Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1953, Page Four, Image 4

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Theta Chi Wins Tilt;
A TO Tips Kap Sigs
Theta Chi beat Phi Kappa Psi,
.■■t to 21; Alpha Tau Omega
1 i imped the Kappa Sigs, 22 to 13;
end Delta Upsilon trounced the
Sigma Alpha Mh quint. 28 to 8
i. intramural “B“ basketball
Wednesday afternoon.
Theta Chi's junior casaba squad
l ulled away from the Phi Psi's in
the second half to win going away.
C.ick . Kfillei* sparked Lfie winner
: nd grabbed high point honor's |
Vv ith 12. Bob White reported.
Alpha Tati Omega’s "B’s"
jiunped to an early lead and stead
ily built it up over the spirited!
I lappa Sigma's. At halftime, the
victorious team enjoyed a four
point lead. 11 to 7.
Bob Altman turned in a good
Door game and paced the winners
with 8 points, Biil Johnson re
Delta Upsilon had little trouble
in decisively defeating- -the Sam
i'ties, 28 to 8. Lowell Sehuck was
the top scorer for the DU's with
•3-3. repotted Dick McConnell.
Denny Mecklem played a good
supporting role and came up with
0 points.
Deiis Ploy Phi Delts
Delta Tau Delta will meet Thi
Delta Theta this afternoon in
handball competition for a soot
in the semi-finals of the intra
mural handball tournament.
Hale Kane Wins Match
Hale Kane remained undefeated
in all sporting events so tar this
year as the Hawaiians grabbed a
berth in the semi-finals of the!
handball tournament by edging i
Sigma Xu in a tight match, 2 to 1.
Doits hy Forfeit
Delta Tau Delta came out vic
torious in its easiest athletic con
test of the rear Wednesday aft
ernoon. winning by forfeit when
Phi Kappa Sigma failed to show
up foi the scheduled track meet'.
Sam Vahey, Rick Tarr
Gavilan Floors
Fog Foot Times
hi TKO Vidor/
CHICAGO Courageous Chuck j
Davey gave it all he had tonight i
but vvelte’.weight champion Kid1
Gavilan proved too rugg”d for the j
Spartan from Michigan State. The
result was a 10th round technical
knockout scored by Gavilan to re
tain his ciown at Chicago sta
It was the first pro loss for
Gavilan floored Davey four
times to live up to the three to
one odds posted for the scrappy
Cuban. The first knockdown saw
Davey sc iambic to his feel after
absorbing a nine count in the
l'rom the third through the
eighth, Gavilan appeared to toy
with Davey. Frequently, Gavilan
switched to the southpaw style
regularly employed by Chuck.
Then, the end came with light
ning rapidity in the ninth. At the
outset of the round. Davey went
on the offensive, connecting with
several rights and lefts.
Suddenly. Gavilan clipped Davey
with a short right uppercut. Davey
hit the deck. He took a count of
(Please turn to pa tie li: e)
Ducks To Attempt
Four Game Sweep
By Rkk Tarr
Emerald Sportswriter
The t ircgon eaters went
through a brisk workout
\\ ednesiiav in preparation for
their two game invasion of
Washington State College at
Pullman this Priday and Sat
urday night.
hresh from two derisive v ic
tories over the highly touted
Idaho Vandals, Oregon will be
favored to make it four straight
over the Cougars. If the Web
foots succeed, it will be the first |
time in history, and quite a feath
er in the cap of Sophomore Coach
Bill Borcher.
Won One (lamp
But even though the Cougars
have won only one game in then
last tea starts, they are never
taken lightly by the opposition.
This is due to their wily veteran
coach, Jai k Friel, who has been
head man since 1928. Friel has a
habit ot' making the second game
of a sei ies plenty tough by devis
ing special strategy after the first
The Cougars gave Washington's
£ T*
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* * * «
league leading Huskies one of
their roughest nights last Sntur
uuy hy staying in the lead for .
thu e quarters before bowing 09
ND Standings
w i.
\\ imliinut M 10 h
t,ni) •
Mr. ho
Ou*K"U Stair
\\ .»• limbi' ii St ate
5 7 .417
1 o ! 1 <. •
50. Washington Stute C’ou'-h Jack
Friel often makes uj> for lack of
offensive ability with a sticky de
fensive game that could slow the
rampaging Ducks down to it walk.
Kebot’.nd Prep ildps
Coach Eorcher's special atten
tion to rebounding before the Idaho
series paid off as the Webf nits con
trolled both boards against the
taller Vandals. Kieth Fan: m
played two of his best games
against Idaho and proved himself
a fin ■ rebounder who should take
some of the load off Chet .Joe and
Md Halbcrg.
Loyd Lewis Leads
!M Cage Scorers ~
Loyd Lewis, freshman ha. I:ete<-r
from French Hall, is < 'icntly
leading the intramural ; or* rs
with 51 points in 3 games, : cord
ing to unofficial .statistic , inched- '
ing games up to Monday. Feb. 9.
Kimm-r-up in scoring hi t«>t:i 1
points is S:un Duncan, .Sigma
Hall, v.lm has collected !(> (al
lies in four contests, iton !*!iil
iii>s, SIerrut Chi, and !5o‘> Hin
man, i'll! Kappa Sigma, are tied
in the average column, with I I
points per game.
Behind Lewis, who has 22 fI • -1,!
goals to his credit, are Phillip.-, *
Lowry Hoyer, Campbell Club, and
Sam Duncan, Sigma Hall, who are -
deadlocked for second in the field
goals column with 18.
Paul Bonney, Merrick Hall, lias
collared the most free throws, 15. -
Norm Ruecker, Alpha Hall, is next
with 12; followed by Ken Torger
son. ATO, with 11.
Torgerson so far holds the rec
ord for high score in one game,
28. One point behind Is Lewis
with 22.
Following is the unofficial list
of players with an average of 9 or
more points per game.
Name Games FG FT TP Avo ,
1. Lewis 3
2. Phillips 3
' 3. Hiornan 1
4. 'Viskov 2
5. Hoyer 3
6. Talbot 3
7. Marshall 2
8. Beck 2 •
9. Jones 3
10. Torgerson 3
11. Dunn 3
12. Bonriey 3
13. Duncan 4
14. Mueller 3
15. Miller 3
17. Leter 2
18. Ruecker 3
19. Hempy 2
20. Adams 2
21. Wrightson 1
22. Lindner 1
23. Sjolund... 1
24. Ruhlman 1
25. Dougherty 2
26. Carlson 3
27. Todd 3
28. Briggs 3
29. Haogs 3
30. Mundl.e 2
31. Holt 3
32. Scliuck 3
22 7 51" T7.0
1-8 6 42 • 14.0
.6 2 14. 110
12 3,27,13.5
18 3 39 13.0
15 9 39 13.0
9 7 25 ' 12.5
8 9 23 12.5
13 10 36 12.0
12 11 35 11.6
15 5 35 11.6
10 15 35 11.6
.18 10 43 11.5
13 7 33 11.0 '
13 7 33 11.0
12 9 33 11.0
7 8 22 11.0
10 12 32 10.6
9 2 20 10.0
8 4 20 .10.0 -
5 0 10 10.0
5 0 10 10.0
4 2 10 10.0 -
5 0 10 10.0
7 6 20 10.0 .
13 '5 29 9.6
10 8 28 9.3
12 4 28 9.3
11 5 27 9.0
8 2 18 9.0
12 3 27 9.0
9 9 27 9.0 '
Seton Hall Wins Again
South Orange,. New Jersey (./Pi—
Seton Hall scored a G2-46 victory
over Siena tonight, giving the
South Orange Pirates an unbroken
String of-23 wins. Walt Dukes led
the way with 2& points.