Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 04, 1953, Page Eight, Image 8

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    J. Paul Shcedy* Switched to Wiidrool Cream-Oil
Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test
Hara'i a sad cotton tale: poor Paul was in a stew about his hare until his paw
wrote: "I ear you got a bun on because your girl left you. Now, lettuce look at
the bre r facts. To get in on the bunny huggin', smart rabbits foot it down to
any toilet goods counter tor Wildroot Cieam-Oil, America's
biggest-selling hare tonic. So fuzz thing tomorrow, invest 29f
in a bottle or handy tube. Contains soothing Lanolin. Non
alcholic. Grooms the hare. Relieves annoying dryness. Re
moves loose, ugly dandruff. Helps you pass the Finger-Nail
Test. Sheedy tried VI ildroot Cream-O.'l and now he's a jump
ahead of every Tom, Dick and Harvey. So what're you wait
ing far? Get Wildroot Cream-Oil today, and ask for Wildroot
at your barber's. You’re bound to like it!
* o/13l So. Harris Hi/1 RtJ., Williams, Hie, N. Y.
Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo 11, N. Y.
Campus Calendar
Noon Spanish Table 110 SU
Yeomen 111 SIT
Theta Slgrma Thi 112 SU
4:00 Duck Prev Invit
Comm 111SU
Art Gallery 31SSU
6:30 ASUO Asbly practice
Ballroom SU
Inst Gerl 3rd FI
6:43 Deseret Cl 110SU
Cosmos Exec 319 SU
7:00 Stu Traffic Ct 315 SU
Kduc Movies 207 Chapman
7:30 Sq Dance Cl Gerl Annex
Fac Bridge 112 SU
Holbrook Lee 201 SU
Stu Pub Bd 337 SU
An Oregon Bank
Serving Oregon
Member of Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation
The U. S. National
Bank •
Junction City Springfield
WSSF Drive Opens
April 20; Petitions
For 6 Posts Wonted
The World Student Service Fund
drive will be held this year April
20 to 25, Mary Wilson and Nan
Mimnaugh, general chairmen, have
Petitions are due at 5 p.m. Fri- j
day for chairmanships of publicity,
promotion, contact, speakers, soli- \
citations and special events com
mittees and the post of treasurer !
of the drive. They may be turned I
in to Miss Wilson at Delta Gamma
or Miss Mimnaugh at Pi Beta Phi.
WSSF is an all-world project |
to aid needy students in less for- '
tunate areas, according to Miss
Wilson. "A sort of hands across
the sea, students for students pro
gram," she said.
United Airline Reps
To Schedule Interviews
United airlines representatives
will interview women students in
terested in stewardess work
Thuisday. Senior standing is not '
required for interviews.
Movies on stewardess work with
United will be shown at 1 p.m
Thursday in Commonwealth 138. 1
Interested women should contact
the graduate placement office in
Emerald hall.
Money Lack Forces
Dance Cancellation
The Military ball, sponsored by
Scabbard and Blade, will nut b''
held this year even though the
student affairs ruling abolishing
it and the Mortar Board ball does
nut go into effect until next year.
According to Alan Babb, presi
dent of the military honorary, fi
nancial reasons make it impos
sible to hold the dance this year.
FOR SALE: Auto Radios — new
and used for all cars. Eugene
Radio Co. 7th & Charnelton. Ph.
4-8722. 3-12
FOR SALE: '51 Packard 300, new
tubeless tires, fully equipped. See
Dot Dotson at 111 E. 11th.
LOST: Brown leather billfold. Re
turn to Marlene Lewis, Carson
Hall Reward. 3-6
VACANCIES for three more. Rin.
& Board. 874 E. 13th. Call Mrs.
Kile. 4-0422. 3-31
WILL DO typing. Ph. 3-1755 after
5 p.m. 3.6
LOST: Phi Delt pin Saturday night
between Mac Court & Hayward
Field. Reward. Call 0-0536. 3-0
Read the Emerald’s Classified Ads.
NOW... 10 Months Scientific Evidence
For Chesterfield
Rest anti Only Premium Quality Cigarette in Both
■ Regular -and King-Size - • " ****
UGGZ'f'f I tO**CC£> CO
A medical specialist is making regular bi
monthly examinations of a group of people
from various walks of life. 45 percent of this
group have smoked Chesterfield for an average
of over ten years.
After ten months, the medical specialist reports
that he observed...
no adverse effects on the nose, throat and
sinuses of the group from smoking Chesterfield.