Graduates May Apply For USAFR Commissions Maj. Gen. W. O. Senter, com manding general of the USAK weather service, has announced that mid-term college graduates who completed degree require ments in January may apply for DIAMOND - WATCHES SILVERWARE HERBERT OLSON JEWELER 175 E. Broadway Eugene, Oregon Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Phone 4-5353 Headquarters For Fine Graff Shirts FOR WOMEN Many styles Many colors All sizes DOWNSTAIRS AT HADLEY’S immediate direct commissions in the United States Air Force Re serve and assignment to basic meteorology graduate training in June. Qualified graduates, who must have received credit for one year of college physics and mathemat ics through integral calculus, can receive complete application forms by writing to the Commanding General, Air Weather Service, Washington 25, D. C. College seniors, both men and women, who will graduate in June with required physics and mathematics credits may also apply at this time for commis sions to be awarded following graduation. June graduates will ' enter graduate meteorology srhool in September. The June class was established ! specifically to provide an early entrance into weather school for mid-term 1953 graduates. Several weeks are required to process the j application forms and obtain ap proval from the participating uni versity. Colleges and universities offer : ing government-paid basic meteor ology courses are: Massachusetts i Institute of Technology, New York university, University oi ; Chicago, Pennsylvania State col lege, UCLA, Florida State uni versity, University of Washington and St. Louis university. Weather officers in the Air Force are now permitted to rise to the rank of full colonel, either in the field of command or in the field of research. During graduate training in either basic or, later, advanced meteorology, all tuition and other expenses are paid by the govern ment. 11 a.m. "JOSEPH, A TYPE OF CHRiST" Tune in KASH — 1600 kc University Class — 9:45 a.m. Fellowship — 6:30 p.m. 7:30 P.M. "A FRUITFUL BOUGH" Four Leadership Training classes begin Monday at 7 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bdwy at Istgh' Dr. Vance H. Webster, Pastor " __ ___ _ SU Currents Billiards Tourney Chairmen Needed Today is the deadline for stu dents to sign up for competition in the Inter-Collegiate Billiards tournament, to be held in the Stu dent Union March 5 through 19, according to John Shaffer, chair man. The four teams to compete in the tournament will be pocket, straight rail, three-cushion and co-ed. Those picked for the teams will receive instruction and free use of the SU tables, according to Louis Bellis imo, recreation director. Committee chairmen are needed for publicity, promotion, arrange ments and contract committee members, according to Shaffer. Those interested in work of this type should contact him. \ ,_ • Campus Briefs 0 Two films will hf shown to day at 3 p.m. in the main lecture room of the Science building by the AFROTC. Subjects of the films are Air Force equipment and its use, and air safety. All interested persons may attend, according to Capt. M. A. Salemi, assistant pro fessor of air science. 0 Petitions for chairman of the Easter sunrise service, sponsored by the University -Religious coun cil are now being called for. ac cording to Jane Simpson, URC president. Petitions should be turned in to Miss Simpson at the YWCA office in Gerlinger. 0 P. L. Risley, professor of bi ology, will seminar on “Som<> Oyt ological Reconnaissance" today at 4 p.m. in Science 314. . Phi Chi Theta Hears Buyer From Russell's Margaret Verran, sportswear buyer at Russell’s, spoke to mem bers of Phi Chi Theta, women's business honorary, at Alpha Chi Omega. Thursday. She spoke on the subject, "Buying as a Career.” Coffee and cookies were served. CAFETERIA LINE DINNER FEBRUARY 5, '53 i 5:30 -7:00 P.M. Vegetable Soup?::: ..^. . .. .10 Hamburgers ’. ....30 Chicken-“Pot--Pie ... .... .35 French Fried Potatoes ?-.??-'--.-r.,r.rLr~^..1... .15 Broccoli ... . .. .15 3 Deck Sandwiches—r Ham, Lettuce & Tomato .40 3 Deck Sandwich — Tuna Salad, Lettuce & Tomato.45 Che&seL«n'-Rye.;.:.' ... ..20 Mixed'Greerr Salad .::.,,v..u.;•• w 10 Fruit Sdlacf in Bowls l .lrr1r. . ...j... ...__25 Fruit and Cottage Cheese Plate _.,...50 Pie ..' .'.. .15 f* ft If p Hot Muffins ’ .04.. 2 for W Eii., Memorial Student Union IRC Slates Talk On Dulles, Policy John Foster Dulles and the reac tion of western Europe to the new American foreign policy will high light the discussion of the Inter national Relations club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union, according to Bob Muffin, IRC president. The topic will be in troduced by Morton Ktoll, profes sor in political science. The group will also discuss the possibility of sending a delegation from Oregon to the Model United Nations convention, which is to be held at the University of Cali fornia in April. All students who are interested in attending the convention are invited to Tues day's meeting, Mafflin reports. He also has asked that any stu dent who participated in the con vention last year, whether from Oregon or any other school, con tact him as soon as possible. For mer delegates are needed to serve as advisers for the Oregon dele gation, even if they are planning to attend this year. Infirmary Confines Students to Beds Students confined in the infirm ary Thursday included Florence Gilmore, sophomore m liberal arts; Lucille Woodsicle, sophomore in business; Patricia Gilbert, fresh man in art, and Sally Phillips, freshman in ait. Also confined were Neil Mathe son, senior In business administra tion; John Tonack, sophomore in architecture; Craig Weatherford, junior in liberal arts; Jay Roper, freshman in liberal arts; Tevis Dooley, junior in architecture, and William Wallace, graduate in for eign language. Campus Calendar Friday, Feb. 13, 1953 ~ :30 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m. 8:0!) O.S.B.A. Meet Dud’s I.ounge S!' Noon German Table 110 St' O. S. 15. A. Lunch 111 SI L'KC Exec 3!) SI 4:00 Fri at 1 Fishbowl SI 5:15 KeItem’s Use 112 St 0:00 Mixer Fishbowl SI’ Beaux Arts Hall Gerl. Annex Classifieds LOST: Platinum-grey rugline sleevg yjlj^a^or tojjppjit at ‘Vet's Glut)' Jah. 8t. Would fellows w.l\cv jpitiTftjHa