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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1953)
Women Plan Evening For Heart Hop Dance The ■ traditionul dunking in a bathtub outside of Carson hall will end the coronation of the King of Hearts Friday evening, according to Janet Woods, co-chairman of the coronation committee. Announcement of the 1903 King will be made between 8 and 9 p.m. by Jim Harding, last year’s King of Hearts. The new monarch | SU Currents Workshop Petitions Due on Wednesday Petitions for positions on the Campus Creative Arts Workshop general committee, as well as for chairmanships of sub-committees on literature, music and dance, drama, art and publicity, are still available in Student Union 301 and 310. They may be turned in at the same place by 5 p.m. Wednesday. This special event of the SU will be presented spring term to dis play all aspects of the creative arts in progress on campus, according to Valerie Cowls, general chair man. Quota Scholarship Applications Due Applications for the full fee scholarships, sponsored by the Eu gene Quota club are due Friday in the office of Mrs, Golda Wickham, associate director* of student af fairs. Two scholarships are available - one for spring term and one for the academic year 1953-1954. Any woman student may apply. Peace Talk Contest Set Here Tuesday Representatives from seven member schools will take part in the annual peace oratory contest of the Intercollegiate Forensic as sociation of Oregon to be held here Tuesday. In addition to the oratory con test, a fireside chat will be held on the domestic policies of the United States. Representatives will compete individually in the ora tory contest, according to Herman Cohen, instructor in speech. Delegates will be here from Ore gon State college, Willamette uni versity, Lewis and Clark college, the University of Portland, Lin field college, Northwest Christian college and Oregon. Campus Calendar Noon French Table 110 SU Emer Sub Comm 111 SU Theatre Exec Bd 112 SU Dance Com 313 SU 12:15 Keeord Music Comm 302 SU 1:00 YWCA Speaker Dad's Lounge SU Const. Revls. Comm 113 SU Internal inal Aff Comm 315 SU 8:00 Newcomers Club Gerl 2nd FI USA 112 SU 4:00 Skull & Dagger 110 SU Directorate 302 SU Lect Comm 337 SU 6:30 Ski Quacks 110 SU Young Demos 112 SU Mu Phi Kps Gerl 2nd FI 7:00 Christian Sci Gerl 1st FI IVCF 334 SU 7:30 Pi Sigma Alpha Gerl 3rd FI ADS-GAX Bell Lect Dad’s Lounge SU ‘ Jr. Class Itep 113 SU Inter Kel Club 214 SU will be crowned by Jackie Wilkes, president of the YWCA, sponsors of the dance. The progressive dance will be held following the coronation at Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Delta Pi, Delta Delta Delta and Delta Zeta. The theme "Heartbeats” will be carried out in the house decorations and refreshments will be sold at each of the four houses. Tickets for the annual turn about dance went on sale today in the women's living organizations for 60 cents. Later in the week tickets may be purchased in the Co-Op and the Student Union. Vot ing on the candidates will take place at the time the tickets are purchased. Finalists in the King of Hearts contest are Jim Livesay, A1 Babb, Jim Miller, Jim Owens, Ed Kenney and Ron Lyman. The campus entertainment com mission is handling entertainment for the affair. Don Bonime, fresh man in liberal arts, is scheduled to play a piano solo and John Krohn, Don Gartrell and Bob Sogge will form a combo. • Campus Briefs • W. V. Norris, professor of physics, has been elected by a na tional ballot to the Executive Com mittee of the American Associa tion of Physics Teachers. » * * • B. T. Scheer, associate pro fessor of biology, will seminar on "The Electrometabolic Field of Ion Transport and Bioelectric Po tentials" at 4 p.m. Friday in Sci ence 314. * * * • Inter-varsity Christian Fel lowship will meet tonight at 7 in the Student Union. Rev. Duane Muth of the Eugene Church of the Nazarene will speak on “Who's at the Controls?” * * » • Voung Democrats will meet tonight at 6:30 in the Student Union. Plans will be discussed for the state convention to be held sometime during April in Eugene. All members are urged to attend, according to President Charles Grover. » * • • Efitry blanks for W'.R.A. in tramural swimming Wednesday nights are due at the Gerlinger cage today. * * * • Red Crbss membership drive chairmen will meet at 4 p.m. to day at Delta Gamma to formulate plans for the winter term drive, according to Pat Ruan, chairman. * * * • Inter-dormitory council will meet at noon today in John Straub. Plans for the new men's dormitory, the IDC dance slated for March 7 and selection of two delegates to the conference of the National Independent Students as sociation at Willamette university this weekend will be discussed. All members are urged to attend by Tom Shepherd, IDC president. * * * ^ A daily mass will be held at 6 a.m. during lent in the Sa cred Heart hospital chapel on week days and a second mass at 7:30 a.m. on Saturdays. Bene diction will be at 7 p.m. on Sun days, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Newman club is sponsoring Rosary at 6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Ashes will be distribu ted after Benediction Wednesday night for Ash Wednesday and confessions will be heard at 5 p.m. Saturdays. * * * • A Skull and Dagger meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today in the SU according to Alex Byler, pres ident. All members must be pres ent in uniform since Oregana pic tures are to be taken. HALE KANE WINS SAE, Sig Eps Whip Opponents Sigma Phi Epsilon won the league 3-B championship, defeat ing Phi Gamma Delta 33-20 in the payoff contest. Both teams had been tied for the top spot with 3-0 records. The Sig Eps held only a 7-5 first quarter lead but, sparked by the shooting of Kee Briggs and Dewey Allen, pulled ahead to lead 16-7 at the half and 26-10 at the third quarter mark. Allen, hitting on five out of six shots from the field, topped scorers with 12 points, and Briggs totaled nine. Fred Mueller led the Fijis with 10. Fijis (20) Miller, 5 .... Kvick, 2 . Hoogs, 0 Mueller, 10 Kratt, 3 .... ,.F. F . C. G G (33) Sig Eps . 0, Hu Is 0, Bowden 9, Briggs . 12, Allen 7, Graham Subs: Fijis--Rutt, Lausmen; Sig Eps Ekstrom 4, Sage 1. SAE Tips Sigma Nu Jack Krieger caged seven fourth-quarter points to rally the ! Sigma Alpha Epsilon Ea to a 14-12 victory over Sigma Nu’s Bs and give the SAEs the league 2-B championship. Krieger was high for the game with nine points while Jim Smith led Sigma Nu with six. The teams were tied 0-0 at the end of the first quarter, but Cary Moran and Smith pushed in bas kets to give Sigma Nu a 4-1 half- i time lead. The SAEs trailed until Stan Savage jumped in a shot for a 10-all tie. Bob Brittain and Kreiger then hit two foul shots apiece for a 14-10 SAE lead. Mo ran's final two free throws for Sigma Nu cut the final margin to 14-12. SAE (14) (12) Sigma Nu Brittain, 2 .E. 4, Moran Savage, 2 .F. 0, Gent Tennyson, 1 .C .... 2, Danielson Hardon, 0 .G. 0, Hepner Krieger, 9 .G. 6, Smith Subs: Sigma Nu—Ross, John son, Schmidt. Five 'B' League Champions Decided Theta Chi Phi I)elta Theta Beta Theta Pi Phi Kappa iLi Lambda Chi Alpha Si ktti a Sigma Alpha Epsilon Nu Chi Alpha Tau Omega Sigma . Sigma Phi Epsilon Phi Gamma Delta Delta I’psilon Sigma Alpha Mu . Delta Tau Delta .. \V .3 .3 LEAGUE 2-B W 4 3 1 . 1 0 LEAGUE 3-B \V 4 .3 L i l l Pet .7 aU .750 | .667 .333 .000 L 0 1 2 2 4 Pet. 1.000 .750 .333 .333 .000 L 0 1 Pet. ! 1.000 1 .750 .500 1 .000 .000 If ale Kane . Sigma Hall . Chi Psi . Susan Campbell Gamma Hall ... LEAGUE 4-B W .4 ...3 . ...1 ... 1 ....0 LEAGUE 5-B W French Hall .3 Merrick Hall .2 Stitzcr Hall 2 Nestor Hall .1 Sherry Ross .q LEAGUE 6-B Pi Kappa Alpha .. Campbell Club . Phi Kappa Sigma . Philadelphia House Counselors . W .3 .2 Pet. 1.000 .750 .333 .333 .000 L . 0 1 Pet. 1.000 .667 .500 .333 .000 Pet. 1.000 .667 .667 .333 .000 Nestor, French Halls Triumph in IM Track Paced by double winner Will Carstens, Nestor hall rolled to a 38-13 intramural track victory over Merrick hall Monday after noon. Carstens was tops in the broad jump with a leap of 19 feet, 3 inches and in the 40-yard dash with a time of five seconds flat. Results: Broad jump—Carstens, Nes.; Ol son, Nes.; Wilson, Mer. 19’3". High jump—McFerran, Nes., 4'6”. Shot put—Pritchard, Mer.; Un talan, Mer.; Evans, Nes. 36’5". Pole vault—Reed, Nes. 11’3”. 40-yard hurdles—Carstens, Nes.; Reed, Nes.; Wilson, Mer. 40-yard dash — Olson, Nes.; Pritchard, Mer.; Bowers, Nes. 5 secs. 40-yard relay—Nestor. Phi Delt Handballers Edge Hale Kane, 2-1 Phi Delta Theta won a close 2-1 handball verdict from Hale Kane Monday afternoon. The teams were tied with a singles win apiece until the Phi Delts won the third game of the doubles match, the decision, and the right to meet Alpha Tau Omega in the intramural handball final. SPORTS FARE Tuesday, Feb. 17 3:50 Court 40 French Hall B vs. Xestor Hall B 3:50 Court 43 Campbell Club B vs. Phi Kappa Sigma B 4:35 Court 40 Delta Tau Delta A vs. Beta Theta Pi A 4:35 Court 43 Kappa Sigma A vs. Tau Kap pa Epsilon A 5:15 Court 40 Hale Kane A vs. Susan Camp bell A 5:15 Court 43 Barrister Inn A vs. Sigma Hall A TRACK 4:00 p.m. Unfinished area; Phi Delta Theta vs. Phi Gamma Delta; Alpha Tau Omega vs. Chi Psi. (Double header) French hall overwhelmed Sher ry Ross in intramural track Mon day afternoon by a score of 37-13. French took first places in the high jump, shot put, 40-yard hurdles, 40-yard relay, and 40 yard dash, while Sherry Ross could get but a first in the broad jump. The three-quarter mile was not run. Results: Broad jump—Hickok, SR; Lewis, Fr.; Bergstrom, Fr. 17’3”. High jump—Neador, Fr.; Scruby Fr.; Lally, SR. 5'6”. Shot put—Winters, Fr.; Hig don, Fr.; Shaffer, SR. 35'6!i". 40-yard hurdles — Scruby, Fr.; Bergstrom, Fr.; Grant, SR. 40-yard relay—French. 40-yard dash — Higdon, Fr.; Lally, SR; Smith, SR. 5 sec. Hale Kane's Bs picked up an easy win as Gamma hall for feited. Varsity Lay Off As Frosh Prep Head basketball Coach Bill Borcher rested his weary court quint Monday afternoon after tke exhausting two game stint In Pullman last weekend in wbieh the Webfoots grabbed both games from the Cougars. There was a scrimmage, how ever, between some of the varsity reserves and Coach Don KirscWs Frosh basketeers. Jerry Ross, in eligible for the frosh five, worked out with the varsity. The next games for the Uni versity of Oregon will be this Fri day and Saturday against the U of Washington Huskies in Seattle. The Washington five is undefeat ed in league action, while Ore gon is currently soundly en trenched in second place. Sports Staff Desk Editor—Buzz Nelson r Memorable Moment Graduation, so important a clay, should be recorded in a fine photograph taken in our studio. Framed, it makes a fine gift. Call for an appointment today. Phone 4-3432 The FEHLY STUDIO 1214 Kincaid on Campus " t SEND YOUR LAUNDRY WITH YOUR ✓ CLEANING * 815 E.13th INSTANTPRESSING-/ T Ph. 5-6321