Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1953, Page Five, Image 5

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- By Sam Vahey -
Emerald Sportt Editor
(Thin article must have been
the Jin*. The very day it wan
written, Hale Kane lost It* first
handball match. The column was
wrjtten Itefore Hale Kane for
feited to Sigma Chi).
Thirty-six consecutive wins with
out a defeat. Yes, that’s the record
held by Hale Kane's seemingly un
defeatable athletic teams this year.
This men's dorm, dominated by
.spiitted athletes from the isles of
Hawaii, has completely captured
the intramural picture at the Uni
versity of Oregon for the last two
I-Ant year, 1951-52, Hale Kane
swept the Intramural crown, gath
ering 9S3 points in 11 events. They
started off that year's fall term
with firsts in all three autumn
sports, football, and A and B vol
leyball. They eventually ended up
196 * points above their nearest
rival. Beta Theta Pi who had 757.
Tfcw More Firsts
This year they have lost no time
in again vaulting to the top of the
intramural scramble. Again they
took all three fall sports, football
and Tx>th yolleyball titles.
So far this term, the Hale Kane
squads haVo won five straight in A
basketball and four straight in
their B league. In handball they
have easily won their first three
matches. Their only track oppo
nent forfeited to them.
In their four yearn as an in
tramural contender, Hale Kane,
previously known" as .Minturn
llall, has retired three perpetual
trophies and hold legs toward
For four years in a row, the
Hawaiians have gone through un
defeated slates in A volleyball. In
football and B volleyball, they have
likewise kept the victory fire hot
enough to gain permanent posses
sion of two other Intra Fraternity
Council trophies.
They aie at the present time
working away at the All-Intftamu
ral cup and also the swimming
trophy. They have one year to
their credit on both of these.
Several boys have stood out
in the rapid rise to power of the
Hale Kune athletes.
One of these Is Joe Tom, a fifth
year student from Honolulu. Joe
enjoyed a brief stint tn big time
athletics in 1949. This waa the
I year Oregon's football squad went
through one of its best seasons
l and was invited to play in the
| Cotton Bowl.
Anyone who was around then
will remember that a certain Norm
|Van Brocklin was passing the
[Ducks to their victories. But who
[was liis understudy? You guessed
lit, little Joe Tom, who might have
|Hfe^on the first eleven were it not
^^an Brocklin.
^Mel Streeter is another boy who
has worn a Hale Kane jersey. This
fall term he was an instrumental
factor in Hale Kane’s winning of
the IM football crown. Immediate
ly after the IM season was com
pleted, Mel was drafted by the
varsity as an end. He is more
widely known, however, for his
varsity basketball exploits.
‘Four Sport Lettermen’
Behind these stand a host of
what one might call “four sport
lettermen.” Bob Muirhead and
Bob Faze are two such fellows.
Each has played four years on
every Hale Kane football, softball,
volleyball and basketball team.
There are many other of these little
.“big men” who have been around
all the time to either cheer or play
for their favorite team. Milt Koto
shirodo, a four sport man, Pat
O’Brien, Bob Takano, Don Hanaike
and Chuck Oyama are just a few.
Ducks Meet Huskies
For Dual Swim Title
The Northern Division dual meet |
championship will be decided Fri- !
day as the Oregon swimmers
tackle the highly touted Washing
ton Huskies in Seattle. Both teams
are tied for first place with two
The Huskies, bolstered by 12 1
Hunt Grover Coach
Ken Hunt, three year letter
man in basketball at Oregon, has
been named head basketball
coach of Cottage Grove high
school, replacing Don Campbell.
He will take over his new job
this Sqptember.
Hunt has been assisting Coach
Don Kii-sch with his U of O
Ducklings during the present
basketball season.
Ten IM Quints
End Regular Slate
With No Defeats
Ten of the thirteen intramural
basketball squads finished their
regular season with unblemished
records. This includes four A
quints and all six B fives.
Undefeated A squads were Kap
pa Sigma, Alpha Tau Omega, Hale
Kane, and French Hall. The six
successful B teams were Beta
Theta Pi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Hale Kane,
French Hall and Pi Kappa Alpha.
Kappa Sii/ma
Sigma Alj»l»a Epsilon
Della u Delta
Meta Theta l*i p,
Mt Kappa Phi
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Alpha Tati Omega
l*i Kappa Alpha
Chi l\i
Sigma I'hi Epsilon
Lambda Chi Alpha
4 (\
3 1
0 4
Sigma (hi 3 1
Phi Gamma Delta 3 1
1’hi kappa Sigma 2 J
I’hi Kappa Psi . 2 2
Phi Sigma Kappa .0 A
Phi Delta Theta 3 1
Sigma Nu 3 l
Th« t.i Chi 3 ]
Delta I Ipsilon l j
Sigma Alpha Mu 0 4
Hale Kane . > i
Susan (Tampbcll .41
Sigma Hall . 2 3
Harri.ster Inn. 2 2
Alpha Hall 1 4
Gamma Hall u 5
French Hall. 4 (
Merrick Hall.3 1
Nestor Hall 2 J
Sherry &OS8 1 J
Stitrer Hall 0 4
»i •
U.on j
.75o I
Campbell club ..
Philadelphia House .
Legal Eagles .
Counselors .
Yeomen .
Beta Theta Pi .
Phi Delta Theta .
Phi Kappa Psi .
Theta Chi .
Lambda Chi Alpha .
Sigma Alpha Epsilon .
Sigma Xu .
AljMia Tau Omega .
Sigma Chi .
Kappa Sigma .
Sigma Phi Epsilon .
Phi Gambia Delta .
Delta Ppsilon .
Delta Tau Delta .
Sigma Alpha Mu .
Hale Kane .
Susan Campbell .
Chi Psi .
Sigma Hall .
Gamma Hall .
French Hall .
Merrick Hall .
Stitzer Hall ..
Nestor Hall .
Sherry Ross .
Pi Kappa Alpha .
Campbell Club ...
Phi Kappa -Sigma .
Philadelphia House .
Coui»*elo*s *..r.. v p... ..t..A..
4 0 1.000
1 3
0 4.
4 0 1.000
X 3
0 4
0 1.000
1 .750
2 .500
returning lettormen from the 1952
squad, are picked to win the meet.
Conference champions last year,
the Washington team has three '
outstanding swimmers, Bob Ham- i
blin, Dick Magnuson and Merrill !
Hodges. Magnuson, a sprinter, ;
and Hodges, a diver, were named \
to the All-American team in 1951 I
and 1952.
Despite the superior manpow
er of the Huskies, Coach John
Borchardt was optimistic about j
an upset. The surprising Oregon i
win over WSC two weeks ago '
bolstered the Duck’s hopes con
Following the Washington meet,
the Ducks have a pair of non-con- i
ference meets with Western Wash
ing college at Bellingham and Uni
versity of British Columbia at
Vancouver. They paddle against
Western Washington Saturday
morning and the UBC Thunder
birds Saturday evening in the final
swing of the two day tour.
Accompanying Borchardt is an
11-man traveling squad which in
cludes Jim Allen, Harry Atkinson, i
Gordon Edwards, John English, j
Harry Fuller, Phil Lewis, Henry
Kaiura, Dennis Mecklem, Orlando
Mathias, Yosh Terada and Herb
Frosh Play
OSC, Stars
The Oregon Frosh basketball
team will conclude their season
Friday and Saturday nights of this
week when they tangle with the
Oregon State Rooks and the Intra
mural All-Stars.
Friday evening Don Kirsch’s
Ducklings will take on the power
ful Rooks at Corvallis in what
should be a ding dong battle an
the_way. The Rooks, paced by tow
ering Wade Halbrook, have gone
through the season with only one
loss, that being to the Frosh, 66
62, some three weeks ago. That
loss ruined both aTftirteen game
winning streak'and an undefeated
season for the baby Beavers and
they will be more than anxious to
secure revenge on their rivals.
On the other hand Oregon’s
Frosh have been steadily Im
proving ail season long and
would like nothing better than
to convince people that they
have a better team than the
Rooks. A victory in this final
game between the two quints
would do just that.
Kirsch will no doubt stick with
the same starting five as opened
against the Rooks in the last game
This would put John Foster and
Kent Dorwin at forwards; Max
Anderson at center; and Dick
James and John Keller at the
guard slots.
Sixteen Picked
For All-Stars
Sixteen players from eight
teams have been selected as the
intramural all-star team which
will meet the Oregon Frosh Sat
urday night in the preliminary to
the varsity encounter.
Phi Delta Theta, French Hall
and Hale Kane each placed three
players on the all-star list. Kappa.
Sigma and Alpha Tau Omega each
had two.
The team, which was selected
by the intramural directors and
Emerald intramural sports report
ers, will meet after the Phi Delt
French Hall final game this after
noon in court 40 to pick a first
team from among their own natn
Four of the players on the team,
Bob Carlson, Dick Dougherty, But
Johnson, and Doug Talbot, will oat
compete In the Saturday nigbt
game with the Frosh.
Those on the squad are Ray Ban,
French; Carlson, SAE; Dougherty,
Kappa Sig; Johnson, Hale Kaae;
Ted Johnson, Sigma Nu; Llegrd
Lewis, French; Jim Livesay, Phi
Delts; Pat O’Brien, Hale KaMe;
Ray Packwood, ATO; Ron Phillipa,
Sigma Chi; Jerry Ross, French,
Nick Schmer, Phi Delts; TalWrt,
Kappa Sig; Joe Tom, Hale Kaae;
Ken Torgerson, ATO; and BBb
Wagner, Phi Delts.
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