Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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    Eugene's Heilig Theater
To Show 3D Movies
'*1'href dimensional movies, in the
form of p series of short subjects
will make their first. appearance in
the F.'ugene area Friday at the
Heilig theater.
-■Showing liere for a week, the
Poet to Discuss
Modern Poetry
B. O. Moll, fnofes ,v of English,
will discuss “Poetry as Con tempo
vary Ail'1 Wednesday at 7-39 p m.
in the Student Union browsing
loom in conjunction with the Fes
tival of Contemporary Arts.
Moll is the author of "Campus
SeunetsC* “Native Moments/' “Cut
From Mulga," 'Brief Waters ' and
other hooks of poetry In 1349,
‘Cut From Mulga was chosen by
the Australian government for:
fcpecial fwblication by the Mel
bourne University Press. His latest;
Avortt, “The Waterhot»,*’ a poetic
».tory of Australia, was publishedj
in 1348.
movies are forerunners to the per
manent installation of three di
mension screening at the Heilig.
The films will require the use of
Polaroid glasses by the audience.
The glasses, packed individually in
sterilized packages, will be issued
to a spectator as he enters the the
ater, then collected again ou the
way out.
Special admission prices of $1
for adults and 50 cents for children
will be in effect during the three
dimension show.
Almost every major studio is
now scheduling the new 3D pic
tures and some are making the
same pictures in both the old and
new systems.
One 3D full length feature is al
ready being displayed ai-ound the
nation. It is “Bwana Devil," film
ed ir. Africa.
Make-up editor: Paul Keefe.
Night editor: Dorothy Iler.'
Night Staff: Sally Cummins.
SU Currents
Coffee Hour Held
For SU Personnel
Informality was the keynote of
the Student Union personnel hour
sponsored by the SU board Thurs
The event was attended by mem
bers of the SU standing commit
Clyde Fahlman, chairman of the
SU board, acteil as master of cere
monies for the program. He was
assisted by K. C. Williams, SU
director. Entertainment included
; charades and other group games.
Coffee was served by members of
the hospitality committee.
FOR SALE: Auto Radios — new
and used for all cars. Eugene
Radio Co. 7th & Charnelton. Ph.
4-3722. 3-12
Jloitc+u+Uf. Ok
...Ok KWAX
0:03 lMalio Moods
0:10 News Till Now
6:15 Guest Star
6:80 Campus Interview
6:45 Here Is Spencer Snow
7 Window in the Ivory
To\» er
7:30 Show Time
8 World In Review
8:15 Campus Hecitul
8:45 News Roundup
9 Cavalcade of Music
9:30 Kwav works
10:30 Emerald of the Air
10:35 Softly Now
Campus Calendar
10 Home Ext. CV> Com
in sir
Noon AW8 Con* 112 SC
Steering Comm FSFI'
118 SU
4 1*1 Delta l*lil 815 SU
7 l*hl Mu Gerl 2nd FI
7:30 Soc Scl Cl 815 SU
L-™ only leading King-Size cigarette made an exclusively
Jdifferent way to avoid the main cause of irritation I /
* NOW ! PHILIP MORRIS is available ia the
f new KING-SIZE for longer smoking enjoyment.
| Remember, you’ll feel better when you change
to PHILIP MORRIS? In case after case, coughs
J due to smoking disappear . . . parched throat clears *
up . . . that stale, "smoked-out” feeling vanishes!
i So take your choice, but make your choice
PHILIP MORRIS — America's Most Enjoyable Cigarette!
you cannot buy
any other cigarette
of equal quality!
Station Merger
May Hurry TV
Tho merging of station KORE
and KUHN Into Eugene Television
Inc., headed by Robert P. Booth,
Eugene business man, has cleared
the way for an allocation of an
other television channel here
The two stations, who an
nounced the merger on Feb. 13,
had previously filed competing ap
plications for channel 13. The pos
sibility of an early hearing by the
federal communications commis
sion could mean television for Eu
gene by mid-summer or early fall.
Spencer's Butter is tentatively
viewed as a TV transmitter site.
Television channel 20, allocated
earlier to \V. Gordon Allen, is not
expected to be in operation for a
• Campus Briefs
• Today Is the deadline for pe
titions for the all-campus vodvil
show to be presented during Duck
Preview weekend. They should be
turned in to Jane Simpson at the
YWCA office or ut the ASUO of
fice by 5 p.m.
• Wednesday is the deadline for
petitions for chairmen of the East
er sunrise service, sponsored by the
University Religious council. They’
should be turned in to Jane Simp
son at the YWCA office in Ger
• Stan Kenton and his 25
member band will appear for a
concert and dancing at the Eu
gene Armory Thursday evening at
8 o'clock. The concert will last
until 9:30 with dancing to follow.
0 The Red Cross board will
meet at 4 p.m. today in the Stu
dent Union, according to Joan
Walker, president.
® Morton Kroll, assistant pro
fessor of political science, will
speak to members of the'lnterna
tional Relations club on the LopiC3
of Western Europe and John Fos
ter JJulles Tuesday at 7:3t* p.m.
in the Student Union,
Oregctna Sale
Set This Week
A “Special Opportunity" sale of
Oreganas will be held this week
at the Student Union and Co-Op,
with booths being open from 9
until 4:45 p.m. Monday through
Friday, Jim Light, business man
ager, has announced.
Day managers for the sale are
Kay Partch, sophomore in art;
Yvonne Holm, sophomore in bi
ology; Rosemary Hampton, sopho
more in speech; Mary Ann Foster,
sophomore in sociology, and Eileea
Randolph, junior in art. They are
in charge of personnel who will
sell the books, which can be pur
chased for either $6.75, the full
price, or the $3.75 down pay
ment with the remainder to be
paid next term.
A former tradition, that of hav
ing a special “personalities” sec
tion in the Oregana, is being re
vived this year. A feature of the
section will be full-page pictures
of week-end queens and other out*
standing campus personalities,
Light said.'
KWAX Pictures Today
KWAX staffers will have Ore«
gsnia pictures taken at 4 p.111. to«
day in the Vlllard hall studios,
Bol> Ford, Orcgana photography
editor, has announced.
Those who should he present
are Sandra l'rice, Mary Wilson,
Joanne Forbes, Shirley Petti
jolm, Jack Vaughn, Ken Whittle,
Gordon Rennie, Judy Johnson,
John Bree, Hugh Garrahrant and
LoAnne Morgan.