Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1953, Page Seven, Image 7

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    'King of Hearts' Coronation Fridav
University of Oregon will repre
sent a membpr country when it at
tends the ‘‘Model United Nations”
conference on the University of
California campus at Berkeley, Ap
ril 15 through 18.
I hose interested in becoming
delegates should contact Bob Maf
fin or ICston Field, seniors in poli-1
tical science, who will choose ihe
delegation of eight members Ap
plications may also be given to
William Williams, assistant prof- »
sor of history, or C. P. Schleicher,
professor of political science, at
the history and political science le
partments respectively.
UO delegates will choose the
country they will represent.
if you can make
the grade, you
can fly the
latest, hottest,
fanciest jobs
in the air—
and do it within
one year.
IT TAKES a good, tough, serious guy to wear the gear of
an Aviation Cadet. But if you can measure up, here’s
your chance to get the finest in aviation training—training
that equips you to fly the most modern airplanes in the
world and prepares you for responsible executive positions,'
both in military and commercial aviation.
It won’t be easy! Training discipline for Aviation Cadets
is rigid. You’ll work hard, study hard, play hard—especially
for the first few weeks. But when it’s over, you’ll be a pro—
with a career ahead of you that will take you as far as you
want to go. You graduate as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air
Force, with pay of $5,300.00 a year. And this is only the
beginning—your opportunities for advancement are un
ARE YOU ELIGIBLE? To qualify as an Aviation Cadet, you
must have completed at least two years of college. This is a
minimum requirement—it's best if you stay in school and
graduate! In addition, you must be between 19 and 2n :
years, unmarried, and in good physical condition.
If you choose to be an Aircraft Observer, your training will
be in Navigation, Bombardment, Radar Operation or Air
craft Performance Engineering.
h'ew Aviation Cadet Training Classes Begin Every Few Weeks!
Take a transcript of your college credits and a copy of your birth
certificate to your nearest Air Force Hasp or Recruiting Station.
Kill out the application they give you.
s If application is accepted, tin’ A.ir Force will arrange for you to
take a physical examination at government expense.
Where to get more details:
v'isit your nearest Air Force Base or Air Force Recruiting
Officer. Or write to: Aviation Ccdef, Headquarters,
J. S. Air Force, V/ashinglon 25, D. C.
3. Next, you will be given a written and manual aptitude !•
4. It’ you pass your physical and other tests, you will be scheucdi d
for an Aviation Cadet training class. The Selective Servic*
Act allows you.a four-month deferment while waiting <.!.
Delegates to Go To Model U N
By Ann Ritchey
Emerald Reporter
Snriu> lucky male will know Fri
day that he is the object of ad
miration of the women and envy
of the men on campus. Carson
hall lobby is the location, and 8
p.rn. is the time when Jackie
Wilke--, YWCA president, will
crown the 1903 King of Hearts.
Candidates for the title this
year are Jim Livcsay, AI Babb,
Jim Owens, Jim Miller, Ron Ly
man and Ed Kenney. Verting booths
open today in both the Student
Union and Co-op, where women
may purchase tickets also. Those
who have purchased tickets must
present them in order to vote.
La.-t year's candidates for the
title were Hal Dunham, Bob Brit
tain, Jim Harding, Bob Chambers,
Paul Lasker and Arne Borgnes.
Harding was crowned king at the
half of the Idaho basketball game,
the night of the danee. Following
the game, he received the tradi
tional dunking in front of Carson
where the dancing began.
Alpha Gamma Delta had been
scheduled as one of the locations
for the progressive dan c e last
year. A fire near the time of the
dance caused Sigma Kappa to be
substituted at the last minute.
Bev Jones and Nancy Heine, co
chairmen of decorations, will in
tegrate the theme of "Heartbeats"
in each of the four houses. Alpha
Omicron Pi, Alpha Delta Pi, Delta
Zeta and Delta Delta Delta, where
dancing will lie held.
Co-chairmen of the coronation
committee are Janet Woods and
Nancy Leaverton. Committee
members are Sue Smyth. Donna
Air Commissions
Offered to Grads
Mid-year graduates may apply
for immediate direct commission
in the United States Air Force lie
serve and assignment to basic
meteorology graduate training in
June, according to Major General
W. O Senter. commanding gen
eral of the USAF Weather Serv
Both men and women graduates
who have received credit for one
year of college physics and in
tegral calculus are qualified to ap
ply. Seniors who will have ful
filled these requirements by June
may also apply now for the com
missions to be awarded following
graduation. The June graduates
will not enter the graduate me
teorology school until September.
All tuition and other expenses
during the graduate training are
paid by the government. The stu
dents also receive full pay and al
lowances in his current giade.
The colleges and universities
offering these government-paid
courses include Massachusetts In
stitute of Technology, New York
university, University of Chicago,
Pennsylvania state college, Uni
versity of California at Los An
geles, Florida state university,
University of Washington and St.
Louis university. Only one of these
schools will offer the special June
Upon completion of the course,
offic ers will be assigned to officer
basic military courses and then to
duty in an Air Force weather
UO Prof, Ex-Student
Have Article Accepted
An article comparing the re
action time of high school basket
ball players to the reaction of
non-athletes of the same age bv
Paul Sigerseth, associate pro
fessor of physical education, and
Norman York, former graduate
student hero, has been accepted
by "The Physical Eduiator.”
Hill, Marti Borehers and Betty
Co-chairmen Janet Kregness and
Martha Davis are in charge of vot- I
ing. Promotion is handled by com
mittee co-chairmen Jill Hutchins
and Marilyn Parrish, assisted by j
Sue Morris, Shirley Bearhard and '
Jackie Robertson.
Refreshments are under the di- '■
lection of Kathy Reilly and Terry
O’Brien, co-chairmen, and Judy
Johnson and Jo Kopp are the
chairmen of the publicity com
mittee, Ticket sales are being man
aged by Gerri Porritt and Hope I