Webfoots BIG GAME Hailing 'Hooks' Main Problem Of Oregon Five By Sam Vahey Emerald Sports Editor “Stopping Bob Houbreg.P’ will be the problem confront ing the University of Oregon '■Ducks tonight when they take on the first place Washington •Jhn.kies in the first of two ferasketba'i conflicts in pacious n OREGON Idaho .... Oregon St i* • W.t diingtou >t i • W L Pet. 1J 0 1.000 5 4 .667 6 7 .462 4 S J3J 1 12 .077 WEEKEND GAMES ORK.ilON it \\ i-iin *.• ’ »? Oi :4• <11 M i1- .It \v >tl >U‘.e squad. This year he is the Hus kies' “sixth first stringer.” Next year he will probably have the job of trying to fill Bob Houbrcgs’ shoes, which shouldn't be too hard for the Huge::.' boy who has size 17 feet. Another record that statisli cians might add to the list al ready amassed by Houbregs might be “most times high point man.” Only four times has a teammate outscored "Mr. Hooks” this year. Ilunner-up to Houbregs in the high point lamcrs are .Mike Mc Cutchen and Joe t'ipriaro. Each has captured second place laur als nine times. Probable starters for Oregon will be Ed Halberg and Kieth Famani, forwards: Noe, center; and Barney Holland and Ken Weg ner, guards. For the Huskies, the first team will be McCutchen and Doug Mc MeClary, forwards; Houbregs, cen ter; and Charlie Koon and Cipti ano. guards. The games will be broadcast lo cally over radio station KERG, starting at S ppm. SPORTS FARE Friday. Feb. 20 ' .50 Court 40 Merrick Hall H \ Sherry B 3:50 Court 4} Philadelphia House V vs. Pi Kappa AI pi: a li 4:45, Court 40 Sigma Xu A \ s Theta Chi A (League 4-A play otT» TRACK 4 30. I’r.tiui'liei Area, Sigma Chi v». Delta Tau Delta. Houbregs Controls Division Statistics Lo3 Angeles, Feb. 19 Washing ton Center Bob Houbregs is mak ing a shambles of Northern Divi sion scoring records with his dead ly hook shot, but three other "big men” are giving him a stiff battle for top honors around the back boards, statistics showed today. Houbregs has averaged 28.1 points a game to lead his nearest rival by 121 points, according to figures from the Pacific Coast Conference Commissioner’s office. But in the wide-open battle for re bounds, he's no better than third at the moment. Leading the pack is Oregon Center Chet Noe with an average of 1-t 2 a game, followed by Idaho's Dwight Morrison with 13.2, Houbregs, 12.2, and Doug MeClary, also of Washington, 12.1 Noe Second Noe is second to Houbregs in scoring with IS points a game with Idaho's- Hartly Kruger third at 17.6. Both appear likely to top the old Division scoring record of 208 points which Houbregs already ha shattered. Houbregs' shooting is both rapid and accurate, the statistics show. He's fired 223 times in 12 Norlh , ern Division games and has con nected on 127 for a classy 56.9 per ; cent average. Next in line are Bob ! Edwards, Oregon State, 50 per I cent, and Ed Halberg. Oregon. 14.1 per cent. Best Free Throws The Huskies’ Charlie Koon has the best mark from the free throw line with 21 of 22 for 95.5 per cent and he's followed by Tom Flynn, Idaho, 86.4 per cent, and Joe Cip riano, Washington, 83.3 per cent. Washington, which has won 12 straight Division games, leads in every department, except one, as a team .The Huskies ate .‘hooting 39.1 per cent from tlie Hoof and 72 per cent from the charity line; have .scored the most point 73.8 a game; have committed the fewest fouls, 17 v, and have allowed the fewest points, 00.2. rebounds with 17.3 for Wa. hington. Scoring (i Hottbregs, W 12 Noe, O 12 Kruger, I 12 Wegner, O 12 Vlastelica, OS 12 Cipriano, W 12 llal berg, O 12 Morrison, I 12 Mullins, \VS 12 Holland. O 12 Oregon leads in a game to 10.S !■'<; I T Tl* \ve. 127 83 337 28.1 71 OS 210 18.0 73 O'. 211 17.6 51 72 ISO 15.0 01 37 105 13.0 02 25 119 12.1 50 29 Ml 11.8 51 29 137 111 •17 32 126 10.5 11 19 122 10.2 Portland Group Seeks Pavilion A civic group asked the Port land city council today for a 2-year ^ lease on city-owned property north of Poitland in order to build a two and a half-million dollar pa villion, for sports events, convert- , tions and other activities. This is the latest development in the re cent speed-up of action toward building the badly-noeded sports center. A recently organized, non-profit group known as Civico, Incorpor ated, asked for the lease of GO acres near Portland Meadows race track. The group hopes to raise enough money through donations < and through sale of non-interest A bearing cet tificates. " @nlyTime will7bll... WHAT A ) BEAUTIFUL J voice! < JUST LIKE A BiRDiy WINDS UP WITH THE metropolitan! WHAT? 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