Ducks Now in Cougar Hunting Land Eleven Players Hope To Protect Second Place By Sam Vahey Emerald Sports Editor Kit'ven members of tire Ore gon basketball team left Hu ge ne early Thursday morning, bound for a two game, week end basketball engagement with the cellar dwelling Wash ington State college Cougars. The Oregons, firmly en trenched in second place in the Northern Division of the Pa cific Coast conference, spent last night at Spokane amt will journey To the WSC campus at Pullman this afternoon. Making the trip were four for wards. Keith Farnarn. Ed Hal !>erg. Bob Stout and Harlan ECekey: two centers, Chet Xoe and COACH BILE BOKCHKK Oregon Fast Break vs. . . . Hank Bonr.eman; and five guards. Barney Holland, Bob Hawes, Ken Wegner, Bud Covey and Howard Page. A twelfth man on the squad Wayne Johnson, was left in Eu gene with the flu. Tlit> invasion of tin' l’alouse ' Hills will bo of prime importance to tiio Webfoots in their oflort to widen tile sap between them selves ami the three Nl) teams below tiiem in the standings. Two wins would virtually wrap up the runner-up position for Ore gon as they have lost only four games to Idaho's seven and OSCs six. At Washington State, the Ducks will run into a team that has been dropped deep into the base ment of the division. Although the Cougars have lost nine of theii ten gaipes, they have, neverthe less, given all opponents a ran for their money. Last weekend the liuplc. . bays of Jack ITiel stayed ahead of Washington's high riding Hus kies for three periods before fi nally succumbing in the last frame, (>!> to .">*». A recent acquisition to the WSC roster is towering Howard Mc Car.t.G' 8", 25a pound center who played end on the Cougar football Squad. McCant, a junior, played high COACH JACK KRIKI, WSC Two Platoon System school basketball but didn’t turn out for the college team until the last few weeks* He made his first appearance in the WSC lineup last weekend against the Univer > /’/i'ii.iv him /,’ /i.i-ze fi: c) -the only leading King-Size cigarette made an exclusively to avoid the main cause of irritation! y . „„ tfclQW i PHILIP MORRIS is available in! the new KlMG-S^ZE- for longer smoking enjoyment. /*' * -—' — - ^ f * ! ■7771 9^TtX£P1b'Ci‘’, you’ll feet better ^when you change to RQJllP jlORRIS. In case after else, coughs' ^“•"jg^gojySg disappear . .7 parched throat clears up . . . ttfiftStICe, "smokeefout5’ feeling'vanishes! So take your choice, bW make'yowr choice PHILIP MORRIS —America’s Most Enjoyable Cigarette! KING-SIZE or RKUIAR you cannot buy any other cigarette of equal quality! KING-SIZE or REGULAR L Edwards Tries For 1500 Meter Water Record Gordon Edwards*, one of Oregon's top .diet ant e swimmer a v . ii i ry t o break the national collegiate rec ord of 20:41.8 in thi• jr.oo-meter event again't Idaho I'l'lday. The existing record is held by Biyon Canning. According to Coach John Bor chnrdt. Edwards lias been pressing Canning's time in timl held at II).' pool this week. However, he made no comment as to how close Ed wards came to tile mark. Borchardt also stated that if Edwards did crack tin* limi*, it would lie the first time an Ore gon athlete lias established a na tional eolleglate record since World War II. The meets this weekend open Northern Division play. Friday, the Ducks compete against Idaho at 2:30 and Saturday me. t tlm Wa-h ington State team at 2:00. The meets will lie held in the nr j- >ol and are open to the public. Houbrogs Raises Havoc With HD Casaba Records LOS ANGELES Washington Center Bob Houbregs, who broke the old Northern Division .•■••firing record with six games still to be played, has also snapped a season record and is a near cinch to crack four others, statistics from the Pa cific Coast Conference Commis sioner’s office showed. Houbregs boosted his total for the first 10 games to 27!> points Saturday night against Washing ton State, breaking the old record of 265 sot in 19*8 by Jack Nichols of Washington, flis 28-point per formance that night also boosted his field goal total to 103, top ping the old mark of 98 set by Vince HansOn, Washington State, in 1945. In addition to scoring, Hou bregs also leads the Division in field goal marksmanship, 55.4 per cent, and rebounds, 134, while teammate Charlie Koon Is the No. 1 free throw shooter with a perfect mark on l(i at tempts. Houbregs, W Kruger, I Noe.O Vlastelica, OS Wegner, O Cipripno, . >V Halberg, O Jdorrison, I IT G FG FT 10 103 70 73 65 59 56 60 29 44 54 TP Ave. 276 27.6 12 10 10 10 10 10 12 58 17 50 25 54 29 211 174 149 146 125 125 137 17.6 17.4 14.9 14.6 12.5 12.5 11.4 =!l For the Best in fish and seafoods Call 4-2371 NEWMAN'S FISH MARKET Fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafoods 39 East Broadway