vault Hickenbot tom. ATO; Albright, Phi Dells; Jones, ATO, and Gartrell, Phi Delta; tie for third; 10'. 40 Yd. Hurdles Zimmerman, Phi Delta; Lyman, ATO; and Weg ner, ATO; 6:00 sec. ■10 Yd. Dash Mausshardt, Phi Delta; Souvignier, ATO; and Van Leuven, Phi Delts. 0:00 sec. Mile Roberts, Phi Delts; Brethauer, ATO; Mundle, Phi Delts. 3:44.1 min. Courtmen Meet There will be a meeting in Leo Harris's office Tuesday aft ternoon, March 10, at 4:00 p.m. for all varsity golfers. Manager Needed For Diamond Nine Any student interested in be coming assistant varsity or frosh baseball manager is urged to see baseball coach Don Kirsch early next week. There is a possibility that the « person might work up into the position of head baseball man ager next year, states Kirsch. Campus Calendar Noon German Table 111 SIT Phi Beta Cab 112 SC Phi Delta Phi 113 SC 4 p.m. MncNaughton Sem 111 SC 1VCF Dads Km Fri at 4 Fishbowl 3:30 Dance Symposium 112 SC 8 AAA Ceo. 123 Scl 0 Fireside Gerl 3rd FI u For the Best in fish and seafoods Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S FISH MARKET Fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafoods 39 East Broadway