Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1953, Page Three, Image 3

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    Women List Presidential Candidates
Barbara Keelen
A native of Portland transplant
ed in San Francisco, Barbara Kee
len Is a junior in liberal arts as
piring to the presidency of YWCA.
She is membership chairman for
the organization and worked on
the Y sponsored Heart Hop.
She is secretary of the co-op
board and serves as a counselor
at Carson hall. Other campus ac
tivities include membership in Phi
Theta Upsilon, junior women’s
honorary, and day manager on the
advertising staff of the Emerald.
Judy McLoughlin
Judy McLoughlin, pictured on
page one, is a junior in English
from Lincoln high school in Port
land. Active tn Associated Women
Students for the past two years,
Miss McLoughlin is now candidate
for president of the organization.
She is AWS secretary this year.
Other' activities included general
chairman of the recognition tea
spring term and promotion chair
man fall term.
Miss McLoughlin is president of
Phi Theta Upsilon, junior wom
en's honorary, and an ASUO sen
ator-at-large. She was vice pres
ident of her class dur ing her soph
omore year.
Jean Mauro
Also pictured on page one is
Jean Mauro, junior in English from
Portland, who is a presidential
candidate for Associated Women
Students. Her work with the or
ganization during the past year
included chair manship of the Bun
ion Derby and the Christmas tea.
Miss Mauro admitted that she
was "probably the only chairman
of refreshments in history to have
the punch bowl split in two for
no apparent reason”—five minutes
before the guests were due to ar
rive for the AWS recognition tea
. last spring trem.
F Other campus activities of Miss
Mauro include membership in Phi
I Theta Upsilon, junior women's
honorary, night editor for the Ore
gana, and desk editor of the Em
U. of O men students who
witnessed accident 12 miles
V •south of Corvallis after Waring
■ concert contact Mr. Flynn at
W 5-0914.
Cathy Tribe
Cathy Trib<\ candidate for pres- j
ident of the YWCA, came to the !
university from Eugene high j
school. A junior in business admin- i
istration. Miss Tribe has held an j
executive position with the Y all ;
three years. She was a member \
of the freshman commission, soph
omore vice-president, and is now
junior adviser.
During her sophomore year, Miss
Tribe was chairman for the Kiddy
Karnival sponsored by the Y. This
year she was student chairman j
of Religious Evaluation week and
headed the orientation committee
for URC.
Miss Tribe is a member of Beta
Alpha Psi, accounting honorary,
and treasurer of Phi Theta Up
silon, junior women's honorary.
Besides carrying on all her
campus activities, Miss Tribe
works part time in a downtown
Mary Jordan
Mary Jordan, candidate for
WRA president, is a junior in lib
eral arts from Grants Pass. As a
member of the governmental coun
cil of the organization since her
freshman year, Miss Jordan has
participated in many of the recre
ational activities of the group. She
has worked on the carnival for
the past two years, heads the soft
ball commission and has been sec
retary of WRA during the past
She is president of the Cas
cades team, one of the two hockey
teams sponsored by WRA. Work-'
ing on decorations and costumes j
for the Amphibian water show has
occupied part of Miss Jordan's |
time and interest during the past
two years.
Miss Jordan is skipper for a
Mariner girl scout troop here in
Eugene. Other campus activities
include membership in Phi Theta
Upsilon, junior women's honorary.
Festival of Contemporary Arts
Features Million Dollar Display
A 51,000,000 display of world
famous contemporary painting
and sculpture, an attraction of the
University’s Festival of Contempo
rary Arts, will go on exhibit for
three weeks beginning Sunday
afternoon in the gallery of the
School of Architecture and Allied
Compiled from such areas as the
New York Metropolitan museum
and the Museum of Modern Art
and various private collections, the
exhibit includes paintings by Max
Beckman, Bracque, Cezanne, Dali,
Gorky, Kandinsky, Klee, Picasso,
and George Rouault. Works by
Calder, Maillol, Marini, Rodin, and
David Smith are typical exam
ples comprising the sculpture dis
Arranged by Museum
The exhibition, arranged by the
University in cooperation with the
Portland Art Museum, is under
the supervision of Thomas Colt,
Art Museum president. Colt made
a recent trip to New York where
his personal knowledge of private
collectors and dealers permitted a
famous selection to be available
for exhibition in Oregon. Andrew
Vincent, professor of art, is chair
• Men with B.S. degrees in chemistry
• B.A. students with accounting major
• B.A. students with sales interest
—will be on campus to interview YOU, Thursday, Feb.
26, at 9 a.in. B. T. Mullaney, manager, Specialized Per
sonnel Placement, will be in the Graduate Placement
Office at Emerald Hall
Phone Ext. 256, 5-1511 for appointment
'man for the campus display.
To avoid possible delay in view
ing the exhibit due to the re
stricted space in the AAA Gal- !
lory, members of the art school
will hold an informal tea from 2
to 5 p.m. for a preview audience
Sunday. During this period the!
instructors will be available for
comments on the various paint
ings and sculpture in the exhibit. I
Social Calendar
Wednesday - Desserts
Sigma Phi Epsilon—Orides
Friday - House Dances
Chi Psi
Beta Theta Pi
Sigma Alpha Mu
Friday - Firesides
Rebec House
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Saturday — WRA Carnival
• Earrings
$1.00 - $2.50 a pair
• Bracelets $1.75
• Pins .75
• Necklaces $2.50
849 E. 13th
Phone 4-4611
Mary Wilson
Sophomore from Lincoln high
school in Portland, Mary Wilson
has been active in WRA during
her two years at the University.
Miss Wilson was the Amphibian
representative to the WRA cab
inet in her freshman year and has
participated in two Amphibian
water shows. ,
The presidential candidate serv
ed as hostess for WRA Sports day
last spring term and is chairman
of the carnival committee this
year. She also participates in in
tramural tennis and volley ball.
Miss Wilson is a member of
Kwama, sophomore women’s hon
orary; Phi Beta, speech and mu
sic honorary; and Kappa Rho
Omicron, radio honorary.
• Campus Briefs
0 Committee chairmen for the
Phi Theta Upsilon Mystie sale will
meet today at 4 p.m. in the Stu
dent Union, according to Doreen
Gienger, general chairman.
• A meeting of Chi Delta Phi
will be held Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
at the College Side to approve can
didates for membership. Actives
are to read manuscripts in the
Student Union browsing room be
fore the meeting, according to Sue
Lichty, president.
• Items for the Emerald Relig
ious News Notes must be turned in
to the Emerald shack by 3 p.m.
0 Hui-O-Kamaaina will meet at
8 p.m. tonight in Gerlinger hall.
0 Student Court meets at 7
tonight in the SU for all students
who have not paid their traffic
citations in the office of student
SU Currents
Movie Chairmen
Petitions Accepted
Petitions are now being accept
ed for chairman of the Student
Union movie committee, Don Za
van, assistant chairman of the
SU board has announced.
The position will become vacant
at the end of this trem. Deadline
for petitions has been set for
Tuesday, March 3. The petitions
may be obtained and returned ■ to
SU 301 or 310.
Art Committee
Positions Open
Petitions for positions on the
campus Creative Arts Workshop
program general committee arid
for its sub-committee chairman
ships for literature, art, dance,
drama, music and publicity are
due Wednesday at 5 p.m. The pe
titions may be picked up and
turned in at SU rooms 301 and
310. Petitions may also be turned
in to Valerie Cowls, general chair
* * *
Hunter to Speak
On Modern Plays
Frederick J. Hunter, instructor
in speech, will speak on "The Dis
solution of Time in Modern Play
writing" tonight at 7:30 in the
Student Union browsing room.
Hunter said he would concen
trate primarily on American plays
of the 20th century, emphasizing
“Anne of the Thousand Days" by
Maxwell Anderson; “I Remember
Mama,’’ by Clarence Day; “Point
of No Return,’’ by Paul Osbum;
and “Our Town,” by Thornton
Robert D. Horn, professor of
English, will lead a discussion pe
riod following the talk.
Night Staff: Makeup Editor,
Dick Carter; Night Editor, Gordon
Rice; Night Staff — Roger Miller
and Bob Patterson.
Dr. Leland A. Huff
» W. 8th Ave Ph. 5-3725
~ 9n THE CAMPUS-85? fr4^.