By Jo'nn Whitty Emerald Sporltwriter ^'bile thumbing through some hack issues of the Oregon I'aily I'.meralil, we happened to rim across an i^uc of Decent ,,(I' 11 • I'M'); in which the headline read "OKLOON WILL ! L A i 11 \k \ A RI). living of an im|uisitive nature, we in ligated further and discovered that the Oregon football oi that year had been selected as the representative o, the I’aeific t'oa-t Confluence in the ixth Roc Howl game. I be Ro e Howl game, first played in 1902 and then discon tinued until I'd6, had been firmly established as an annual aiiuii by 020, when Oregon was elected bv the Tournament ol bo e committee a the team to represent the west again t Harvard on January 1, 1920. Ducks Had Good 1919 Season Apparently, there !ia Counselors B vs. Phi Karpa A!p*ia B 4:55 Court 13 pj Kappa Phi A vs. Beta 1 beta Pi A 5:15 Court 40 Sigma Alpha Epsilon A. vs. Jau Kappa Epsilon A 5:15 Court 45 Alpha Hail A vs. Sigma Hall ► Zhe One and Only (to keep it that uay) ► \/our Whole Sugar Cist (because it’s sound tactics) >Mont_or Pop (for reasons you know bettm than anyone else) ► Someone Somewhere (a kid sister or brother—or grttndma—or Cousin Mehitabm ... iust because they’ll like ii sa much) T (end your Valentine greeting '* ^he nicest Way there is . . . rr^ | by Western Union VETERANS Saturday, Feb. 14, is the last day for drawing Supplies This Term j •' U of O Co-op $fpre J^* . 5S New Spring Line . Now — at — bill baker's men's wear