Penney’s A LW AYS 3 F IRS T QUALITY! Ill I HM I II I A STEP FORWARD IN SPRING FASHIONS PERFECT COMPLIMENTS... TO THE CAMPUS . . . WARDROBE . . . PENNEY PRICED FASHION ACCESSORIES TO PAMPER YOUR BUDGET RAYON FAILLE HANDBAGS... . The above is an example of our outstanding collection of luscious pastel failles. mauve, ice blue, pink, red, purple, navy, black, and brown. . . . MAIN FLOOR . . . wonderfully pert spring hats delicately accented with flowers . . . wisps of veil ing ... or rich velvet touches.. . 9 handsomely tailored down soft fleeces .. . 9 ice cream colors for flattering wardrobe harmony . . . © a variety of fresh new styles .. . 9 cleverly detailed in sizes . .. 10-18 Q a must for every campus occasion . . . SECOND FLOOR FASHIONS