Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Ducks End Slate With OSC
Vlastelica Still
On Hurt List
Coach Bill Borcher’s Uni
versity of Oregon Ducks will
attempt to prove their su
periority over their perennial
rivals, the OSC Beavers, this
weekend when they first trav
el to Corvallis on Friday and
then return to the familiar con
fine.' of McArthur court for
the Saturday evening season's
Both contests should be dillies.
Hard to Pick Winner
Although Oregon is firmly
lodged in second place of the
Northern Division, it Will -be dif
ficult to pick a winner, for when
it comes to this backyard rivalry,
past performances have little !
The one advantage which .
Oregon might have will be the .
absence of Tony Vlastelica from ■
the OSC line-up. Towering Tony j
injured his back in the first i
May Sit Out Series
game of OSC's series in the
Pahmse Hills, and, according to
releases from the northern
campus, the Beavers* top scorer
has been sitting out this week’s
ND Standings
Oregon Stalt
Washington State
0 l .000
0 .571
7 .500
10 .JS7
15 . 1SS
OR ElIO.\ at Oregon State
Washington at iilalio
OREGON ami Oregon State at Eugene
Washington at lilaho
In order to plug the big gap
left by Vlastelica's injury, Beaver
mentor -Slats" Gill has switched
Bob Edwards to the center post
and advanced Jim Sugrue into the
first string- in Edwards' forward
Nw> Tries tor Record
Oregon’s Chet Noe will be mak
ing a stab at the Northern Divi
sion record for most rebounds in
one season dining the two games.
He has 33 to go before he equals
the total pulled off by Bob Peter
son last year'.
Boreher's probable starting
lineup will be the same as he used
at Washington: Ed Halberg and
Keith Farnam at forwards, Noe
at center, and Barney Holland and
Kenny Wegner at guards. Bob
Stout and Bob Hawes will also
most likely see plenty of playing.
SAE Wins B iM Casaba Title
3y Morton Harkins
Emerald Sports writer
A highly talented blue and gold
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, five edged
,‘*n also talented Beta Theta Pi
■five, 46-41. to capture the B league
intramural basketball champion
ship Thursday afternoon.
Despite the twenty point scor
- i-'.g of Hal Reeves, the Beta Theta
s managed to come in second
A*?st to the sharpshooting SAE
•fivi led by Bill Hardin with 18
. points and Jack Krieger with 16.
The SAE's jumped to an early
v;-0 lead but the Beta's quickly
-♦allied to make the score 3-3. The
-t-wtire first quarter was much the
-i.ame with the score being noted
30-10 at the end of this period.
In the second half the SAE’s
«♦ noved ahead to lead 19-15 at the
-♦n.lfway mark. In the third quar
■ ter scoring was even with the
-period score being 33-31. The
• fiAE's held to this lead to win
the game and the B league cham
! pionship, 40-41.
SAE (46) (41) BTP
Brittain. 2.F .1. Adams
| Savage, 4.F.20, Reeves
i Tennyson, 6.C .6, Jackson
, Kriegei-, 16 .G. 9, Atkinson
| Hardin. 18.G.1, Keeser
Substitutions: Beta Theta Pi,
Megers 4.
|Phi Delts Triumph
j Phi Delta Theta x-eplaced Hale
| Kane in the finals of the intra
1 murals basketball playoffs as they
j edged Sigma Chi, 38-37, in the
j final fifteen seconds of their game
! Thursday.
By defeating the Sigma Chi
five, the Phi Delt’s now meet
French Hall today for the intra
mural A basketball title.
Sigma Chi moved to an early
15-7 first quarter lead only to
have the Phi Delt’s rise on a scor
ing attack to tie the score of
19-19 at the halt' time. Sigma Chi,
led by Cece Hodges with 13 points
broke through the Phi Delt de
fense to command a 29-25 third
quarter lead* In the final stanza,
the Phi Delts led by Bob Wagner
with 13 points, pulled out in front
with seconds left to play to come
out the victors with a 38-37 scoie.
Sigma Chi (87) (38) Hhi Delts
Phillips, 12.
Slover, 7_
Hedgepeth. 0.
Ruhlman, 5...
Hodges, 13
... C.
.7, Schmer
.13, Wagner
.2. Holt
.7, Lewis
. 8, Albright
Substitutions: Phi Delts: Archer,
Friday. February £T"~" ™
4 :00 Court 40 Phi Delta Theta A vs. French
Ilall A
Monday, March €
4:15 Unfinished area, Phi Delta Theta vs.
Beta Theta P; Alpha Tau Oinegtf vs.
Theta Chi; and Hale Kane vs. Sigma
Chi. (Triple header.;
Drive in and enjoy:
• Delicious Milk Shakes
• Jumbo Burgers
;• Prompt Service
Gets .Starting; Assignment Against WeMoots
Hale Kane Squad
Ruled Out of Finals
Hale Kane's A basektball squad .
has been disqualified from the
finals of intramural hoop action
bec ause it used an ineligible player |
in its quarter-finals game with
Sigma Chi.
Hale Kane was to have met
French Hall in the playoff for the
championship Thursday afternoon.
Instead of the finals being run off
yesterday. Sigma Chi played the
Phi Delts, who were defeated by
Hale Kane in the semi-finals.
The winner of the Sigma C'hi
I’hi Delt contest now will engage
French in the day-delayed finals.
Hale Kane's center, Jack McEl
ravy, was termed ineligible by the
intramural department upon the
advice of a letter from the Oregon
College of Education which stated
that McElravy had been suggested
for a basketball letter his fresh
man year.
The Sigma Chi-Hale Kane game
had been successfully protested by
Sigma Chi.
Houbregs, Noe, Kruger Have Hold
On ND Casaba Scoring Statistics (
Los Angeles — Three rangy cen
' ters, all seniors and playing their
j final Northern Division series this
weekend, had a stranglehold on
statistics released today by the Pa
cific Coast Conference Commis
[ sioner's office.
Washington’s Bob (Hooks) Hou
| bregs, who cracked the old North
i ern Division scoring record in his
I 10th game of the 16-game sched
i ule, leads the way with an average
of 26.4 points a game (136 field
goals and 98 free throws for 370
points in 14 games.) The 6-foot
7-inch Houbregs also has sewed up
honors as the top marksman with
a record 54.6 per cent on field
Noe Second
Chet Noe, also six-foot-seven, of
Oregon, ranks second with an
18.6 average and is the Division’s
' No. 1 rebounder with 187 in 14
I games for a 13-3 average. Hartly
| Kruger, Idaho, 6 feet 71/2 inches,
j is third in scoring with a 17.7 av
i erage. Both Noe and Kruger are
i near-cinches this weekend to join
| Houbregs in cracking the old sea
| son scoring of 265 points.
Charlie Koon, Washington
; guard, leads the free throwers with
j a phenomenal mark of 93.6 per
! cent on only one miss dn 27 at
| tepijpts. He’s followed by teammate
Joe Cipriano with 81 per cent.
Washington's Huskies, as a team,
have practically re-written the
record book in every department
except one— rebounds, where Ore
gon has a slight edge.
Season Windup
This weekend Washington is at
Idaho for a final series while Ore
gon and Oregon State conclu
their seasons against each othei1
Friday night at Corvallis and Sat
urday night at Eugene.
Washington, which cinched its
third straight Northern Division
championship last Friday night,
will host the Pacific Coast Con
ference playoffs, meeting the
Southern Division representative
in a best two out of three game
series in Edmundson Pavilion
March 6, 7 and, if necessary, 9. The
winner of this series will proceed
to the NCAA regional playoffs at
Corvallis, Oregon, on March 13.
Total Scoring G FG FT TP Ave.
Houbregs, W. .14 136 98 370 26.4
Noe, 0.14
Kruger, 1.13
Wegner, O.14
Vlastelica, OS 13
Cipriano, W.14
Mullins, WS.15
Halberg, O.14
Morrison, I..1.....13
McCutcheon, W14
89 82
79 72
58 78
70 38
73 34
68 52 188
63 37 163
260 18.6
230 17.7
194 13.9
178 13.4
180 12.9
60 31 151 11.6
48 48 144 10.3