Mother's Day Boss Petitions Asked Petition deadline for genera) chairman of Mothers’ Day to be held in conjunction with Junior Weekend, May 8 to 10, has been extended to 8 p.m. today accord ing to Pat Dignan, ASUO presi dent. Candidates for the position will be interviewed Thursday night by the ASUO senate, Dignan said. Petitions are to be turned into tlie office of the ASUO president, Student Union 304. Emerald Business Head Petitions Due \ spring terms business man ager for the Oregon Dally Em erald will be selected this eve ning by the Publications hoard. All candidates for the posi tion should submit their writ ten petitions in person to Dick Williams, secretary of the board, no later than noon today. Selective Service Test Blanks Due Applications of eligible students who plan to take the Selective Service College Qualification Test in 1953 should be filed immediately, according to the national head quarters of the group. Applications and bulletins of in formation can be obtained at any Selective Service local board. The applications must be postmarked before midnight, March 9. Results will be reported to the students’ local board for use by them in de termining deferment. 'She Stoops' Tickets Available for Final Run "Tickets for the University the ater production. "She Stoops to Conquer,” are sold out for the remainder of this week,” states Mrs. Gene Wiley, theater business manager. "However, there are still a few available for next week’s performances.” SUCurrents Contest Cancelled For Male Quartets Cancellation of the “Barber- [ shop” quartet content for male voice* planned by the Student Union mimic committee was an nounced by Chairman Dorothy Anderson. The small number of applicants forced the cancella tion, Miss Anderson said. She attributed lack of interest in the contest to the proximity of the scheduled date, Saturday, with the approach of final week. Petition Date Extended For Movie Committee Petition deadline for chairman- i ship of the Student Union movie , standing committee has been ex tended to 5 p.m. today. The posi- j tion is to be filled spring term, ! since it will be vacated at the end of this term. Petitions may be picked up in Student Union 301 and 310 and should be returned to the same | place. Chapman Movies Feature Dance Movies of special interest to ; modern dance classes will be shown ! in Chapman 207 today at 7 p.m. The program will consist of “Steps of a Ballet," which explains the basic steps of the ballet and features members of the Sadler Wells ballet company; “Bashful Ballerina" starring Imogene Coca of television fame. "The Moor's Pavanne,” a varia tion on the theme of "Othello,” and “The Desperate Heart” with Val erie Bettis in a famous dance solo which won the New York Times Dance Award for outstanding chorography of the year will also be shown. Admission is free. Sociology Head to Talk On Poet and Old Age E. H. Moore, head of the so ciology department, will speak on “The Poet Looks at Old Age’’ Fri day at 7:45 p.m. in the Student Union browsing room. The talk will be one of the regular coffee hour series held in the browsing room. raa'i We have cm...TheeiKntiaU ♦ of youf coiner highlighted it and packed imo a nulihell. ^ ^ (of quick thorough review! Ai\ to ttt the jamoui tRILIRC SBTIIRE scans ACCOUNTIWC. or, _ — ALGESIA, College ~ ancient History ’ — ANCIENT, MED., I MOD. H i‘or, ~ ANTKIOPOIOGY. Outline of . BACTERIOLOGY. Pr nc.piei of . aiOLOGY, Conor31 •. SGTANY, Gantrol — ► BUSINESS LAW _ * CALCULUS, The _ -- CMEMISTtY. Pint Yeor Cc ,ege — CHEMISTRY, Mefh. for General — CHEMISTRY, Crgonlc _ — CORPOIATION FINANCE ► DOCUMENTED PAPERS, _ — ECONOMICS, Dictioftory of ____ — ECONOMICS, Print.plot of__ — ECONOMICS (Reed.ngi)_ — EDUCATION, Hiifory of_ — ENGLAND, Hiifory of — EUROPE, 1500-1 MS. Hiifory of-_ — EUROPE, 1815-1949. Hiifory of_ — EXAMS., Hot* to Writ# Softer_ ~ TRENCH GRAMMAS__ . -GEOLOGY, Principle* of _ _ .... — GEOMETRY, Anolyfic . — GEOMETRY. Plooo, Problem* — GERMAN GRAMMAR . — GOVERNMENT, Amerfeee _ -GRAMMAR, Engliih, Pri"tiplot of — HYDRAULICS for — JOURNALISM, Survey of__ -LATIN AMERICA. Hiifory o#_ —LATIN AMERICA In Mopt__ -_LAT. AMER. Civilif. f Reodingi)._ —-LAT. AMER. Economic OorolopoMI -LITERATURE, Americon ___ —.LITERATURE, Eng., Dictionary of_ —.LITERATURE, Eng., Hiifory — LITERATURE, Eng., H.itory |ll)^ -LITERATURE, Gordon__ —LOGARITHMIC & Trig. T.hU. — MIODLE AGES. Hiifory «f — MONEY AND SANKINQ •—MUSIC, Hiifory of_ . — RHIIOSOPHY, An Introduction—. — PHILOSOPHY, Roodingi I. .— PHYSICS. F.rif Yoor Collogo_. — PHYSICS without MotKonotici _. — POLITICAL SCIENCE__ — POLITICS. D>c« or\ory of Amor. _ — PORTUGUESE GRAMMAR_ — PSYCHOLOGY. Educotionol _ — PSYCHOLOGY. Gonorol _ — RUSSIA, Hiifory of — ~ SHAKESPEAREAN Nomot. Oief. . . SHAKESPEARE S Ptoyi (Owtl.nei) — SLIDE RULE, Proc< col Uto of. . — SOCIOLOGY, Principle! of .__ — SPANISH GRAMMAR . . STATISTICAL METHODS S’UDY. fiotf MofKo^i ©f TRIG , Plono i Sphor i col — T'JDC* & STUART Ployt fQv’nei, — U. S. in Second World v/or U. S. to 1865, M.ifory of U. S. i'nee l£< 3, Hiifory of WORLD. Since 1914, M.|f0ry c ZOOLOGY. Genorol P'-re* Subject fo Charge T .25 1.25 .75 1.50 1.25 1.25 .75 1.50 1.25 .75 t* 50 1.25 1.50 .75 .75 .75 1.00 .25 1.00 1.25 1.24 1.00 1.00 ,7S 1.25 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.24 1.50 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.24 1.25 1.50 .75 .75 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.25 .74 1.25 .75 1.50 1.25 .75 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 .75 1.75 1.00 1.25 .75 1.25 1.50 .75 .75 I 00 125 1.25 p UNIVERSITY CO-CP1 v _ T*££*.*!_* st03 , Participate On Television Panel '-iien feiarim, assistant profes sor of speech, will appear on a panel at the Western Radio and Television conference opening Thursday in Portland. Starlin will take part in the session Saturday afternoon on training for radio. AWiSwujwfur... ANNOUNCES NEW LOWER PRICES on first quality, full-fashion, sheer 15 denier—51 gauge nylon hosiery ... a tremendous <'alue for you on this famous brand, precision-fit hosiery. / FORMERLY *165 *135 NOW.. .X 0 ORDER A BOX OF 3 TODAY, *4° 5 I delectable new fashion-fresh SUNDAE COLORS to compliment your new spring wardrobe. I Sculptured to fit the dimensions of every woman's legs perfectly 1. Length dimensions 2. Foot and Ankle dimensions 3. Contour dimensions Precision-fit in 3 leg sizes . . . IRIS (small) VENUS (medium) DIANA WOW! HAVE > WE GOT OURSELVES A CHOWHOUSEj More People Smoke Camels THAN ANY OTHER CIGARETTE! Only time will tell about a new restaurant. And only time will tell about a cigarette! Take your time n Test CAMELS ■for 30 days . -for MILDNESS and FLAVOR 1 THERE MUST RE A REASON WHY Camel is America’s most popular cigarette leading all other brands by billions! Camels have the two things smokers want most—rich, full flavor and cool, i, . cool mildness...puck after pack! Try ||| Camels for 30 days and see how mild, how flavorful, how thoroughly enjoy able they are as your steady smoke! I «> S3 Raynpldi Tob.Co.. a Wmston f N.C.